4,534 research outputs found

    Metal-insulator transition from combined disorder and interaction effects in Hubbard-like electronic lattice models with random hopping

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    We uncover a disorder-driven instability in the diffusive Fermi liquid phase of a class of many-fermion systems, indicative of a metal-insulator transition of first order type, which arises solely from the competition between quenched disorder and interparticle interactions. Our result is expected to be relevant for sufficiently strong disorder in d = 3 spatial dimensions. Specifically, we study a class of half-filled, Hubbard-like models for spinless fermions with (complex) random hopping and short-ranged interactions on bipartite lattices, in d > 1. In a given realization, the hopping disorder breaks time reversal invariance, but preserves the special ``nesting'' symmetry responsible for the charge density wave instability of the ballistic Fermi liquid. This disorder may arise, e.g., from the application of a random magnetic field to the otherwise clean model. We derive a low energy effective field theory description for this class of disordered, interacting fermion systems, which takes the form of a Finkel'stein non-linear sigma model [A. M. Finkel'stein, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 84, 168 (1983), Sov. Phys. JETP 57, 97 (1983)]. We analyze the Finkel'stein sigma model using a perturbative, one-loop renormalization group analysis controlled via an epsilon-expansion in d = 2 + epsilon dimensions. We find that, in d = 2 dimensions, the interactions destabilize the conducting phase known to exist in the disordered, non-interacting system. The metal-insulator transition that we identify in d > 2 dimensions occurs for disorder strengths of order epsilon, and is therefore perturbatively accessible for epsilon << 1. We emphasize that the disordered system has no localized phase in the absence of interactions, so that a localized phase, and the transition into it, can only appear due to the presence of the interactions.Comment: 47 pages, 25 figures; submitted to Phys. Rev. B. Long version of arXiv:cond-mat/060757

    Mott-Kondo Insulator Behavior in the Iron Oxychalcogenides

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    We perform a combined experimental-theoretical study of the Fe-oxychalcogenides (FeO\emph{Ch}) series La2_{2}O2_{2}Fe2_{2}O\emph{M}2_{2} (\emph{M}=S, Se), which is the latest among the Fe-based materials with the potential \ to show unconventional high-Tc_{c} superconductivity (HTSC). A combination of incoherent Hubbard features in X-ray absorption (XAS) and resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) spectra, as well as resitivity data, reveal that the parent FeO\emph{Ch} are correlation-driven insulators. To uncover microscopics underlying these findings, we perform local density approximation-plus-dynamical mean field theory (LDA+DMFT) calculations that unravel a Mott-Kondo insulating state. Based upon good agreement between theory and a range of data, we propose that FeO\emph{Ch} may constitute a new, ideal testing ground to explore HTSC arising from a strange metal proximate to a novel selective-Mott quantum criticality

    Refined conformal spectra in the dimer model

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    Working with Lieb's transfer matrix for the dimer model, we point out that the full set of dimer configurations may be partitioned into disjoint subsets (sectors) closed under the action of the transfer matrix. These sectors are labelled by an integer or half-integer quantum number we call the variation index. In the continuum scaling limit, each sector gives rise to a representation of the Virasoro algebra. We determine the corresponding conformal partition functions and their finitizations, and observe an intriguing link to the Ramond and Neveu-Schwarz sectors of the critical dense polymer model as described by a conformal field theory with central charge c=-2.Comment: 44 page

    On the study of jamming percolation

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    We investigate kinetically constrained models of glassy transitions, and determine which model characteristics are crucial in allowing a rigorous proof that such models have discontinuous transitions with faster than power law diverging length and time scales. The models we investigate have constraints similar to that of the knights model, introduced by Toninelli, Biroli, and Fisher (TBF), but differing neighbor relations. We find that such knights-like models, otherwise known as models of jamming percolation, need a ``No Parallel Crossing'' rule for the TBF proof of a glassy transition to be valid. Furthermore, most knight-like models fail a ``No Perpendicular Crossing'' requirement, and thus need modification to be made rigorous. We also show how the ``No Parallel Crossing'' requirement can be used to evaluate the provable glassiness of other correlated percolation models, by looking at models with more stable directions than the knights model. Finally, we show that the TBF proof does not generalize in any straightforward fashion for three-dimensional versions of the knights-like models.Comment: 13 pages, 18 figures; Spiral model does satisfy property

    Explicit characterization of the identity configuration in an Abelian Sandpile Model

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    Since the work of Creutz, identifying the group identities for the Abelian Sandpile Model (ASM) on a given lattice is a puzzling issue: on rectangular portions of Z^2 complex quasi-self-similar structures arise. We study the ASM on the square lattice, in different geometries, and a variant with directed edges. Cylinders, through their extra symmetry, allow an easy determination of the identity, which is a homogeneous function. The directed variant on square geometry shows a remarkable exact structure, asymptotically self-similar.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Using ordinal logistic regression to evaluate the performance of laser-Doppler predictions of burn-healing time

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    Background Laser-Doppler imaging (LDI) of cutaneous blood flow is beginning to be used by burn surgeons to predict the healing time of burn wounds; predicted healing time is used to determine wound treatment as either dressings or surgery. In this paper, we do a statistical analysis of the performance of the technique. Methods We used data from a study carried out by five burn centers: LDI was done once between days 2 to 5 post burn, and healing was assessed at both 14 days and 21 days post burn. Random-effects ordinal logistic regression and other models such as the continuation ratio model were used to model healing-time as a function of the LDI data, and of demographic and wound history variables. Statistical methods were also used to study the false-color palette, which enables the laser-Doppler imager to be used by clinicians as a decision-support tool. Results Overall performance is that diagnoses are over 90% correct. Related questions addressed were what was the best blood flow summary statistic and whether, given the blood flow measurements, demographic and observational variables had any additional predictive power (age, sex, race, % total body surface area burned (%TBSA), site and cause of burn, day of LDI scan, burn center). It was found that mean laser-Doppler flux over a wound area was the best statistic, and that, given the same mean flux, women recover slightly more slowly than men. Further, the likely degradation in predictive performance on moving to a patient group with larger %TBSA than those in the data sample was studied, and shown to be small. Conclusion Modeling healing time is a complex statistical problem, with random effects due to multiple burn areas per individual, and censoring caused by patients missing hospital visits and undergoing surgery. This analysis applies state-of-the art statistical methods such as the bootstrap and permutation tests to a medical problem of topical interest. New medical findings are that age and %TBSA are not important predictors of healing time when the LDI results are known, whereas gender does influence recovery time, even when blood flow is controlled for. The conclusion regarding the palette is that an optimum three-color palette can be chosen 'automatically', but the optimum choice of a 5-color palette cannot be made solely by optimizing the percentage of correct diagnoses

    Spectral and total radiation properties of turbulent carbon monoxide/air diffusion flames

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/76724/1/AIAA-1986-294-399.pd
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