1,075 research outputs found

    In quest of "just" the Standard Model on D-branes at a singularity

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    In this note we explore the possibility of obtaining gauge bosons and fermionic spectrum as close as possible to the Standard Model content, by placing D3-branes at a ZN orbifold-like singularity in the presence of D7-branes. Indeed, we find that this is plausible provided a sufficiently high N is allowed for and the singular point is also fixed by an orientifold action. If extra charged matter is not permitted then the singularity should necessarily be non-supersymmetric. Correct hypercharge assignments require a dependence on some Abelian gauge D7-groups. In achieving such a construction we follow a recent observation made in Ref. [hep-th/0105155] about the possibility that, the three left handed quarks, would present different U(2) transformation properties.Comment: 18 pages, 1 table, no figures, v2: typos correcte

    Effective Superpotentials via Konishi Anomaly

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    We use Ward identities derived from the generalized Konishi anomaly in order to compute effective superpotentials for SU(N), SO(N) and Sp(N)Sp(N) supersymmetric gauge theories coupled to matter in various representations. In particular we focus on cubic and quartic tree level superpotentials. With this technique higher order corrections to the perturbative part of the effective superpotential can be easily evaluated.Comment: 17 pages, harvma

    Universal structure of subleading infrared poles at strong coupling

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    Recently a concise expression for the subleading infrared singularity of dimensional-regularized gauge theories has been proposed. For conformal theories, such relation involves a universal eikonal contribution plus a non-eikonal contribution, related to the subleading term in the anomalous dimension of twist two operators with large spin. In this note we make use of the AdS/CFT correspondence in order to check such conjecture at strong coupling for the case of N=4 SYM.Comment: 13 page

    Correlation functions, null polygonal Wilson loops, and local operators

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    We consider the ratio of the correlation function of n+1 local operators over the correlator of the first n of these operators in planar N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory, and consider the limit where the first n operators become pairwise null separated. By studying the problem in twistor space, we prove that this is equivalent to the correlator of a n-cusp null polygonal Wilson loop with the remaining operator in general position, normalized by the expectation value of the Wilson loop itself, as recently conjectured by Alday, Buchbinder and Tseytlin. Twistor methods also provide a BCFW-like recursion relation for such correlators. Finally, we study the natural extension where n operators become pairwise null separated with k operators in general position. As an example, we perform an analysis of the resulting correlator for k=2 and discuss some of the difficulties associated to fixing the correlator completely in the strong coupling regime.Comment: 34 pages, 6 figures. v2: typos corrected and references added; v3: published versio

    Some analytic results for two-loop scattering amplitudes

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    We present analytic results for the finite diagrams contributing to the two-loop eight-point MHV scattering amplitude of planar N=4 SYM. We use a recently proposed representation for the integrand of the amplitude in terms of (momentum) twistors and focus on a restricted kinematics in which the answer depends only on two independent cross-ratios. The theory of motives can be used to vastly simplify the results, which can be expressed as simple combinations of classical polylogarithms.Comment: 18 page

    Contrast coding choices in a decade of mixed models

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    Contrast coding in regression models, including mixed-effect models, changes what the terms in the model mean. In particular, it determines whether or not model terms should be interpreted as main effects. This paper highlights how opaque descriptions of contrast coding have affected the field of psycholinguistics. We begin with a reproducible example in R using simulated data to demonstrate how incorrect conclusions can be made from mixed models; this also serves as a primer on contrast coding for statistical novices. We then present an analysis of 3384 papers from the field of psycholinguistics that we coded based upon whether a clear description of contrast coding was present. This analysis demonstrates that the majority of the psycholinguistic literature does not transparently describe contrast coding choices, posing an important challenge to reproducibility and replicability in our field

    BRST Invariance of Non-local Charges and Monodromy Matrix of Bosonic String on AdS(5)xS(5)

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    Using the generalized Hamiltonian method of Batalin, Fradkin and Vilkovsky we develop the BRST formalism for the bosonic string on AdS(5)xS(5) formulated as principal chiral model. Then we show that the monodromy matrix and non-local charges are BRST invariant.Comment: 26. page

    Large spin systematics in CFT

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    20 pages; v2: version published in JHEPUsing conformal field theory (CFT) arguments we derive an infinite number of constraints on the large spin expansion of the anomalous dimensions and structure constants of higher spin operators. These arguments rely only on analiticity, unitarity, crossing-symmetry and the structure of the conformal partial wave expansion. We obtain results for both, perturbative CFT to all order in the perturbation parameter, as well as non-perturbatively. For the case of conformal gauge theories this provides a proof of the reciprocity principle to all orders in perturbation theory and provides a new "reciprocity" principle for structure constants. We argue that these results extend also to non-conformal theories.Peer reviewe

    Differential equations for multi-loop integrals and two-dimensional kinematics

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    In this paper we consider multi-loop integrals appearing in MHV scattering amplitudes of planar N=4 SYM. Through particular differential operators which reduce the loop order by one, we present explicit equations for the two-loop eight-point finite diagrams which relate them to massive hexagons. After the reduction to two-dimensional kinematics, we solve them using symbol technology. The terms invisible to the symbols are found through boundary conditions coming from double soft limits. These equations are valid at all-loop order for double pentaladders and allow to solve iteratively loop integrals given lower-loop information. Comments are made about multi-leg and multi-loop integrals which can appear in this special kinematics. The main motivation of this investigation is to get a deeper understanding of these tools in this configuration, as well as for their application in general four-dimensional kinematics and to less supersymmetric theories.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figure

    On correlation functions of Wilson loops, local and non-local operators

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    We discuss and extend recent conjectures relating partial null limits of correlation functions of local gauge invariant operators and the expectation value of null polygonal Wilson loops and local gauge invariant operators. We point out that a particular partial null limit provides a strategy for the calculation of the anomalous dimension of short twist-two operators at weak and strong coupling.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figure
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