16,469 research outputs found

    Giant phonon anomalies in the pseudo-gap phase of TiOCl

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    We report infrared and Raman spectroscopy results of the spin-1/2 quantum magnet TiOCl. Giant anomalies are found in the temperature dependence of the phonon spectrum, which hint to unusual coupling of the electronic degrees of freedom to the lattice. These anomalies develop over a broad temperature interval, suggesting the presence of an extended fluctuation regime. This defines a pseudo-gap phase, characterized by a local spin-gap. Below 100 K a dimensionality cross-over leads to a dimerized ground state with a global spin-gap of about 2Δspin\Delta_{spin}\approx~430 K.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, for further information see http://www.peter-lemmens.d

    Momentum Distribution for Bosons with Positive Scattering Length in a Trap

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    The coordinate-momentum double distribution function ρ(r,p)d3rd3p\rho ({\bf r}, {\bf p}) d^{3}rd^{3}p is calculated in the local density approximation for bosons with positive scattering length aa in a trap. The calculation is valid to the first order of aa. To clarify the meaning of the result, it is compared for a special case with the double distribution function ρwd3rd3p\rho_{w}d^{3} rd^{3}p of Wigner.Comment: Latex fil

    Disentanglement of two harmonic oscillators in relativistic motion

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    We study the dynamics of quantum entanglement between two Unruh-DeWitt detectors, one stationary (Alice), and another uniformly accelerating (Rob), with no direct interaction but coupled to a common quantum field in (3+1)D Minkowski space. We find that for all cases studied the initial entanglement between the detectors disappears in a finite time ("sudden death"). After the moment of total disentanglement the correlations between the two detectors remain nonzero until late times. The relation between the disentanglement time and Rob's proper acceleration is observer dependent. The larger the acceleration is, the longer the disentanglement time in Alice's coordinate, but the shorter in Rob's coordinate.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures; typos added, minor changes in Secs. I and

    A Tunable Anomalous Hall Effect in a Non-Ferromagnetic System

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    We measure the low-field Hall resistivity of a magnetically-doped two-dimensional electron gas as a function of temperature and electrically-gated carrier density. Comparing these results with the carrier density extracted from Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations reveals an excess Hall resistivity that increases with decreasing temperature. This excess Hall resistivity qualitatively tracks the paramagnetic polarization of the sample, in analogy to the ferromagnetic anomalous Hall effect. The data are consistent with skew-scattering of carriers by disorder near the crossover to localization

    Size dependent line broadening in the emission spectra of single GaAs quantum dots: Impact of surface charges on spectral diffusion

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    Making use of droplet epitaxy, we systematically controlled the height of self-assembled GaAs quantum dots by more than one order of magnitude. The photoluminescence spectra of single quantum dots revealed the strong dependence of the spectral linewidth on the dot height. Tall dots with a height of ~30 nm showed broad spectral peaks with an average width as large as ~5 meV, but shallow dots with a height of ~2 nm showed resolution-limited spectral lines (<120 micro eV). The measured height dependence of the linewidths is in good agreement with Stark coefficients calculated for the experimental shape variation. We attribute the microscopic source of fluctuating electric fields to the random motion of surface charges at the vacuum-semiconductor interface. Our results offer guidelines for creating frequency-locked photon sources, which will serve as key devices for long-distance quantum key distribution.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures; updated figs and their description

    Comment on "Raman spectroscopy study of NaxCoO2 and superconducting NaxCoO2 yH2O"

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    The effect of surface degradation of the thermolectric cobaltite on Raman spectra is discussed and compared to experimental results from Co3O4 single crystals. We conclude that on NaCl flux grown NaxCoO2 crystals a surface layer of Co3O4 easily forms that leads to the observation of an intense phonon around 700 cm-1 [Phys. Rev. B 70, 052502 (2004)]. Raman spectra on freshly cleaved crystals from optical floating zone ovens do not show such effects and have a high frequency phonon cut-off at approximately 600 cm -1 [Phys. Rev. Lett 96, 167204 (2006)]. We discuss the relation of structural dimensionality, electronic correlations and the high frequency phonon cut-off of the thermolectric cobaltite.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure, to be published in Phys. Rev. B (2007

    Shubnikov de Haas effect in the metallic state of Na0.3_{0.3}CoO2_2

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    Shubnikov de Haas oscillations for two well defined frequencies, corresponding respectively to areas of 0.8 and 1.36% of the first Brillouin zone (FBZ), were observed in single crystals of Na0.3_{0.3}CoO2_2. The existence of Na superstructures in Na0.3_{0.3}CoO2_2, coupled with this observation, suggests the possibility that the periods are due to the reconstruction of the large Fermi surface around the Γ\Gamma point. An alternative interpretation in terms of the long sought-after ϵg\epsilon_g^\prime pockets is also considered but found to be incompatible with existing specific heat data.Comment: 5 pages 4 figure

    Nonmagnetic impurity perturbation to the quasi-two-dimensional quantum helimagnet LiCu2O2

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    A complete phase diagram of Zn substituted quantum quasi-two-dimensional helimagnet LiCu2O2 has been presented. Helical ordering transition temperature (T_h) of the original LiCu2O2 follows finite size scaling for less than ~ 5.5% Zn substitution, which implies the existence of finite helimagnetic domains with domain boundaries formed with nearly isolated spins. Higher Zn substitution > 5.5% quenches the long-range helical ordering and introduces an intriguing Zn level dependent magnetic phase transition with slight thermal hysteresis and a universal quadratic field dependence for T_c (Zn > 0.055,H). The magnetic coupling constants of nearest-neighbor (nn) J1 and next-nearest-neighbor (nnn) J2 (alpha=J2/J1) are extracted from high temperature series expansion (HTSE) fitting and N=16 finite chain exact diagonalization simulation. We have also provided evidence of direct correlation between long-range helical spin ordering and the magnitude of electric polarization in this spin driven multiferroic material