294 research outputs found

    Energy non-equipartition in multicomponent granular mixtures

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    We study non-equipartition of energy in granular fluids composed by an arbitrarily large number of components. We focus on a simple mean field model, based upon a Maxwell collision operator kernel, and predict the temperature ratios for the species. Moreover, we perform Direct Monte Carlo simulations in order to verify the predictions.Comment: submitted to PR

    Thermal conductivity in large-JJ two-dimensional antiferromagnets: Role of phonon scattering

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    Motivated by the recent heat transport experiments in 2D antiferromagnets, such as La2_2CuO4_4, where the exchange coupling JJ is larger than the Debye energy ΘD\Theta_{\rm D}, we discuss different types of relaxation processes for magnon heat current with a particular focus on coupling to 3D phonons. We study thermal conductivity by these in-plane magnetic excitations using two distinct techniques, Boltzmann formalism within the relaxation-time approximation and memory-function approach. Within these approaches, a close consideration is given to the scattering of magnons by both acoustic and optical branches of phonons. A remarkable accord between the two methods with regards to the asymptotic behavior of the effective relaxation rates is demonstrated. Additional scattering mechanisms, due to grain boundaries, impurities, and finite correlation length in the paramagnetic phase, are discussed and included in the calculations of the thermal conductivity κ(T)\kappa(T). Again, we demonstrate a close similarity of the results from the two techniques of calculating κ(T)\kappa(T). Our complementary approach strongly suggests that scattering from optical or zone-boundary phonons is important for magnon heat current relaxation in a high temperature window of ΘD≲T≪J\Theta_D\lesssim T \ll J.Comment: 21+ pages, 16 figure

    Highly Dispersive Scattering From Defects In Non-Collinear Magnets

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    We demonstrate that point-like defects in non-collinear magnets give rise to a highly dispersive structure in the magnon scattering, violating a standard paradigm of its momentum independence. For a single impurity spin coupled to a prototypical non-collinear antiferromagnet we find that the resolvent is dominated by a distinct dispersive structure with its momentum-dependence set by the magnon dispersion and shifted by the ordering vector. This feature is a consequence of umklapp scattering off the impurity-induced spin texture, which arises due to the non-collinear ground state of the host system. Detailed results for the staggered and uniform magnetization of this texture as well as the T-matrix from numerical linear spin-wave theory are presented.Comment: 5+5 pages, 4+5 fig

    From particle segregation to the granular clock

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    Recently several authors studied the segregation of particles for a system composed of mono-dispersed inelastic spheres contained in a box divided by a wall in the middle. The system exhibited a symmetry breaking leading to an overpopulation of particles in one side of the box. Here we study the segregation of a mixture of particles composed of inelastic hard spheres and fluidized by a vibrating wall. Our numerical simulations show a rich phenomenology: horizontal segregation and periodic behavior. We also propose an empirical system of ODEs representing the proportion of each type of particles and the segregation flux of particles. These equations reproduce the major features observed by the simulations.Comment: 10 page

    A note on dualities in Einstein's gravity in the presence of a non-minimally coupled scalar field

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    We show that the action of Einstein's gravity with a scalar field coupled in a generic way to spacetime curvature is invariant under a particular set of conformal transformations. These transformations relate dual theories for which the effective couplings of the theory are scaled uniformly. In the simplest case, this class of dualities reduce to the S-duality of low-energy effective action of string theory.Comment: 12 page

    Spin-Dynamics of the antiferromagnetic S=1/2-Chain at finite magnetic Fields and intermediate Temperatures

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    We present a study of the dynamic structure factor of the antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain at finite temperatures and finite magnetic fields. Using Quantum-Monte-Carlo based on the stochastic series expansion and Maximum-Entropy methods we evaluate the longitudinal and the transverse dynamic structure factor from vanishing magnetic fields up to and above the threshold BcB_c for ferromagnetic saturation, as well as for high and for intermediate temperatures. We study the field-induced redistribution of spectral weight contrasting longitudinal versus transverse excitations. At finite fields below saturation incommensurate low-energy modes are found consistent with zero temperature Bethe-Ansatz. The crossover between the field induced ferromagnet above BcB_c and the Luttinger liquid below BcB_c is analyzed in terms of the transverse spin-dynamics. Evaluating sum-rules we assess the quality of the analytic continuation and demonstrate excellent consistency of the Maximum-Entropy results.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure
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