9,307 research outputs found

    Fluctuation-dissipation ratios in the dynamics of self-assembly

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    We consider two seemingly very different self-assembly processes: formation of viral capsids, and crystallization of sticky discs. At low temperatures, assembly is ineffective, since there are many metastable disordered states, which are a source of kinetic frustration. We use fluctuation-dissipation ratios to extract information about the degree of this frustration. We show that our analysis is a useful indicator of the long term fate of the system, based on the early stages of assembly.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    The stochastic dynamics of nanoscale mechanical oscillators immersed in a viscous fluid

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    The stochastic response of nanoscale oscillators of arbitrary geometry immersed in a viscous fluid is studied. Using the fluctuation-dissipation theorem it is shown that deterministic calculations of the governing fluid and solid equations can be used in a straightforward manner to directly calculate the stochastic response that would be measured in experiment. We use this approach to investigate the fluid coupled motion of single and multiple cantilevers with experimentally motivated geometries.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Unveiling Sources of Heating in the Vicinity of the Orion BN/KL Hot Core as Traced by Highly Excited Inversion Transitions of Ammonia

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    Using the Expanded Very Large Array, we have mapped the vicinity of the Orion BN/KL Hot Core with sub-arcsecond angular resolution in seven metastable inversion transitions of ammonia: (J,K)=(6,6) to (12,12). This emission comes from levels up to 1500 K above the ground state, enabling identification of source(s) responsible for heating the region. We used this multi-transition dataset to produce images of the rotational/kinetic temperature and the column density of ammonia for ortho and para species separately and on a position-by-position basis. We find rotational temperature and column density in the range 160-490 K and (1-4)x10^17 cm^-2, respectively. Our spatially-resolved images show that the highest (column) density and hottest gas is found in a northeast-southwest elongated ridge to the southeast of Source I. We have also measured the ortho-para ratio of ammonia, estimated to vary in the range 0.9-1.6. Enhancement of ortho with respect to para and the offset of hot ammonia emission peaks from known (proto)stellar sources provide evidence that the ammonia molecules have been released from dust grains into the gas-phase through the passage of shocks and not by stellar radiation. We propose that the combined effect of Source I's proper motion and its low-velocity outflow impinging on a pre-existing dense medium is responsible for the excitation of ammonia and the Orion Hot Core. Finally, we found for the first time evidence of a slow (5 km/s) and compact (1000 AU) outflow towards IRc7.Comment: To appear in Astrophysical Journal Letters Special Issue on the EVLA. 8 pages, 4 figure

    Two-stage coarsening mechanism in a kinetically constrained model of an attractive colloid

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    We study an attractive version of the East model using the real-space renormalization group (RG) introduced by Stella et al. The former is a kinetically constrained model with an Ising-like interaction between excitations, and shows striking agreement with the phenomonology of attractive colloidal systems. We find that the RG predicts two nonuniversal dynamic exponents, which suggests that in the out-of-equilibrium regime the model coarsens via a two-stage mechanism. We explain this mechanism physically, and verify this prediction numerically. In addition, we find that the characteristic relaxation time of the model is a non-monotonic function of attraction strength, again in agreement with numerical results.Comment: 10 page

    Equation of state for hard sphere fluids with and without Kac tails

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    In this note, we propose a simple derivation of the one dimensional hard rod equation of state, with and without a Kac tail (appended long range and weak potential). The case of hard spheres in higher dimension is also addressed and it is shown there that our arguments --which avoid any mathematical complication-- allow to recover the virial form of the equation of state in a direct way.Comment: pedagogical pape

    The application of the global isomorphism to the surface tension of the liquid-vapor interface of the Lennard-Jones fluids

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    In this communication we show that the surface tension of the real fluids of the Lennard-Jones type can be obtained from the surface tension of the lattice gas (Ising model) on the basis of the global isomorphism approach developed earlier for the bulk properties.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Finite-temperature critical point of a glass transition

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    We generalize the simplest kinetically constrained model of a glass-forming liquid by softening kinetic constraints, allowing them to be violated with a small finite rate. We demonstrate that this model supports a first-order dynamical (space-time) phase transition, similar to those observed with hard constraints. In addition, we find that the first-order phase boundary in this softened model ends in a finite-temperature dynamical critical point, which we expect to be present in natural systems. We discuss links between this critical point and quantum phase transitions, showing that dynamical phase transitions in dd dimensions map to quantum transitions in the same dimension, and hence to classical thermodynamic phase transitions in d+1d+1 dimensions. We make these links explicit through exact mappings between master operators, transfer matrices, and Hamiltonians for quantum spin chains.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Discrimination, Coping, and Depression among Black Men Who Have Sex with Men

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    Black men who have sex with men (BMSM) have elevated risk for depression compared to the general population. BMSM’s capacity to cope with these experiences is not well understood. Increased understanding of how multiple forms of discrimination contribute to depression and how BMSM cope with discrimination can better inform interventions. Data come from 3,510 BMSM who attended Black Pride events in six U.S. cities from 2015-2017. Participants completed a health survey that ascertained their psychosocial health and resiliency profiles. Using multivariable logistic regression models, we tested the associations between type-specific discrimination (race, sexuality, HIV status) and depression. We then conducted sub-analyses to determine if coping attenuated the association between type-specific discrimination and depression. Our findings indicated that increased odds of depression among BMSM were associated with discrimination based on race (aOR=1.38, 95% CI = 1.08-1.76), sexual orientation (aOR=1.32, 95% CI = 1.01-1.72), and HIV status (aOR=1.53, 95% CI = 1.08-2.17). Sub-analyses indicated coping had inconsistent moderation effects between type-specific discrimination and depression. Our findings demonstrate that impact of various forms of discrimination on BMSM’s mental health and the mitigating role of coping. Interventions should seek to address depression by reducing experiences of discrimination and building coping resiliency

    Negative mass corrections in a dissipative stochastic environment

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    We study the dynamics of a macroscopic object interacting with a dissipative stochastic environment using an adiabatic perturbation theory. The perturbation theory reproduces known expressions for the friction coefficient and, surprisingly, gives an additional negative mass correction. The effect of the negative mass correction is illustrated by studying a harmonic oscillator interacting with a dissipative stochastic environment. While it is well known that the friction coefficient causes a reduction of the oscillation frequency, we show that the negative mass correction can lead to its enhancement. By studying an exactly solvable model of a magnet coupled to a spin environment evolving under standard non-conserving dynamics we show that the effect is present even beyond the validity of the adiabatic perturbation theory.We are grateful to M Kolodrubetz for the careful reading of the manuscript and helpful comments. This work was partially supported by BSF 2010318 (YK and AP), NSF DMR-1506340 (LD and AP), AFOSR FA9550-10-1-0110 (LD and AP), ARO W911NF1410540 (LD and AP) and ISF grant (YK). LD acknowledges the office of Naval Research. YK is grateful to the BU visitors program. (2010318 - BSF; DMR-1506340 - NSF; FA9550-10-1-0110 - AFOSR; W911NF1410540 - ARO; ISF grant)Accepted manuscrip
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