29,436 research outputs found

    What is the impact of health trainer interventions within a mental health setting?

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    This paper relates to a single case study that was part of a larger project using a tried and tested evaluation methodology to evaluate the role of health trainers (HTs) working with groups who are considered ‘difficult’ to engage in health care. In this example, the HTs were based in a mental health centre run by a charity. The service was commissioned by a Primary Care Trust (PCT) located in the North East of England. Data collected between April 2010 and July 2011 included quantitative data from 72 service users from the National Data Collection and Reporting System. Additional quantitative data were obtained from the HTs relating to the usage of group activities and a satisfaction questionnaire completed by service users. Qualitative data included interviews with four key stakeholders, a focus group with service users, case studies and progress reports provided as part of the Centre’s annual reporting requirements for the PCT. Findings reveal that more service users aged 26-44 used the service compared with national figures. Partnership working was essential to embed the initiative into the Centre. HT interventions that were flexible, and gave service users options, encouraged mental health promotion. The success of the intervention depended less on what the HT did and more importantly on how they did it


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    New Generation Cooperatives have emerged as a contemporary means for farmers to invest in further processing activities. This paper considers real options as the basis for evaluating producer investment in a start-up cooperative that involves technological uncertainty. The investment and risk inherent in producer membership in an NGC is analyzed using real options theory logic. Real options theory has recently been extended to technology positioning projects and how the extent of uncertainty influences the value of a technology "option". Conventional net present value formulas have been shown to be limited when the conditions of the investment require substantial commitment under uncertainty, such as investments in technology. Implications for producers are drawn from the analysis. Producers always have the alternative of not investing in the initial start-up but waiting and buying in at a later time, perhaps when less uncertainty prevails. Results indicate that producers are better able to evaluate investment in a NGC using real options.Agribusiness,

    Space Shuttle booster thrust imbalance analysis

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    An analysis of the Shuttle SRM thrust imbalance during the steady-state and tailoff portions of the boost phase of flight are presented. Results from flights STS-1 through STS-13 are included. A statistical analysis of the observed thrust imbalance data is presented. A 3 sigma thrust imbalance history versus time was generated from the observed data and is compared to the vehicle design requirements. The effect on Shuttle thrust imbalance from the use of replacement SRM segments is predicted. Comparisons of observed thrust imbalances with respect to predicted imbalances are presented for the two space shuttle flights which used replacement aft segments (STS-9 and STS-13)

    Distortion of the Magnetosphere During a Magnetic Storm on 30 September, 1961

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    Magnetosphere distortion during magnetic storm observed by Explorer XII satellit

    Bi-polar phase detector and corrector for split phase PCM data signals Patent

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    Bipolar phase detector and corrector for split phase PCM data signal

    Electronic compensation for reflector surface distortion to improve radiation pattern characteristics of antennas

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    A simple procedure is described for determining the excitation coefficients of an array feed which compensates for the surface distortion of a reflector antenna to improve the radiation pattern in such a way as to approximate the performance of the undistorted antenna. A computer simulation for a practical feed array is presented as an example of compensation for the distortion of an actual antenna

    AVIRIS data characteristics and their effects on spectral discrimination of rocks exposed in the Drum Mountains, Utah: Results of a preliminary study

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    Airborne Visible and Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) data collected over a geologically diverse field site and over a nearby calibration site were analyzed and interpreted in efforts to document radiometric and geometric characteristics of AVIRIS, quantify and correct for detrimental sensor phenomena, and evaluate the utility of AVIRIS data for discriminating rock types and identifying their constituent mineralogy. AVIRIS data acquired for these studies exhibit a variety of detrimental artifacts and have lower signal-to-noise ratios than expected in the longer wavelength bands. Artifacts are both inherent in the image data and introduced during ground processing, but most may be corrected by appropriate processing techniques. Poor signal-to-noise characteristics of this AVIRIS data set limited the usefulness of the data for lithologic discrimination and mineral identification. Various data calibration techniques, based on field-acquired spectral measurements, were applied to the AVIRIS data. Major absorption features of hydroxyl-bearing minerals were resolved in the spectra of the calibrated AVIRIS data, and the presence of hydroxyl-bearing minerals at the corresponding ground locations was confirmed by field data

    Ks band secondary eclipses of WASP-19b and WASP-43b with the Anglo-Australian Telescope

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    We report new Ks band secondary eclipse observations for the hot-Jupiters WASP-19b and WASP-43b. Using the IRIS2 infrared camera on the Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT), we measured significant secondary eclipses for both planets, with depths of 0.287 -0.020/+0.020% and 0.181 -0.027/+0.027% for WASP-19b and WASP-43b respectively. We compare the observations to atmosphere models from the VSTAR line-by-line radiative transfer code, and examine the effect of C/O abundance, top layer haze, and metallicities on the observed spectra. We performed a series of signal injection and recovery exercises on the observed light curves to explore the detection thresholds of the AAT+IRIS2 facility. We find that the optimal photometric precision is achieved for targets brighter than Kmag = 9, for which eclipses as shallow as 0.05% are detectable at >5 sigma significance.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 13 pages, 10 figure

    Development of optical diaphragm deflection sensors

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    The objective of this project was to develop high-temperature pressure sensors using non-metallic components and optical sensing methods. The sensors are to operate over a temperature range from room temperature approx. 20C to 540C, to respond to internal pressure up to 690 kPa, to respond to external pressure up to 690 kPa, and to withstand external overpressure of 2070 kPa. Project tasks include evaluating sensing techniques and sensor systems. These efforts include materials and sensing method selection, sensor design, sensor fabrication, and sensor testing. Sensors are tested as a function of temperature, pressure, overpressure, and vibration. The project results show that high-temperature pressure sensors based on glass components and optical sensing methods are feasible. The microbend optical diaphragm deflection sensor exhibits the required sensitivity and stability for use as a pressure sensor with temperature compensation. for the microbend sensor, the 95% confidence level deviation of input pressure from the pressure calculated from the overall temperature-compensated calibration equation is 3.7% of full scale. The limitations of the sensors evaluated are primarily due to the restricted temperature range of suitable commercially available optical fibers and the problems associated with glass-to-metal pressure sealing over the entire testing temperature range