715 research outputs found

    First experiences in the application of biopreparations against the cherry fruit fly in Southern Russia in 2007

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    On the Russian market there are no currently registered biological preparations for the control of Rhagoletis cerasi (cherry fruit fly, CFF), and therefore the effects of natural products against this pest were studied. In laboratory, semi-field and field experiments a range of botanicals (NeemAzal-T/S and Quassia-MD) were tested alone and in combination with comparison product Phytoverm and chemical standard insecticides for their effectiveness against R. cerasi in commercial orchards. These products showed a high biological effectiveness against R. cerasi comparable with chemical insecticides

    Practices of topic and dialogue activity management in dispute mediation

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    This study examines the mediator practices to bring the interaction back on track when the participants of dispute mediation go off-task. An existing collection of 18 transcripts from audio recordings of mediation sessions at a mediation center in the western United States serves as a source of interactional data. First, the study examines the moves mediators make to perform interventions to bring the current state of activity more in line with mediation activity. Second, it accounts for the variety of interventions mediators perform using the concepts of face and facework. The article discusses what the findings mean in terms of mediation, the interaction order and the institutional order

    Strategic maneuvering in dispute mediation

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    The study examines transcripts from dispute mediation to explore mediators’ strategic maneuvering for keeping the disputants on task – that is, on negotiating plans about caring for their children. The article discusses mediators’ institutional practices to keep disputants on task and to constrain what becomes arguable. It analyzes strategic maneuvering at the levels of topical potential, audience demands, and presentational devices. The study also suggests that the concept of strategic maneuvering can be further developed by including identities as another type of interactional resources employed to shape argumentative activity. It focuses on how mediators use interactional resources to balance institutional goals (i.e. reaching an agreement) and interactional goals (i.e. sustaining participants’ face) and to shape an institutionally preferred interactivity

    An Essentialistic View of the Species Problem

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    Formation of communication skills in preschool children with visual impairments as an important factor of their socialization

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    © 2016 Vasilyeva.The urgency of the problem under investigation due to the provisions of the new federal state educational standards of preschool education in the Russian Federation, according to which at the present stage of priority education is to implement a high level of social and communicative potential of the child's personality as a prerequisite for its successful adaptation and socialization in the society. This article discusses the results of a study whose purpose was to develop a program of formation of communication skills in preschool children with visual impairments. The leading approaches to the study of this problem is the position of humane pedagogy, Waldorf education and to imitate the example of the idea of a deep respect for the child's personality. Structure of the program includes games, aimed at developing the child's care to another, his virtues and experiences, fellowship with one another, assisting in real and game interaction, non-verbal learning and verbal means of communication. The implementation of this program in the experimental conditions showed the effectiveness of the proposed approaches in the organization of educational activities aimed at the formation of communication skills in preschool children with visual impairments, as an important factor for their adaptation in the social environment

    Cognitive Disorders in the Elderly Age as a Factor of Their Social Deadaptation

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    Анализируется возможность влияния когнитивных расстройств у лиц пожилого возраста на их социальную дезадаптацию, поскольку вследствие нарушения функций памяти, мышления, внимания, восприятия, речи страдает социальная составляющая жизни пациента. Разработана и внедрена в практику государственного учреждения «Республиканский клинический госпиталь инвалидов Великой Отечественной войны имени П. М. Машерова» программа работы с лицами пожилого возраста, имеющими когнитивные нарушения, способствующая снижению их социальной дезадаптации.The possibility of the influence of cognitive disorders in elderly people on their social maladjustment is analyzed, since the social component of the patient’s life suffers due to impaired functions of memory, thinking, attention, perception, speech. A program of work with elderly people with cognitive impairments has been developed and implemented in the practice of the state institution “Republican Clinical Hospital of the Disabled of the Great Patriotic War named after P. M. Masherov”, which helps to reduce their social maladaptation


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    Objective: to assess the impact rizendronate acid on clinical and laboratory flow pattern of osteoarthritis in patients with the metabolic syndrome.Material and methods: the study included 50 patients with osteoarthritis and metabolic syndrome, which on the background of pathogenetic therapy received rizendronate acid at 35 mg per week during the year. Patients were evaluated indicators of inflammatory activity (ESR, CRP, TNF-α). The severity of articular syndrome was interpreted on a scale in rest and during movement, Lequesne index and WOMAC initially and after 3, 6 and 12 months. Mineral bone density (BMD) was assessed at lumbar spine by carrying out dual energy x-ray absorptiometry.Results: among patients receiving rizendronate acid was recorded a significant decline in CRP, ESR, TNF-α, positive changes in the indicators of the articular status – a significant reduction in the severity of pain at rest and in motion, decrease in Lequesne and WOMAC indexes, the trend of increase in BMD, while reducing the need for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.Conclusions: the use of risendronate acid in the complex therapy of patients with osteoarthritis with metabolic syndrome allows to achieve the reduction of the intensity of inflammation, the severity of pain while reducing the need for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs