15,172 research outputs found

    Solar type II radio bursts associated with CME expansions as shown by EUV waves

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    We investigate the physical conditions of the sources of two metric Type-II bursts associated with CME expansions with the aim of verifying the relationship between the shocks and the CMEs, comparing the heights of the radio sources and the heights of the EUV waves associated with the CMEs. The heights of the EUV waves associated with the events were determined in relation to the wave fronts. The heights of the shocks were estimated by applying two different density models to the frequencies of the Type-II emissions and compared with the heights of the EUV waves. For the 13 June 2010 event, with band-splitting, the shock speed was estimated from the frequency drifts of the upper and lower branches of the harmonic lane, taking into account the H/F frequency ratio fH/fF = 2. Exponential fits on the intensity maxima of the branches revealed to be more consistent with the morphology of the spectrum of this event. For the 6 June 2012 event, with no band-splitting and with a clear fundamental lane on the spectrum, the shock speed was estimated directly from the frequency drift of the fundamental emission, determined by linear fit on the intensity maxima of the lane. For each event, the most appropriate density model was adopted to estimate the physical parameters of the radio source. The 13 June 2010 event presented a shock speed of 664-719 km/s, consistent with the average speed of the EUV wave fronts of 609 km/s. The 6 June 2012 event was related to a shock of speed of 211-461 km/s, also consistent with the average speed of the EUV wave fronts of 418 km/s. For both events, the heights of the EUV wave revealed to be compatible with the heights of the radio source, assuming a radial propagation of the shock.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Variação da produtividade do arroz de terras altas influenciados pela seca meteorológica em Goiás.

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    A seca é um fenômeno meteorológico caracterizado pela falta de precipitação pluvial, que pode causar grandes prejuízos à produção agrícola. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo caracterizar a ocorrência de seca, utilizando o Índice Padronizado de Precipitação (SPI) em cinco microrregiões do estado de Goiás e sua influencia na produtividade de arroz de terras altas. As cinco microrregiões estudadas foram: Anápolis, Ceres, Iporá, Anicuns e Goiânia. A série de dados históricos de precipitação foi disponibilizada pela Agência Nacional de Águas (ANA), coletados em um município pertencente à microrregião analisada. O período de estudo foi de 1975 a 2005. Os dados de produtividade, para o mesmo período foi disponibilizado pela AGROTEC. Os valores do SPI foram caracterizados pela a ocorrência dos eventos de seca, frequência relativa, comparação com os dados de produtividade do arroz de terras altas e o percentual de acerto do índice. Foi possível observar que o SPI não acompanhou totalmente a variação da produtividade do arroz de terras altas. O SPI apresentou percentuais de acerto baixos, em todas as microrregiões, ficando próximo a 51%

    Recording from two neurons: second order stimulus reconstruction from spike trains and population coding

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    We study the reconstruction of visual stimuli from spike trains, recording simultaneously from the two H1 neurons located in the lobula plate of the fly Chrysomya megacephala. The fly views two types of stimuli, corresponding to rotational and translational displacements. If the reconstructed stimulus is to be represented by a Volterra series and correlations between spikes are to be taken into account, first order expansions are insufficient and we have to go to second order, at least. In this case higher order correlation functions have to be manipulated, whose size may become prohibitively large. We therefore develop a Gaussian-like representation for fourth order correlation functions, which works exceedingly well in the case of the fly. The reconstructions using this Gaussian-like representation are very similar to the reconstructions using the experimental correlation functions. The overall contribution to rotational stimulus reconstruction of the second order kernels - measured by a chi-squared averaged over the whole experiment - is only about 8% of the first order contribution. Yet if we introduce an instant-dependent chi-square to measure the contribution of second order kernels at special events, we observe an up to 100% improvement. As may be expected, for translational stimuli the reconstructions are rather poor. The Gaussian-like representation could be a valuable aid in population coding with large number of neurons

    Scotin, a novel p53-inducible proapoptotic protein located in the ER and the nuclear membrane

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    p53 is a transcription factor that induces growth arrest or apoptosis in response to cellular stress. To identify new p53-inducible proapoptotic genes, we compared, by differential display, the expression of genes in spleen or thymus of normal and p53 nullizygote mice after γ-irradiation of whole animals. We report the identification and characterization of human and mouse Scotin homologues, a novel gene directly transactivated by p53. The Scotin protein is localized to the ER and the nuclear membrane. Scotin can induce apoptosis in a caspase-dependent manner. Inhibition of endogenous Scotin expression increases resistance to p53-dependent apoptosis induced by DNA damage, suggesting that Scotin plays a role in p53-dependent apoptosis. The discovery of Scotin brings to light a role of the ER in p53-dependent apoptosis

    Monte Carlo simulations of 2d hard core lattice gases

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    Monte Carlo simulations are used to study lattice gases of particles with extended hard cores on a two dimensional square lattice. Exclusions of one and up to five nearest neighbors (NN) are considered. These can be mapped onto hard squares of varying side length, λ\lambda (in lattice units), tilted by some angle with respect to the original lattice. In agreement with earlier studies, the 1NN exclusion undergoes a continuous order-disorder transition in the Ising universality class. Surprisingly, we find that the lattice gas with exclusions of up to second nearest neighbors (2NN) also undergoes a continuous phase transition in the Ising universality class, while the Landau-Lifshitz theory predicts that this transition should be in the universality class of the XY model with cubic anisotropy. The lattice gas of 3NN exclusions is found to undergo a discontinuous order-disorder transition, in agreement with the earlier transfer matrix calculations and the Landau-Lifshitz theory. On the other hand, the gas of 4NN exclusions once again exhibits a continuous phase transition in the Ising universality class -- contradicting the predictions of the Landau-Lifshitz theory. Finally, the lattice gas of 5NN exclusions is found to undergo a discontinuous phase transition.Comment: 13 pages, lots of figure

    A symplectic realization of the Volterra lattice

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    We examine the multiple Hamiltonian structure and construct a symplectic realization of the Volterra model. We rediscover the hierarchy of invariants, Poisson brackets and master symmetries via the use of a recursion operator. The rational Volterra bracket is obtained using a negative recursion operator.Comment: 8 page