16 research outputs found

    A Minimally Invasive Method for the Treatment of Post-Traumatic Disorders of the Bone Union of the Tibia

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    Background. The ability to control regeneration processes is a key link in the development of methods for treating patients with post-traumatic disorders of reparative osteogenesis. Aim of the study. To evaluate the effectiveness of the fusion of the tibia by local application of the interferon-beta preparation with autogenous bone marrow punctate in post-traumatic disorders of reparative regeneration.Material and methods. The analysis of the effectiveness of clinical application of autogenous bone marrow with interferon-beta-1b in 64 patients with delayed consolidation and pseudarthrosis of the tibia was carried out. All patients underwent external bone fixation. In order to optimize reparative osteogenesis during the operation, a mixture containing 3–4 ml of bone marrow with 8 million IU/0.5 ml of interferon beta-1b solution was injected locally into the interfragmental space.Results. With puncture local injection of interferon-beta with punctate of autogenous bone marrow with  delayed consolidation, fusion of the tibial fracture was achieved in 100 % of cases. In patients with a diagnosis  of a pseudarthrosis of the tibia, a positive result was achieved in 90.3 % of cases. Thus, the local application of autogenous bone marrow together with the interferon-beta preparation made it possible to achieve bone fusion in post-traumatic disorders of bone regeneration in 95.2 % of cases.Conclusion. With delayed consolidation and developing hypertrophic pseudoarthrosis in conditions of stable fixation with anatomical reposition of fragments, puncture autotransplantation of a mixture of bone marrow with a solution of interferon-beta is proposed

    Проявления аутоиммунных процессов в яичниках при воспалительных заболеваниях органов малого таза у женщин

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    A retrospective analysis of clinical and laboratory data of women with inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs was performed. It was shown that the inflammatory changes of genital tract and pelvic adhesions lead to the development of autoimmune ovarian lesions.Проведен ретроспективный анализ клинико-лабораторных данных женщин с воспалительными заболеваниями органов малого таза. Установлено, что выраженные воспалительные изменения генитального тракта и спаечный процесс малого таза способствуют развитию аутоиммунного поражения яичников

    Radiation semiotics of disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis

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    The aim of the study was to optimize the radiation diagnosis and differentiation of disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis (DTL) by studying the ray lung semiotics using multislice computed tomography (MSCT), radionuclide diagnostics (RND) with the use of a radiopharmaceutical (RFP) 99mTc-technetril and identifying the most informative for disseminated tuberculosis MSCT- RIA criteria. Materials and methods. The analysis of MSCT data was performed in 67 patients who had X-ray signs of pulmonary dissemination. The study was conducted on a multislice computer tomograph Somatom Emotion 16 from Siemens. 23 patients underwent a radionuclide study with a 99mTc-technetril radiopharmaceutical on the Nucline Spirit gamma camera in the planar and single-photon emission computerized tomography (SPECT) mode. The statistical processing of the data was carried out using the MicrosoftExcel software package. The reliability of the differences between the qualitative indices of the compared groups was determined using the χ2 criterion. Results. The distribution of foci of dissemination according to MSCT using the high resolution algorithm (HRCT) was characterized by localization of dissemination foci in the structures of the primary, secondary pulmonary lobe, perivascular and peribronchial, involvement of pleura piles of various degrees and reactive changes in the intrathoracic lymph nodes (VGLU). In 55.7% of cases, foci with DTL were distributed in intralobular structures, lobular septa and endobronchial. In 86.3%, fragmentary infiltration of axial interstitium was noted. There was also marked infiltration of pleura sheets involving extrapuleural fat tissue in 50.7% of cases. Hyperplasia of the intrathoracic lymph nodes was established in 12.5% of cases. According to planar and SPECT studies in 21.0%, the prevalence of dissemination by CT correlated with accumulation of RFP in the lungs according to planar research and topically - in VGLU according to SPECT. In 81.8% of cases of hyperplasia of lymph nodes revealed by CT, there was an accumulation of RFP by SPECT. In 42.1% of cases of limited dissemination, according to CT, there was a diffuse accumulation of RFP following the results of planar scintigraphy. Conclusion Interpretation of the obtained data, taking into account the level of damage to the structural units of the lung with the definition of activity and prevalence in the application of different radiotherapy techniques, allows to optimize the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis.Цель исследования - оптимизация лучевой диагностики и дифференциации диссеминированного туберкулеза легких (ДТЛ) посредством изучения лучевой семиотики лёгких методом мультисрезовой компьютерной томографии (МСКТ), радионуклидной диагностики (РНД) с применением радиофармпрепарата (РФП) 99mTс-технетрила и выявление наиболее информативных для диссеминированного туберкулёза МСКТ-РНД критериев. Материалы и методы. Проведен анализ данных МСКТ исследования 67 больных, у которых определялись рентгенологические признаки легочной диссеминации. Исследование проведено на мультисрезовом компьютерном томографе Somatom Emotion 16 фирмы Siemens. 23 пациентам проведено радионуклидное исследование с радиофармпрепаратом 99mTс-технетрилом на гамма-камере Nucline Spirit в планарном и однофотонном эмиссионном компьютерном томографическом (ОФЭКТ) режиме. Статистическую обработку данных осуществляли с помощью пакета программ «MicrosoftExcel». Определение достоверности различий между качественными показателями сравниваемых групп проводили с помощью критерия в2. результаты. распределение очагов диссеминации по данным МСКТ с использованием алгоритма высокого разрешения (КТВР), характеризовалось локализацией очагов диссеминации в структурах первичной, вторичной легочной дольки, периваскулярно и перибронхиально, вовлечении листков плевры различной степени и реактивными изменениями внутригрудных лимфатических узлов (ВГЛУ). В 55,7% случаев очаги при ДТЛ распространялись во внутридольковых структурах, дольковых перегородках и эндобронхиально. В 86,3% отмечалась фрагментарная инфильтрация аксиального интерстиция. отмечалась также выраженная инфильтрация листков плевры с вовлечением экстраплевральной жировой клетчатки в 50,7% случаев. Гиперплазия внутригрудных лимфатических узлов установлена в 12,5% случаев. По данным планарного и ОФЭКТ исследования в 21,0% распространенность диссеминации по КТ коррелировала с накоплением РФП в легких по данным планарного исследования и топически - во ВГЛУ по данным ОФЭКТ. В 81,8% выявленных по КТ случаях гиперплазии лимфатических узлов отмечено накопление РФП по ОФЭКТ. В 42,1% случаев ограниченной диссеминации по данным КТ отмечалось диффузное накопление РФП по результатам планарной сцинтиграфии. Заключение Интерпретация полученных данных с учетом уровня поражения структурных единиц легкого с определением активности и распространенности при применении разных лучевых методик позволяет оптимизировать диагностику и дифференциальную диагностику диссеминированного туберкулеза легких

    Динамика морфологических изменений репродуктивного аппарата яичника при экспериментальном аутоиммунном оофорите

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    On the original experimental model of autoimmune oophoritis the stages of formation and extent of destruction to structural elements of the ovary were studied, using histological and histochemical methods, the content antiovarian antibodies in the serum of experimental animals by enzyme immunoassay was determined. Autoimmune oophoritis is the step-wise character, with a gradual increase in the pathological process, which is manifested in the growth of mononuclear infiltration, restructuring steroid-producing structures, destruction of oocytes.На оригинальной экспериментальной модели аутоиммунного оофорита изучены этапы формирования и степень повреждения структурных элементов яичника с использованием гистологических и гистохимических методик, определено содержание антиовариальных антител в сыворотке крови экспериментальных животных методом иммуноферментного анализа. Развитие аутоиммунного оофорита носит стадийный характер с постепенным увеличением выраженности патологического процесса, проявляющегося в нарастании мононуклеарной инфильтрации, перестройке стероидсинтезирующих структур, деструкции овоцитов

    A Massive Open Online Course on Particle Accelerators

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    International audienceThe TIARA (Test Infrastructure and Accelerator Research Area) project funded by the European Union 7th framework programme made a survey of provision of education and training in accelerator science in Europe. This survey highlighted the need for more training opportunities targeting undergraduate-level students. This need is now being addressed by the European Union H2020 project ARIES (Accelerator Research and Innovation for European Science and Society) via the preparation of a Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) on particle accelerator science and engineering. We present here the current status of this project, the main elements of the syllabus, how it will be delivered, and the schedule for providing the course

    The morphological changes dynamics of ovarian reproductive apparatus in the experimental autoimmune oophoritis

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    On the original experimental model of autoimmune oophoritis the stages of formation and extent of destruction to structural elements of the ovary were studied, using histological and histochemical methods, the content antiovarian antibodies in the serum of experimental animals by enzyme immunoassay was determined. Autoimmune oophoritis is the step-wise character, with a gradual increase in the pathological process, which is manifested in the growth of mononuclear infiltration, restructuring steroid-producing structures, destruction of oocytes

    Chloride diarrhea in a child 8 months old

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    Chloride diarrhea is a rare genetically determined disease caused by mutations of the SLC26A3 gene and characterized by the appearance of persistent watery diarrhea from the first days of the child’s life. The disease is accompanied by the development of hypokalemic hypochloraemic alkalosis. Features of the clinical aspects and metabolic disorders in congenital chloride diarrhea determine the need for differential diagnosis with a wide range of pathological conditions, which often leads to late diagnosis and increases the risk of complications. The article presents the clinical analysis of a patient with congenital chloride diarrhea, the criteria for diagnosing the disease, the possible errors in the diagnostic search process, describes the tactics of the child’s management

    The efficiency and safety of tocilizumab in rheumatoid arthritis(intermediate results of a Russian multicenter study)

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    A search for new medicines for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has led to the design of the so-called genetic engineering biologicals (GEBs) whose mechanism of action lies in the depletion and impaired interaction of the cells involved in the development of i НАУЧНО-ПРАКТИЧЕСКАЯ РЕВМАТОЛОГИЯ, 2010, № 2, 21-29 21 ОРИГИНАЛЬНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ nflammation or in the inhibition of proinflammatory cytokine activities. In recent years, investigators' attention has been brought to interleukin (IL) 6 (pleiotropic cytokine) that is synthesized by many cells implicated in the development of inflammation and shows a broad range of proinflammatory biological effects. Tocilizumab (TCZ) is the first and only agent that is able to suppress IL-6-dependent inflammatory reactions and that is permitted for use in RA. The first Russian open-label, Phase IV, multicenter 24-week study of the efficacy and safety of TCZ in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is now under way. All the patients received an intravenous TCZ infusion in a dose of 8 mg/kg during continuous therapy with basic anti-inflammatory and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (DMARDs and NSAIDs), and glucocorticoids. The patients receiving methotrexate (MT) took folic acid in a dose of at least 5 mg weekly. The study excluded patients with a history of DMARD use. To evaluate the efficiency of TCZ therapy, the authors used the EULAR criteria and analyzed individual clinical indicators of RA activity, including the intensity of pain, the duration of morning stiffness, the number of tender and swollen joints (TJC and SJC), indices of functional activity and quality of life (HAQ and EQ-5D), and laboratory parameters required to evaluate the efficiency and safety of TCZ therapy. Clinical and laboratory studies were conducted just before and 4 weeks after the first infusion of TCZ. Overall, the first administration of the drug caused a very rapid positive effect against all clinical indicators of disease activity (including pain magnitude, morning stiffness duration, TJC, SJC) and normalization of the indices characterizing the functional activity and quality of life of patients. The efficiency TCZ therapy was confirmed, by assessing the time course of changes in DAS 28 index values: before therapy, all the patients were observed to have a high activity of RA (DAS 28 >5,1). According to the changes in DAS 28 index values, a good/moderate effect was noted in 62% of the patients, 3 (7%) achieved remission (DAS 2

    A massive open online course on particle accelerators 

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    The TIARA (Test Infrastructure and Accelerator Research Area) project funded by the European Union 7th framework programme made a survey of provision of education and training in accelerator science in Europe. This survey highlighted the need for more training opportunities targeting undergraduate-level students. This need is now being addressed by the European Union H2020 project ARIES (Accelerator Research and Innovation for European Science and Society) via the preparation of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on particle accelerator science and engineering. We present here the current status of this project, the main elements of the syllabus, how it will be delivered, and the schedule for providing the course