107 research outputs found

    Tailoring second-harmonic generation in birefringent poled fiber via Twist

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    We predict theoretically and demonstrate experimentally the ability to generate and control the strengths of various second-harmonic signals in birefringent poled fiber. This is done by simply twisting the fiber

    Searching for the γ decay from the near-neutron threshold 2+ state in 14C: A probe of collectivization phenomena in light nuclei

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    The γ decay from the 2+2 near-threshold resonance in 14C, located 142 keV above the neutron emission threshold, was searched for in a fusionevaporation experiment at Argonne National Laboratory with the GODDESS setup, comprising the GRETINA γ-ray spectrometer coupled to the ORRUBA charged particle detector. The Shell Model Embedded in the Continuum predicts a significant enhancement of the 2+2 → 0 transition probability, owing to a collectivization of the near-threshold state. The corresponding γ branch is expected to be of the order of 5 × 10−5, which is comparable with the sensitivity of this experiment

    Broadband polarization-entanglement in a poled fiber

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    Broadband polarization-entanglement over 100 nm is demonstrated in a poled fiber phase-matched for type-II downconversion in the 1.5µm telecom-band. Two-photon interference and Hong-Ou-Mandel interference are used experimentally to confirm the broadband nature of the entanglement

    Planning precision aquaculture activities in a changing and crowded sea

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    Extreme climate events are increasingly challenging the growth of the marine aquaculture sector, causing local influences on species performance and affecting production and yield - impacting where to locate cage aquaculture facilities. Here we produced scenario-based quantitative maps using modelled species-specific performance combined with predicted high-resolution future IPCC temperature scenarios. We ran a species-specific Dynamic Energy Budget mechanistic model for four model species, up to 2050, and mapped functional trait-based outcomes as: i) time to reach the commercial size, ii) feces produced and iii) uneaten food. A high spatial resolution suitability index allowed the sustainability of farming strategies for single- and multi-species to be identified across a 159.696 km2 surface extension (Italian Exclusive Economic Zone; 6% of the Mediterranean basin surface). Providing a good case study to shed light on difficult questions facing aquaculture planning around the world. Good future performance under both representative concentration pathway (RCP) scenarios were modelled for Sea bream and European seabass in inshore waters. Performance of Mediterranean mussels and Japanese oysters was found to decrease slightly when compared to the 2007–2010 time interval. Scenario-based quantitative maps represent a heterogeneous species-specific knowledge layer that is critical to better inform aquaculture management and development strategies. Yet this knowledge layer is missing from the process to develop climate-resilient risk maps and associated adaptation measures, as well as when informing stakeholders on potential site expansion and/or the establishment of nascent aquaculture industry sites

    Оцінка якості життя у вікових першовагітних та вагітних з великим інтергенетичним інтервалом

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    Проведено изучение показателей качества жизни у 120 возрастных первобеременных и 240 беременных с большим интергенетическим интервалом с использованием опросника SF-36 Health Status Survey, разработанного The Health Institute, New England Medical Center, Boston, USA. Исследование показало, что пациентки обеих групп имеют низкие показатели качества жизни. При сравнении большинство изучаемых параметров оценки качества жизни в обследованных группах не отличались, однако у пациенток с большим интергенетическим интервалом – достоверно выше оценка социальной роли и энергетичности. Оценка качества жизни у возрастных первобеременных и беременных с большим интергенетическим интервалом является важным сегментом наблюдения во время беременности, который оценивает перспективы развития беременности в психологическом, физическом и социальном аспектах.A study of the life quality of 120 over-age primigravidas and of 240 women with a large intergenetic interval has been carried out using the questionnaire SF-36 Health Status Survey developed by The Health Institute, New England Medical Center, Boston, USA. This research has shown that the patients in the both groups have a low quality of life. The major part of the life quality parameters were the same in the both groups, however, in patients with a large interval between births the values of the social role and the energy level were significantly higher. The life quality of over-age primigravidas and pregnant women with a large interval between successive births is an important sector of observation during pregnancy, which allows assessing the prospects of pregnancy in the psychological, physical, and social aspects

    A Rede Sementes da Agroecologia no Paraná (ReSA).

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    Edição dos anais do VI Congresso Latino-Americano (CLAA), X Congresso Brasileiro (CBA), V Seminário do DF e Entorno (SEMDF), 12-15 setembro de 2017, a Brasília, DF, Brasil

    Oxygen as a Driver of Early Arthropod Micro-Benthos Evolution

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    BACKGROUND: We examine the physiological and lifestyle adaptations which facilitated the emergence of ostracods as the numerically dominant Phanerozoic bivalve arthropod micro-benthos. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The PO(2) of modern normoxic seawater is 21 kPa (air-equilibrated water), a level that would cause cellular damage if found in the tissues of ostracods and much other marine fauna. The PO(2) of most aquatic breathers at the cellular level is much lower, between 1 and 3 kPa. Ostracods avoid oxygen toxicity by migrating to waters which are hypoxic, or by developing metabolisms which generate high consumption of O(2). Interrogation of the Cambrian record of bivalve arthropod micro-benthos suggests a strong control on ecosystem evolution exerted by changing seawater O(2) levels. The PO(2) of air-equilibrated Cambrian-seawater is predicted to have varied between 10 and 30 kPa. Three groups of marine shelf-dwelling bivalve arthropods adopted different responses to Cambrian seawater O(2). Bradoriida evolved cardiovascular systems that favoured colonization of oxygenated marine waters. Their biodiversity declined during intervals associated with black shale deposition and marine shelf anoxia and their diversity may also have been curtailed by elevated late Cambrian (Furongian) oxygen-levels that increased the PO(2) gradient between seawater and bradoriid tissues. Phosphatocopida responded to Cambrian anoxia differently, reaching their peak during widespread seabed dysoxia of the SPICE event. They lacked a cardiovascular system and appear to have been adapted to seawater hypoxia. As latest Cambrian marine shelf waters became well oxygenated, phosphatocopids went extinct. Changing seawater oxygen-levels and the demise of much of the seabed bradoriid micro-benthos favoured a third group of arthropod micro-benthos, the ostracods. These animals adopted lifestyles that made them tolerant of changes in seawater O(2). Ostracods became the numerically dominant arthropod micro-benthos of the Phanerozoic. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our work has implications from an evolutionary context for understanding how oxygen-level in marine ecosystems drives behaviour