13 research outputs found

    Treatment Motivation Factor Analysis of Patients with Substance Use Disorders In Latvia

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    Motivation plays a significant role in treatment of any illness especially for the patients with addiction problems, moreover motivation is a factor which influences patients to look for treatment possibilities, follow instructions of the treatment and particularly make prosperous long term changes. The purpose of this study is to examine the treatment motivation; stages of motivational changes and influencing factors of motivation among patients with substance use disorders in Latvia. Following research tools were used: a demographic questionnaire developed by the study authors, SOCRATES 8A/ 8D questionnaires (Miller & Tonigan, 1996) and “Treatment motivation questionnaire” (Ryan, Plant & O’Malley, 1995). Results of motivation scores in this population tended to be quite high, particularly to Internal Motivation and Help Seeking scale, furthermore average for Internal Reasons and Help Seeking increased during the treatment statistically significantly.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Statistical phase estimation and error mitigation on a superconducting quantum processor

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    Quantum phase estimation (QPE) is a key quantum algorithm, which has been widely studied as a method to perform chemistry and solid-state calculations on future fault-tolerant quantum computers. Recently, several authors have proposed statistical alternatives to QPE that have benefits on early fault-tolerant devices, including shorter circuits and better suitability for error-mitigation techniques. However, experimental investigations of the algorithm on real quantum processors are lacking. Here, we implement statistical phase estimation on Rigetti’s superconducting processors. Specifically, we use a modification of the Lin and Tong [PRX Quantum 3, 010318 (2022)] algorithm with the improved Fourier approximation of Wan et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 030503 (2022)] and apply a variational-compilation technique to reduce the circuit depth. We then incorporate error-mitigation strategies including zero-noise extrapolation and readout-error mitigation with bit-flip averaging. We propose a new method to estimate energies from the statistical phase estimation data, which is found to improve the accuracy in the final energy estimates by 1–2 orders of magnitude with respect to prior theoretical bounds, reducing the cost of performing accurate phase-estimation calculations. We apply these methods to chemistry problems for active spaces up to four electrons in four orbitals, including the application of a quantum embedding method, and use them to correctly estimate energies within chemical precision. Our work demonstrates that statistical phase estimation has a natural resilience to noise, particularly after mitigating coherent errors, and can achieve far higher accuracy than suggested by previous analysis, demonstrating its potential as a valuable quantum algorithm for early fault-tolerant devices

    Stress Coping of Patients with Substance use Disorder in Latvia

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    Stress is a part of our everyday life and it plays an important role in causing various diseases. Studies related to aetiology of using pshyhoactive substances have shown that stress is one of strongest factor that provokes the use of addictive substanceswhichemphasizes necessity of research aboutstress copingtypes for patients with addiction. Purpose of study is to examine stress coping among patients with substance use disorders in Latvia.2 research tools were used: a demographic questionnaire and “The Ways of coping scale” (Folkman& Lazarus, 1985). The results show that women use emotion-oriented stress coping. For women who have completed treatment, more specific ways of stress coping are accepting responsibility, escape-avoidance and positive reappraisal. Among men, the dominant stress coping strategy is problem-oriented stress coping. Male patients who have completed treatment use more accepting responsibility and planful problem solving.publishersversionPeer reviewe