303 research outputs found

    Solitons in the Calogero model for distinguishable particles

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    We consider a large āˆ’N,- N, two-family Calogero model in the Hamiltonian, collective-field approach. The Bogomol'nyi limit appears and the corresponding solutions are given by the static-soliton configurations. Solitons from different families are localized at the same place. They behave like a paired hole and lump on the top of the uniform vacuum condensates, depending on the values of the coupling strengths. When the number of particles in the first family is much larger than that of the second family, the hole solution goes to the vortex profile already found in the one-family Calogero model.Comment: 14 pages, no figures, late


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    Starenje sjemena jedan je od glavnih uzroka smanjenog vigora i slabijeg poljskog nicanja, Å”to dolazi do izražaja u nepovoljnim uvjetima. U ovom istraživanju ispitan je vigor sjemena soje kroz četiri laboratorijska testa (energija klijanja-EK, standardna klijavost-SK, cold test-CT i električni konduktivitet sjemena-EC) te u poljskom pokusu (rani rok sjetve-RRS i optimalni rok sjetve-ORS). U istraživanju je koriÅ”teno sjeme 5 kultivara soje Poljoprivrednog instituta Osijek, proizvedenih tijekom tri godine (1999., 2000. i 2001). Prije ispitivanja, sjeme je čuvano u skladiÅ”nim uvjetima u trajanju 6, 18 ili 30 mjeseci. Pod utjecajem starosti sjemena, tretmana sjemena fungicidom (Vitavax 200 FF), kultivara i roka sjetve, utvrđene su značajne razlike u vigoru testiranog sjemena soje. Visokokvalitetno sjeme s EK i SK iznad 85% dalo je odgovarajuće sklopove biljaka u oba roka sjetve, kao i sjeme s CT iznad 70% ili EC ispod 42 Ī¼Scm-1g-1. Nasuprot tomu, kod sjemena smanjenog vigora postoji velika mogućnost reduciranog poljskog nicanja, posebno u RRS. Međutim, tretman sjemena fungicidom, kao i sjetva u ORS, mogu značajno pridonijeti poboljÅ”anju kvalitete sjemena i sklopa biljaka u polju. Korelacijska analiza potvrdila je značajnu vezu (sign. 99%) svih ispitanih pokazatelja vigora sjemena. Poljsko nicanje u ranom roku sjetve bilo je u najjačoj vezi s CT i kod netretiranog (r=0.949**) i kod tretiranog sjemena (r=0.951**), dok je s poljskim nicanjem u optimalnom roku sjetve najjače korelirala SK (za netretirano sjeme r=0.938**, a za tretirano sjeme r=0.942**). Zdravstvenom analizom sjemena utvrđena je značajna razlika u intenzitetu zaraze sjemena gljivicama, ovisno o tretmanu fungicidom, kultivaru i starosti sjemena. Ukupna zaraza sjemena, kao i zaraza patogenom Fusarium spp., bila je u značajnoj negativnoj vezi s pokazateljima vigora sjemena. Svi ispitani činitelji vigora sjemena soje indirektno su djelovali na urod zrna putem ostvarenog sklopa biljaka.Seed ageing is an important cause of low vigor and bad field emergence, especially in adverse seedbed conditions. Therefore, in this investigation, soybean seed vigor was tested by four laboratory tests (germination energy GE, standard germination SG, cold test CT, electrical conductivity EC) and in field trial, as well (early planting dates Epd and optimal planting dates Opd). The soybean seed of 5 cultivars from Agricultural Institute Osijek, produced in the 3 years (1999., 2000., 2001.) was used in the investigation. The seed was stored in a warehouse conditions for 6, 18 or 30 months prior to testing. Tested soybean seed showed significant differences in seed vigor influenced by seed age, seed treatment with fungicide (Vitavax 200 FF), cultivar and planting date. High quality seed with GE and SG over 85%,performed quite well in both planting dates, as well as seeds with the CT over 70% or with EC under 42 Ī¼Scm-1g-1. On the contrary, considering seed with reduced vigor there is a very great possibility of reduced FE especially in Epd. However, seed treatment with fungicide and sowing in optimal seedbed conditions can significantly contribute to improvement of soybean seed performance and stand establishment. Correlation analyses showed that all tested seed vigor parameters were significantly connected (sign. level 99%). At early planting, the strongest correlation was established between the field emergence and CT (untreated seed, r=0.949** and for treated seed r=0.951**) whereas in optimal planting date was between the field emergence and SG (for untreated seed r=0. 938** and for treated seed r=0.942**). Laboratory seed health testing showed significant differences in fungal disease intensity influenced by fungicide seed treatment, cultivar and seed age. Total seed infection and infection with Fusarium spp. was adversely correlated with all vigor parameters. All tested vigor parameters of soybean seed had influence on grain yield indirectly by crop stand establishment


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    The study aimed to examine the changes in seed vigor and oil content in different genotypes of maize, soybean and sunflower over three years (2002-2005) in two type storage conditions differed in terms of air temperature and humidity: 25Ā°C/75% and 12Ā°C/60%, respectively. Affected by storage longevity, on an average, seed vigor decreased by 13.5% in maize and by 26.5% in both soybean and sunflower, respectively. Seed oil content decreased by 0.58% in maize, 1.68% in soybean and 8.04% in sunflower. Differences in seed vigor and oil content affected by storage longevity were significant among tested crops and genotypes into crop. Storage longevity was negatively associated with seed vigor and oil content. At storage conditions by 12Ā°C/60%, decline of seed vigor was less by 7% (maize), by 11% (sunflower, soybean) and decreasing of seed oil content was less for 0.25% (maize), 0.53% (soybean) and 1.75% (sunflower) than in storage conditions by 25Ā°C/75%. In summary, the lowest seed quality losses were in maize, followed by soybean and the highest ones in sunflower. Decreasing seed quality losses is possible with providing suitable storage conditions, particularly for soybean and sunflower.Istraživanjem je utvrđen utjecaj uvjeta skladiÅ”tenja dorađenog nezapraÅ”enog sjemena hibrida kukuruza i suncokreta te sorata soje na vigor i sadržaj ulja nakon skladiÅ”tenja od 36 mjeseci (2002.-2005.) u dva tipa skladiÅ”ta različite temperature i vlage zraka (S1: 25Ā°C/75% i S2 12Ā°C/60%). Nakon skaldiÅ”tenja, vigor sjemena je umanjen za 13,5% kod kukuruza, 26,5% kod soje i 27,1% kod suncokreta. Sadržaj ulja u zrnu je umanjen za 0,58% kod kukuruza, 1,68% kod soje i za 8,04% kod suncokreta. Duljinom skladiÅ”tenja umanjen je vigor i sadržaj ulja. U uvjetima skladiÅ”ta S1 je manje umanjenje vigora za 7% (kukuruz), 11% (suncokret, soja), kao i manje umanjenje sadržaja ulja za 0,25% (kukuruz), 0,53% (soja) i 1.75% (suncokret) u odnosu na uvjete skladiÅ”tenja u skladiÅ”tu S2. Kakvoća sjemena je tijekom skladiÅ”tenja ovisna o vrsti kultivara, genotipu i uvjetima skladiÅ”tenja

    A Nonrelativistic Chiral Soliton in One Dimension

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    I analyze the one-dimensional, cubic Schr\"odinger equation, with nonlinearity constructed from the current density, rather than, as is usual, from the charge density. A soliton solution is found, where the soliton moves only in one direction. Relation to higher-dimensional Chern--Simons theory is indicated. The theory is quantized and results for the two-body quantum problem agree at weak coupling with those coming from a semiclassical quantization of the soliton.Comment: 11 pages, Latex2


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    The study aimed to examine the changes in seed vigor and oil content in different genotypes of maize, soybean and sunflower over three years (2002-2005) in two type storage conditions differed in terms of air temperature and humidity: 25Ā°C/75% and 12Ā°C/60%, respectively. Affected by storage longevity, on an average, seed vigor decreased by 13.5% in maize and by 26.5% in both soybean and sunflower, respectively. Seed oil content decreased by 0.58% in maize, 1.68% in soybean and 8.04% in sunflower. Differences in seed vigor and oil content affected by storage longevity were significant among tested crops and genotypes into crop. Storage longevity was negatively associated with seed vigor and oil content. At storage conditions by 12Ā°C/60%, decline of seed vigor was less by 7% (maize), by 11% (sunflower, soybean) and decreasing of seed oil content was less for 0.25% (maize), 0.53% (soybean) and 1.75% (sunflower) than in storage conditions by 25Ā°C/75%. In summary, the lowest seed quality losses were in maize, followed by soybean and the highest ones in sunflower. Decreasing seed quality losses is possible with providing suitable storage conditions, particularly for soybean and sunflower.Istraživanjem je utvrđen utjecaj uvjeta skladiÅ”tenja dorađenog nezapraÅ”enog sjemena hibrida kukuruza i suncokreta te sorata soje na vigor i sadržaj ulja nakon skladiÅ”tenja od 36 mjeseci (2002.-2005.) u dva tipa skladiÅ”ta različite temperature i vlage zraka (S1: 25Ā°C/75% i S2 12Ā°C/60%). Nakon skaldiÅ”tenja, vigor sjemena je umanjen za 13,5% kod kukuruza, 26,5% kod soje i 27,1% kod suncokreta. Sadržaj ulja u zrnu je umanjen za 0,58% kod kukuruza, 1,68% kod soje i za 8,04% kod suncokreta. Duljinom skladiÅ”tenja umanjen je vigor i sadržaj ulja. U uvjetima skladiÅ”ta S1 je manje umanjenje vigora za 7% (kukuruz), 11% (suncokret, soja), kao i manje umanjenje sadržaja ulja za 0,25% (kukuruz), 0,53% (soja) i 1.75% (suncokret) u odnosu na uvjete skladiÅ”tenja u skladiÅ”tu S2. Kakvoća sjemena je tijekom skladiÅ”tenja ovisna o vrsti kultivara, genotipu i uvjetima skladiÅ”tenja

    Učinci hiperbaričnog kisika na vidne funkcije u bolesnika s ishemičnom optičkom neuropatijom

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    The effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy were studied in nine patients with non-arteritic anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy, who had been unsatisfactorily treated with corticosteroids. In four patients with signs of optic disc atrophy there was no improvement of visual functions after hyperbaric oxygen treatment, whereas in the other five patients, who had no signs of optic disc atrophy, visual acuity and visual field improved. The achieved improvements were maintained al a control examination six months later. Results suggest that hyperbaric oxygen might be a new remedy for the selected cases of non-arteritic ischaemic optic neuropathy and call for a controlled clinical study aiming to acurately assess its efficacy.Ispitivani su učinci tretmana hiperbaričnim kisikom u devet bolesnika s nearteritičinim oblikom prednje ishemične optikoneuropatije, koji su prethodno liječeni kortikosteroidima bez uspjeha. U četiri bolesnika sa znakovima atrofije optičkog diska, nakon tretmana hiperbaričnim kisikom, nije nađeno nikakvo poboljÅ”anje vidnih funkcija, dok je u ostalih pet, bez znakova atrofije optičkog diska, ustanovljeno poboljÅ”anje oÅ”trine vida i vidnog polja. Ova poboljÅ”anja nađena su i na kontrolnom pregledu nakon Å”est mjeseci. Rezultati ispitivanja sugeriraju hiperbaričnu oksigenaciju kao moguć način liječenja selekcioniranih slučajeva nearteritičnog oblika ishemične optikoneuropatije, kao i kontrolirani klinički pokus, radi egzaktnijeg utvrđivanja efikasnosti hiperbarične oksigenacije u ovih bolesnika

    Homolumo Gap and Matrix Model

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    We discuss a dynamical matrix model by which probability distribution is associated with Gaussian ensembles from random matrix theory. We interpret the matrix M as a Hamiltonian representing interaction of a bosonic system with a single fermion. We show that a system of second-quantized fermions influences the ground state of the whole system by producing a gap between the highest occupied eigenvalue and the lowest unoccupied eigenvalue.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Quantum fluctuations of the Chern-Simons theory and dynamical dimensional reduction

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    We consider a large-N Chern-Simons theory for the attractive bosonic matter (Jackiw-Pi model) in the Hamiltonian collective-field approach based on the 1/N expansion. We show that the dynamics of low-lying density excitations around the ground-state vortex configuration is equivalent to that of the Sutherland model. The relationship between the Chern-Simons coupling constant lambda and the Calogero-Sutherland statistical parameter lambda_s signalizes some sort of statistical transmutation accompanying the dimensional reduction of the initial problem.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Heritability and genetic correlation of production and reproduction traits of Simmental cows

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    Improvement of production capacity of cattle in terms of increasing the production of milk, milk fat and number of calves, greatly depends on phenotype and genotype variability, heritability and correlation between desirable traits, as well as on the production level of the cattle population. Heritability, as a value expressing and measuring average additive gene effect, is one of the major characteristic of quantitative traits from the point of view of creating genetically high-value cattle populations. Knowledge of the heritability is necessary in the estimation of the beeeding value of cattle and has significant impact on the selection of breeding method. Genetic correlations are very important in indirect selection where changes in one trait are induced through selection of other traits between which a genetic correlation exists. Genetic correlations can be determined in all cases where heritability coefficient can be calculated. This research included 3.461 first calving Simmental cows under control, with lactation concluded within one year. All first-calvers were reared on individual farms in the territory of Republic of Serbia. In this study, heritability and genetic correlations between the the following milk and fertility traits were investigated: duration of lactation (days)- DL, milk yield in standard lactation (kg)- MY, milk fat content in standard lactation (%)- MFC, milk fat yield in standard lactation (kg)- MFY, yield of 4% FCM in standard lactation (kg)- 4%FCM, age at first calving (days)- AC and duration of service period (days)- DSP.Key words: Heritability, genetic correlations, milk yield, fertility, Simmental breed
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