4 research outputs found

    A model of collaborative innovation between local government and tourism operators

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    [EN] This research proposes a framework for collaborative innovation in a public private partnership by applying techniques that combine quantitative data collection and qualitative depth. It proposes a collaborative model that looks to provide competitive advantage by improving tourist services from two perspectives: from the core of public administration, and from the private tourist sector perspective.Pons Morera, C.; Canós Darós, L.; Gil Pechuán, I. (2017). A model of collaborative innovation between local government and tourism operators. SERVICE BUSINESS. AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL. 1-26. doi:10.1007/s11628-017-0341-xS126Anderberg MR (1973) Cluster analysis for applications. Academic Press, New YorkAugustyn K (2000) Performance of tourism partnerships: a focus on York. Tour Manag 2:341–351Aziri B, Nedelea A (2013) Business strategies in tourism. Ecoforum 2(1):9Baglieri D, Consoli R (2009) Collaborative innovation in tourism: managing virtual communities. 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    Transparent fuzzy logic based methods for some human resource problems

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    Personnel selection and reallocation are human resources policies that should be planned andimplemented accurately because of their importance to the future of the company. When a person is hired, he or sherepresents an investment in human capital. This is the reason because managers have to use different tools in order tomake good decisions. In this paper we present some fuzzy tools for personnel selection and reallocation processes andthe advantages and disadvantages of their applying. Moreover, we show some examples, including the use of a specific software

    Un algoritmo para el cálculo del conjunto dominante finito del problema generalizado de la p-centdiana

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    Los problemas de localización tratan de averiguar la ubicación de las instalaciones de una empresa de modo que se minimicen los costes o se maximicen los beneficios. Dos de los modelos más utilizados en ocalización en redes son el problema de la p-mediana y el problema del p-centro. El primero consiste en minimizar la suma total de las distancias ponderadas, mientras que el segundo trata de minimizar la máxima distancia ponderada desde un centro de servicio hasta sus usuarios asignados. El objetivo del problema de la p-mediana hace que sea eficiente pero no equitativo, mientras que la cota implícita en el problema del p-centro lo convierte en equitativo pero no eficiente. Para combinar ambos aspectos, aparece en la década de los 70 un nuevo problema, el de la p-centdiana, cuya función objetivo es una mezcla de las dos anteriores. En este trabajo consideramos el problema generalizado de la p-centdiana sobre una red en la que los pesos asociados al p-centro y a la p-mediana no son necesariamente iguales. Mientras que los conjuntos dominantes finitos de los dos primeros problemas son relativamente sencillos de calcular, esto no es así para la p-centdiana generalizada. Proponemos un algoritmo que nos permitirá calcular este conjunto

    A genetic algorithm for the design of job rotation schedules considering ergonomic and competence criteria

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    Job rotation is an organizational strategy increasingly used in manufacturing systems as it provides benefits to both workers and management in an organization. Job rotation prevents musculoskeletal disorders, eliminates boredom and increases job satisfaction and morale. As a result, the company gains a skilled and motivated workforce, which leads to increases in productivity, employee loyalty and decreases in employee turnover. A multi-criteria genetic algorithm is employed to generate job rotation schedules, with considering the most adequate employee-job assignments to prevent musculoskeletal disorders caused by accumulation of fatigue. The algorithm provides the best adequacy available between workers and the competences needed for performing the tasks. The design of the rotation schedules is based not only on ergonomic criteria but also on issues related to product quality and employee satisfaction. The model includes the workers' competences as a measure for the goodness of solutions. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.We thank the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia for its support of this research through its Research and Development Program 2009 and financing through the project PAID-06-09/2902. The Universidad Politecnica de Valencia has funded the translation of this work.Asensio Cuesta, S.; Diego Más, JA.; Canós Darós, L.; Andrés Romano, C. (2012). A genetic algorithm for the design of job rotation schedules considering ergonomic and competence criteria. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 60(9-12):1161-1174. doi:10.1007/s00170-011-3672-0S11611174609-12Podniece Z (2008) Work-related musculoskeletal disorders: prevention report. European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, BelgiumBernard B, Sauter S, Fine LJ, Petersen I, Hales T (1994) Job task and psychosocial risk factors for work-related musculoskeletal disorders among new paper employees. 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