122 research outputs found

    The orbit, structure and evolution of the Lyrid meteoroid stream

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    The orbit and structure of the Lyrid meteor stream based on photographic orbits available in the IAU Meteor database are investigated. Seventeen Lyrids were found in the database and the radiant and orbit of the stream were derived. In the stream three very distinct groups of orbits—short-period, longperiod and extreme (hyperbolic orbits), are separated. The mutual consistence of the groups is investigated by following the orbital evolution of individual meteors. The long-period group has the evolution almost identical with that of the parent comet C/1861 G1 Thatcher. The hyperbolic orbits are most probably the result of erroneous measurements

    The orbit and evolution of the Geminid meteoroid stream

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    The orbit and radiant of the Geminid meteoroid stream based on an analysis of the current version of the IAU MDC catalogue of photographic meteors are studied and discussed. The mean orbit, shape, size and ephemeris of the radiant are derived. The radiant area of the central part of the stream is more concentrated with the densest part of the size of 2◦ × 2◦. The orbital evolution of the stream is investigated and compared with the evolution of its potential parent asteroid 3200 Phaethon

    On the association of the daytime Taurid complex meteor streams with asteroids

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    The Taurid meteor complex daytime streams Zeta Perseids and Beta Taurids are investigated from the viewpoint of their orbital evolution and relation to the streams of the preperihelion branch of the complex. A search for potential co-parents among NEOs known until mid-June 2005 is made and two candidates for the association with the Zeta Perseids and two for the Beta Taurids are found. The Beta Taurids are shown to be postperihelion continuation of the Northern Taurids and Zeta Perseids are continuation of two complex filaments related to the Southern Taurids

    Acute liver injury and anorexia nervosa: A case report

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    Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by restriction of energy intake leading to a significant decrease in body weight. While it is primarily a psychiatric disorder, numerous medical complications can occur. In this article we describe a case of a 25-year-old woman with a 12-year history of severe restrictive anorexia nervosa that was referred to the Emergency Service of our Hospital, transferred from a psychiatric institute, for severe weight loss, dehydration, and progressive increase in transaminases. During the hospital stay she developed an acute liver injury with an increase in transaminase level up to 40× the ULN. Infective and immunological causes of acute hepatitis were excluded. In the suspect of severe starvation acute liver injury, we performed a nutritional assessment and started parenteral nutrition. After 15 days of parenteral nutrition, she gained 2.5 kg of body weight and liver tests were drastically reduced and nearly normal

    Electrochemotherapy Is Effective in the Treatment of Bone Metastases

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    Bone metastases induce pain, risk of fracture, and neural compression, and reduced mobility and quality of life. Electrochemotherapy (ECT) is a minimally invasive local treatment based on a high-voltage electric pulse combined with an anticancer drug. Preclinical and clinical studies have supported the use of ECT in patients with metastatic bone disease, demonstrating that it does not damage the mineral structure of the bone and its regenerative capacity, and that is feasible and efficient for the treatment of bone metastases. Since 2009, 88 patients with bone metastasis have received ECT at the Rizzoli Institute. 2014 saw the start of a registry of patients with bone metastases treated with ECT, whose data are recorded in a shared database. We share the Rizzoli Institute experience of 38 patients treated with ECT for a bone metastasis, excluding patients not included in the registry (before 2014) and those treated with bone fixation. Mean follow-up was 2 months (1–52). Response to treatment using RECIST criteria was 29% objective responses, 59% stable disease, and 16% progressive disease. Using PERCIST, the response was 36% OR, 14% SD, and 50% PD with no significant differences between the two criteria. A significant decrease in pain and better quality of life was observed at FU

    Paraneoplastic Anti-Tif1-gamma Autoantibody-positive Dermatomyositis as Clinical Presentation of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Recurrence

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is rarely associated with autoimmune paraneoplastic syndromes. We report a case of anti-transcriptional intermediary factor-1 gamma (TIF1-??)-positive dermatomyositis (DM) as clinical presentation of HCC recurrence in a 72-year-old male patient admitted to our hospital due to fatigue, myalgia, and typical skin rash. His medical history was notable for hepatitis C-related cir-rhosis, successful treatment with direct-acting antiviral agents, and previously efficacious treatment of HCC. Labo-ratory testing showed significant rhabdomyolysis with anti-TIF1-?? antibodies at high titer, and DM was diagnosed. After a careful diagnostic workup, HCC recurrence was diagnosed. After first-line corticosteroid treatment, azathioprine and in-travenous immunoglobulin treatments were administered; unfortunately, he mounted only partial response. Owing to the compromised performance status, no HCC treatment was feasible, and, according to international guidelines, he received only best supportive care. Here, we discuss the diagnostic, prognostic, and pathogenic roles of anti-TIF1-?? antibodies associated with paraneoplastic DM and the scant literature data on its occurrence in HCC patients. Consider-ing the TIF1 gene family???s established role in oncogenesis, we also review the role of TIF1-?? as a tumor-related neo-antigen, leading to the development of clinically overt anti-TIF1-?? antibodies-positive DM

    The Geminid meteor shower of 1996-2003 from forward-scatter observations: Activity and mass distribution

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    Observations of the Geminid meteor shower in 1996-2003 by a forward-scatter radio system for meteor observation operating simultaneously along two baselines, Bologna-Lecce (Italy) and Bologna-Modra (Slovakia), are analysed and discussed. The activity curves of long-duration echoes (≥ 8 s) and their variations indicate a complex structure of the stream. The width of the stream at a half maximum rate level is about two days. The mass distribution exponent s and its variations in the period of the shower maximum indicate a relatively stable population of meteoroids in the stream with a population of smaller particles preceding the activity peak composed of larger particles

    Clinical and functional outcomes of the saddle prosthesis

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    BACKGROUND:The implantation of a saddle prosthesis after resection of a pelvic tumor has been proposed as a simple method of reconstruction that provides good stability and reduces the surgical time, thus limits the onset of intraoperative complications. There are no studies in the literature of patients evaluated using gait analysis after being implanted with a saddle prosthesis. The present study is a retrospective case review aimed at illustrating long-term clinical and functional findings in tumor patients reconstructed with a saddle prosthesis. MATERIALS AND METHODS:A series of 15 patients who received pelvic reconstruction with a saddle prosthesis were retrospectively reviewed in terms of clinical, radiographic, and functional evaluations. Two patients were additionally assessed by gait analysis. RESULTS:Long-term functional follow-up was achieved in only 6 patients, and ranged from 97 to 167 months. Function was found to be rather impaired, as a mean of only 57 % of normal activity was restored. Gait analysis demonstrated that the implant had poor biomechanics, as characterized by very limited hip motion. CONCLUSIONS: Though the saddle prosthesis was proposed as advance in tumor-related pelvic surgery, the present study indicates that it yields unsatisfactory clinical and functional results due to both clinical complications and the poor biomechanics of the device. The use of a saddle prosthesis in tumor surgery did not provide satisfactory results in long-term follow-up. It is no longer implanted at our institute, and is currently considered a "salvage technique.