13 research outputs found

    Biomassa Gugur Serasah Dan Variasi Musiman Di Hutan Dataran Rendah TN. Gunung Gede Pangrango

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    Produksi biomasa gugur serasah dan variasi musimannya dimonitor selama 5 tahun untuk mengamati polamusiman dari gugur serasah dan kontribusi gugur serasah terhadap ekosistem hutan. Gugur serasah dikumpulkansetiap bulan dengan menggunakan 20 perangkap serasah (luas masing-masing perangkap serasah adalah 1 x 1 m2)yang berada pada petak permanen. Seluruh sampel di oven pada suhu 70 ºC. Total gugur serasah adalah 8,36 ±0,39 t ha-1 tahun-1, dengan konstribusi terbesar pada daun (6.55 ± 0.44 t ha-1tahun-1), diikuti oleh komponen yangtidak teridentifikasi (0.69 ±0.2), batang kecil (0.76 ± 0.1), bagian reproduksi (0.16 ± 0.06), and batang besar (0.21± 0.04 t ha-1 tahun-1). Pola musiman menunjukkan bahwa gugur serasah meningkat selama musim hujan. Gugurserasah daun tertinggi berada pada bulan Juli. Jenis-jenis dominan menggugurkan daun utamanya pada pertengahanmusim kering. Total gugur serasah daun dari yang tertinggi ke yang terendah diamati Nauclea lanceolata (0.36 ±0.16), Maesopsis eminii (0.25 ± 0.11), Schima wallichii (0.09 ± 0.02), Pternandra azurea (0.02± 0.01), dan Dyxoxylumdensiflorum (0.01 ± 0.01 t ha-1 tahun-1)

    Estimasi Biomasa Dan Karbon Tersimpan Pada Pinus Merkusii Jungh. & De Vriese Di Hutan Pinus Gn. Bunder, Tn. Gn. Halimun Salak [Biomass Estimation and Carbon Stock on Pinus Merkusii Jungh. & De Vriese in Pine Forest at Bunder Mount, Gunung Halimun Salak National Park]

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    A study on the biomass and carbon stock estimation of Pinus merkusii Jungh. & de Vriese plantation has been conducted on 17-years and 30-years old pine forest in Gunung Bunder, Halimun Salak National Park. The method used was the allometric with non destructive technique. The results showed that pine trees density of 30-years old pine was 542 trees ha-1 ; the basal area (BA) was 26.8 m2 ha-1; trees density of 17-years old pine was 1,398 tree ha-1 with BA was 36.2 m2 ha-1. The estimation of biomass, carbon sinks and CO2 sequestration of 30-years old pine were 203.7, 96.5 and 354.2 ton ha-1, respectively. Meanwhile, the estimation of biomass, carbon sinks and CO2 sequestration of 17-years old pine were 188.3, 86.8 and 318.5 ton ha-1, respectively. Value of the environmental services derived from the CO2 absorption for the development of a pine forest ranged from US.$ 1,847.09 to 2,054.22, at two ages of pine trees

    Stok Karbon Dan Biomasa Beberapa Komoditas Tanaman Pertanian Di Bodogol- Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango – Jawa Barat

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    The study of carbon stock and biomasa of agricultural commodities was conducted in the Bodogol village, Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park - West Java. The purpose of this research to determine the biomasa, carbon stock and the rate of decomposition of agricultural commodities by using destructive sample and litterbag method. Six of agricultural commodities: green beans/buncis (Phaseolus vulgaris), chilli (Capsicum annum), corn (Zea mays), bean (Vigna cylindrica), peanuts (Arachis hypogaea) and cassava (Manihot esculenta), were calculated their biomasa and carbon stocks. The result showed that the biomasa of agriculture commodities in the range of 0.152 to 4.216 t ha-1, with a carbon stock ranging from 0.01 to 1.83 t ha-1. The decomposition rate (k) of those commodities were k = 5.6 y-1; 5.48 y-1, 5.18 y-1, 5.04 y-1, 4.42 y-1, and k = 1.21 y-1, for Manihot esculenta, Vigna cylindrica, Arachis hypogea, Zea mays, Capsicum annum and Phaseolus vulgaris, respectively

    A cost-efficient method to assess carbon stocks in tropical peat soil

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    Estimation of belowground carbon stocks in tropical wetland forests requires funding for laboratory analyses and suitable facilities, which are often lacking in developing nations where most tropical wetlands are found. It is therefore beneficial to develop simple analytical tools to assist belowground carbon estimation where financial and technical limitations are common. Here we use published and original data to describe soil carbon density (kgC m<sup>−3</sup>; C<sub>d</sub>) as a function of bulk density (gC cm<sup>−3</sup>; <i>B</i><sub>d</sub>), which can be used to rapidly estimate belowground carbon storage using <i>B</i><sub>d</sub> measurements only. Predicted carbon densities and stocks are compared with those obtained from direct carbon analysis for ten peat swamp forest stands in three national parks of Indonesia. Analysis of soil carbon density and bulk density from the literature indicated a strong linear relationship (C<sub>d</sub> = <i>B</i><sub>d</sub> × 495.14 + 5.41, <i>R</i><sup>2</sup> = 0.93, <i>n</i> = 151) for soils with organic C content > 40%. As organic C content decreases, the relationship between C<sub>d</sub> and <i>B</i><sub>d</sub> becomes less predictable as soil texture becomes an important determinant of C<sub>d</sub>. The equation predicted belowground C stocks to within 0.92% to 9.57% of observed values. Average bulk density of collected peat samples was 0.127 g cm<sup>−3</sup>, which is in the upper range of previous reports for Southeast Asian peatlands. When original data were included, the revised equation C<sub>d</sub> = <i>B</i><sub>d</sub> × 468.76 + 5.82, with <i>R</i><sup>2</sup> = 0.95 and <i>n</i> = 712, was slightly below the lower 95% confidence interval of the original equation, and tended to decrease C<sub>d</sub> estimates. We recommend this last equation for a rapid estimation of soil C stocks for well-developed peat soils where C content > 40%

    Keanekaragaman Jenis Pohon Di Kawasan Cagar Alam Dungus Iwul, Jasinga, Bogor [Tree Biodiversity in Dungus Iwul Nature Reserve, Jasinga, Bogor]

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    Dungus Iwul Nature Reserve is one of the remaining conservation areas in Java and has an unique vegetation. Study on tree biodiversity was carried out in one hectare permanent plot. The results showed that there were 78 species of 35 families and 63 genera with 1219 trees per hectare. The species of Orania sylvicola was very dominating the region, with high distribution (Frequency = 100%) and the total basal area (basal area relative; BA = 50.96%). Species of O. sylvicola (Important Value; IV = 129.48%) highly covered the area, followed by Mischocarpus sundaicus (IV = 19.93%), Diospyros frutescens (IV = 9.67%), Ficus variegata (IV = 9.38%) and Knema laurina (IV = 8.51%). Family with largest number of species was Euphorbiaceae (11 species), followed by Lauraceae (7 species) and 4 species of Fabaceae, Meliaceae and Rubiaceae

    Status Hara Dihutan Gewang (Corypha Utan Lamk.), Desa USApisonba'i, Kupang, Nusatenggara Timur [Status in the Forest Gewang Nutrients (Corypha Utan Lamk.), USApisonba'i, Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara]

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    Gewang or Corypha utan Lamk. is tree that support the daily need in Usapisonba'i village, Nekamese District, Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur The nutrient content of the tree is important to be observed, since the tree is crucial to be sustainable.Three permanent plots were established and random sampling was conducted. The results showed that characteristics of soil are clay in texture, somewhat alkaline, mid in C/N ratio, and high CEC (cation exchange capacity) for calcium, magnesium dan potassium.Nutrient contents of soil were 0.15, 0.002, 0.04, 1.16 and 0.04%, respectively, for N, P, K, Ca and Mg. Litter contribution was dominated by leaves (7.73 t ha-'), and other parts reached 6.7 t ha , with their nutrient content of N (0.72), P (0.09), K (0.18),Ca (2.S4) and Mg (0.27%). The significant, differences of nitrogen between nutrient contents and between total nutrient contents through litters (P < 0.05) were found. The nutrient contents of tree are 0.57 N, 0.4, P, 0.75 K, 0.77 Ca and 0.18% Mg. The increase of the tree nutrient could be done by utilizing organic matter or by planting tree species that can increase soil fertility and survive in savanna