16,501 research outputs found

    GRB970228 and the class of GRBs with an initial spikelike emission: do they follow the Amati relation?

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    On the basis of the recent understanding of GRB050315 and GRB060218, we return to GRB970228, the first Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) with detected afterglow. We proposed it as the prototype for a new class of GRBs with "an occasional softer extended emission lasting tenths of seconds after an initial spikelike emission". Detailed theoretical computation of the GRB970228 light curves in selected energy bands for the prompt emission are presented and compared with observational BeppoSAX data. From our analysis we conclude that GRB970228 and likely the ones of the above mentioned new class of GRBs are "canonical GRBs" have only one peculiarity: they exploded in a galactic environment, possibly the halo, with a very low value of CBM density. Here we investigate how GRB970228 unveils another peculiarity of this class of GRBs: they do not fulfill the "Amati relation". We provide a theoretical explanation within the fireshell model for the apparent absence of such correlation for the GRBs belonging to this new class.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, in the Proceedings of the "4th Italian-Sino Workshop on Relativistic Astrophysics", held in Pescara, Italy, July 20-28, 2007, C.L. Bianco, S.-S. Xue, Editor

    The Amati relation in the "fireshell" model

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    (Shortened) CONTEXT: [...] AIMS: Motivated by the relation proposed by Amati and collaborators, we look within the ``fireshell'' model for a relation between the peak energy E_p of the \nu F_\nu total time-integrated spectrum of the afterglow and the total energy of the afterglow E_{aft}, which in our model encompasses and extends the prompt emission. METODS: [...] Within the fireshell model [...] We can then build two sets of ``gedanken'' GRBs varying the total energy of the electron-positron plasma E^{e^\pm}_{tot} and keeping the same baryon loading B of GRB050315. The first set assumes for the effective CBM density the one obtained in the fit of GRB050315. The second set assumes instead a constant CBM density equal to the average value of the GRB050315 prompt phase. RESULTS: For the first set of ``gedanken'' GRBs we find a relation E_p\propto (E_{aft})^a, with a = 0.45 \pm 0.01, whose slope strictly agrees with the Amati one. Such a relation, in the limit B \to 10^{-2}, coincides with the Amati one. Instead, in the second set of ``gedanken'' GRBs no correlation is found. CONCLUSIONS: Our analysis excludes the Proper-GRB (P-GRB) from the prompt emission, extends all the way to the latest afterglow phases and is independent on the assumed cosmological model, since all ``gedanken'' GRBs are at the same redshift. The Amati relation, on the other hand, includes also the P-GRB, focuses on the prompt emission only, and is therefore influenced by the instrumental threshold which fixes the end of the prompt emission, and depends on the assumed cosmology. This may well explain the intrinsic scatter observed in the Amati relation.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, to appear on A&A Letter

    Web User Session Characterization via Clustering Techniques

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    We focus on the identification and definition of "Web user-sessions", an aggregation of several TCP connections generated by the same source host on the basis of TCP connection opening time. The identification of a user session is non trivial; traditional approaches rely on threshold based mechanisms, which are very sensitive to the value assumed for the threshold and may be difficult to correctly set. By applying clustering techniques, we define a novel methodology to identify Web user-sessions without requiring an a priori definition of threshold values. We analyze the characteristics of user sessions extracted from real traces, studying the statistical properties of the identified sessions. From the study it emerges that Web user-sessions tend to be Poisson, but correlation may arise during periods of network/hosts anomalous functioning

    GRB 090227B: the missing link between the genuine short and long GRBs

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    The time-resolved spectral analysis of GRB090227B, made possible by the Fermi-GBM data, allows to identify in this source the missing link between the genuine short and long GRBs. Within the Fireshell model [...] we predict genuine short GRBs: bursts with the same inner engine of the long bursts but endowed with a severely low value of the Baryon load, B<~5x10^{-5}. A first energetically predominant emission occurs at the transparency of the e+e- plasma, the Proper-GRB (P-GRB), followed by a softer emission, the extended afterglow. The typical separation between the two emissions is expected to be [...] 10^{-3}-10^{-2}s. We identify the P-GRB [...] in the first 96ms of emission, where a thermal component with [...] kT=(517+/-28)keV and a flux comparable with the non thermal part of the spectrum is observed. This non thermal component as well as the subsequent emission, where there is no evidence for a thermal spectrum, is identified with the extended afterglow. We deduce a theoretical cosmological redshift z=1.61+/-0.14. We then derive the total energy E^{tot}_{e+e-}=(2.83+/-0.15)x10^{53}erg, [...] B=(4.13+/-0.05)x10^{-5}, the Lorentz factor at transparency \Gamma_tr=(1.44+/-0.01)x10^4, and the intrinsic duration \Delta t'~0.35s. We also determine the average density of the CircumBurst Medium (CBM), =(1.90+/-0.20)x10^{-5} #/cm^3. There is no evidence of beaming in the system. In view of the energetics and of the Baryon load of the source, as well as of the low interstellar medium and of the intrinsic time scale of the signal, we identify the GRB progenitor as a binary neutron star. From the recent progress in the theory of neutron stars, we obtain masses of the stars m_1=m_2=1.34M_Sun and their corresponding radii R_1=R_2=12.24km and thickness of their crusts ~0.47km, consistent with the above values of the Baryon load, of the energetics and of the time duration of the event.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figures, new version with some updated references, matching the one actually appeared on Ap