2 research outputs found

    Taxonomic study of the dormice (Gliridae, Mammalia) fauna from the late Early Pleistocene Somssich Hill 2 locality (Villány Hills, South Hungary) and its palaeoecological implications

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    Th e Somssich Hill 2 is one of the richest Early Pleistocene vertebrate localities of Hungary. Four dormice species were distinguished from this site: Glis sackdillingensis, G. minor, Muscardinus dacicus, and Dryomimus eliomyoides. Th e age of the fauna is considered approximately 900 ka, and so, this is the last known occurrence of D. eliomyoides. So far, this species was known only from Late Pliocene to middle Early Pleistocene sediments. Based on morphometrical analysis of Glis material from 7 Pliocene and Pleistocene localities, the smaller form (G. minor) occurred until the Holsteinian (MIS 11). According to the morphotype analysis of the fossil and recent Muscardinus M1 presented in this study, morphologically M. dacicus is very similar to a morphotype of M. avellanarius. Although dormice are relatively rare fossils, these animals could have important role in the reconstruction of the past environments. On the basis of dormice fauna, three periods were recognized here, which have been characterized by shrubby or forested vegetation during the period represented by the sediments of Somssich Hill 2 locality. With 13 fi gures and 4 tables