369 research outputs found

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Role Playing untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa Kelas III Sdn 011 Sungai Majo Kecamatan Kubu Kabupaten Rokan Hilir

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    This study originated from low IPS student learning outcomes, with theaverage grade 65.55. While the value of minimum completeness criteria (KKM)IPS is 68 This research is a class action (PTK). Aiming to improve learningoutcomes IPS 011 third grade students of SDN Majo River Kubu district of RokanHilir. Formulation of the problem: Is the application of Role Playing learningmodel to improve learning outcomes IPS 011 third grade students of SDN MajoRiver Kubu district of Rokan Hilir. Data were collected through observation usingthe observation sheet and learning outcomes through UH UH I and II. Thelearning outcomes that occurred from before held PTK with an average of65.55% with less category, while after the action research cycle 1 with anaverage of 70.5% with enough categories and the second cycle with an average83.75% with very good category. So improving student learning outcomes ofbasic score kesiklus an increase of 4.95% from the base score kesiklus while twoincreased to 13.25%. Activities that teachers who have an average amount in thefirst cycle with an average of 66.66 with both categories. Being the teacher\u27sactivities in the second cycle with an average of 91.66 with very good category.Activities of the student in cycle 1 was 62.5 in both categories, while the twocycles increased to 91.66. These results prove that the application of Role Playinglearning model to improve learning outcomes IPS third grade students of SDNSDN 011 River Majo Kubu district Rokan Hilir

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Team Games Tournament (Tgt) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa Kelas Ivc Sekolah Dasar Negeri 108 Pekanbaru

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    The problem on this research was that the low score of students' learning on social science study. There werestill a lot of students that did not understand basic concepts and tended to memorize examples. It was showed by58,07% from 31 students achieving minimum criteria completeness (KKM) from students' test score in IVCclass of SDN 108 Pekanbaru for Koperasi subject. The students' average score was 62,4, and the KKM stated byschool was 68. Based on this problem it was needed to do an action research using cooperative learning modelsTeams Games Tournaments (TGT) type. This research aims to know whether the implementation of cooperativelearning models Teams Games Tournaments (TGT) type can improve students' social science learningoutcomes at IVC class of SDN 108 Pekanbaru in 2013/2014 with 31students. This research was done in twocycles. First cycle consists of three meetings with one daily test and first tournament, and cycle II consists ofthree meetings with one daily test and second tournament. Instruments to collect data in this research areteacher's observation sheets, students' observation sheet, and tests. By implementing using cooperative learningmodels Teams Games Tournaments (TGT) type can improve students' mathematics learning outcomes.Percentage of completeness in basic score was 54,8% (62,40 in average), and it changed into 77,4% (75,6 inaverage) in cycle I and 87,1% (81,1 in average) in cycle II. Percentage of teacher' activity in cycle I was 81,9%and 92,3% in cycle II. Then percentage of students' activity in cycle I was 75,4% and 92,2% in cycle II. Fromthose data it proves that the implementation of cooperative learning models Teams Games Tournaments (TGT)type can improve students' learning outcomes at IVC class of SDN 108 Pekanbaru

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Quantum Teaching untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa Kelas Vb Sdn 171 Pekanbaru

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    The problem this research is the student achievement of social studies fifth graderes SDN 171 Pekanbaru still low with an average value of 55,25 and minimum completenness criteria (KKM) social studies is 75. Between students, amounting to 36 people only 15 students who achieve classical KKM with 42%. This research is Classroom action Research (CAR), wich aims to improve the learning process in the classroom. Formulation of the problem : is the implementation of Quantum Teaching can improve students achievment of social studies at SDN 171 Pekanbaru. The research was conducted on march 9, 2014 to april 25, 2015 by 2 cyclees. Subjects were students of SDN 171 Pekanbaru, totalling 36 people who use the data source. The data collection instruments in this research is a teacher and students activities sheets and students achievement. Based on the conduct of research with the implementation of learning models Quantum Teaching type of activity the teacher in the lerning process in cycle I frist meeting was 62,5% and at the second meeting of teacher activity increased by 8,3% to 70,8%. cycle II firs meeting and the second meeting of activity increased by 8,4% to 79,2% and the second meeting of activity increased by 12,5% to 95,8%. Result of data analysis of students activities in the first meeting cycle with the first meeting of an avarage of 54,2% and at second meeting of activity increased 8,3% to 62,5%% and a second meeting of activity increased 16,7% improve to 79,2%. At the firs meeting of the second meeting of activity increased 12,5% to 91,7%%. This research presents the results obtained each before the implementation an improve in base score sycle with the average being, 56,3%. In the first cycle improve an average of 66,7% with increase as 75,0% and an impove in the second with an average of 83,3% with increase as 9,5%. Result in the research that the implementation of cooperative learning model of Quantum Teaching) can improve students achievement of social Studies at fifth graderes SDN 171 Pekanbaru

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa Kelas IV SD Negeri 008 Sungai Segajah Kecamatan Kubu

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    The background ofthis research is a learning process is still dominatedby the fourth grade teachers so that students become passive, as well as thematerials used by teachers and learning outcomes are not satisfactory value -value - average under KKM. The researchers aimed to determine the presence orabsence of the influence of problem-based learning models, both individually andclassically there is a class IV student learning outcomes in social studies in theelementary school of 008 River Segajah Kubu district. This study was conductedon 31 students of this data to the data collected through observation of problembasedlearning model through UAS I and UAS II for student learning outcomesdata classically before action with - average class of 58, while the daily test cycleI with - average 63 , 3 and cycle II was increased to 68.3, the activity of theteacher in the learning process of the first cycle of the first meeting of the 70increased at the second meeting to 85 and the second cycle meeting activity 4 90to 95 students the first cycle of the first meeting of 70 increased at the meeting to2 to 80 and the second cycle 4 meeting at the sixth meeting menigkat 85 to 95.

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Langsung untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas IV Sdn 008 Sungai Segajah Kecamatan Kubu

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    The background of this research is theprocess of learning andteaching fourth grade 008 River State Segajah Kubu district in mathematics arestill didomonasi by the teacher so that students become passive, as well asmaterials provided by the teacher and the learning outcomes are not satisfactorywith an average value below KKM. This study aims to improve the learningoutcomes of students fourth grade math 008 River State Segajah Kubudistrict. This study was conducted on 28 students. Data were collected throughobservation using the observation sheet to the data model of learning directlythrough UH UH 1 and 2 teacher activity increased in the first cycle the firstmeeting of teachers 60% the percentage of activity, at the second meeting to 80%increased by 20%, at the first meeting of the second cycle of activity 90 increasedby 10%, while the second meeting 100% increase as much as 10%. While theactivities of the students at the first meeting of the first cycle of 55%, in the secondmeeting by 70% increased 15%, and the second cycle at the first meeting by 85%,95% the second meeting be increased by 10%.Increased student learningoutcomes in the first cycle than before tindakkan the base score of 39.3% of the 28students who completed the student and in the first cycle to 67.9% of students whocompleted 28 students and increased by 28.62, and the second cycle 85.7% ofstudents who completed 28 students, an increase of 17.8%. From the research anddiscussion as it has been described above that the use of direct instructionalmodel is correct then the activity of the teacher and student activities and studentlearning outcomes be improved and better. This information proves that thehypothesis which says: With Application of Direct Learning Model can improvethe learning outcomes of students fourth grade math 008 River State SegajahKubu district

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Two Stay Two Stray (Tsts) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa Kelas IV SD Negeri 007 Sungai Kubu Kecamatan Kubu Kabupaten Rokan Hilir

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    This research is motivated by lowyields social studies students, with agrade average of 68.83. While the completeness criteria Minimum value (KKM)IPS is 65 Among students who were 30 only 15 students who achieve KKM withclassical completeness 50%. This research is Classroom Action Research (CAR)conducted aiming to improve science learning outcomes Elementary Schoolfourth grade students 007 Kubu River by implementing cooperative learningmodel TSTS. Data collection instruments in this thesis is the sheet activities ofteachers and students and learning outcomes. This thesis presents the resultsobtained by studying the average learning outcome measures 68.83 before rising12.84% to 77.67 in cycle I. In the second cycle increased by 17.20% to an averageof 80.67. activities of teachers in the first cycle the first meeting of the percentageobtained 55% with unfavorable category, the second meeting had become62.50%. Furthermore, the first meeting of the second cycle activity scoreincreased by 87.50% of teachers either category, at the second meeting increasedto 100% with a very good category. The results of the data analysis of studentactivity in the first cycle to 50% with the category is not very good, at the secondmeeting of 57.50% In this cycle students already understand the application ofcooperative learning activities with the type TSTS. And the second cycle activityscore of 77.50% of students increased with both categories. At the second meetingincreased to 97.50% with very good category. The results of the study at 007River Elementary School fourth grade faction proved that the application ofcooperative learning model to improve learning outcomes NHT IPS 007 fourthgrade students of SDN Sungai Kubu

    Efektivitas Ekstrak Daging Buah Nanas (Ananas comosus L.) Dalam Penurunan Indeks Browning Dari Umbi Kentang (Solanum Tuberosum L.)

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    The purpose of this study was to determine whether the pineapple fruit extract can inhibit theprocess of browning on the potato tubers. This study used Completely Randomized Design(RAL) with 5 levels of pineapple fruit concentration of 0% v/v, 25% v/v. 50% v/v, 75% v/v,and 100% v/v and consist of 5 replications. Qualitative Parameters in this study was the colosurface of potato tubers while quantitative parameters were browning index, total soluble carbohydrate content, and dehydrogenase enzyme activity homogeneity of variance, analysisof variance, and Tukey test were conducted at 5% significant level. Correlations betweendependent and independent variables were determined by linear regression. The resultshowed that the color surface of potato tuber treated with the concentration of pineappleextract 100% v/v was less brown than control and other concentrations. Index browning ofpotato tuber treated with concentration 75% v/v and 100% v/v was significantly decreased. Concentration of pineapple extract was negative linearly correlated to browning index ofpotato tubers. The concentration of pineapple extract 100% v/v increased significantly totalsoluble carbohydrate of potato tubers. The concentration of pineapple extract was positivelinearly correlated to total soluble carbohydrate. The activity of dehydrogenase enzyme ofpotato tuber treated with concentration 100% v/v was significantly increased. Theconcentration of pineapple extract was quadratic correlated to the activity of dehydrogenaseenzyme

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Numbered Heads Together (Nht) untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa Kelas V Sdn 003 Teluknilap Kecamatan Kubu

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    This study aims to improve student learning outcomes through theimplementation of IPS cooperative learning model Number Heads Together(NHT) in Class V Elementary School 003 Gulf Nilap Kubu district 2013l2014academic year. This research was conducted in April to June 2014 the number of34 students, 20 boys and 14 girls. The results of the first cycle of observationshowed good activity has started 16 teachers (66.66%) in accordance with theplan, to observation of teacher activity at the second meeting considered either 18(75%). For the second cycle of activity observed with the category of teachers hasincreased very well 22 (91.66%) and in accordance with the plan, to aobservasiteacher activity at the second meeting of the second cycle also increases the verygood category 23 (95.83%). While the observation of student activity is good alsoat the first meeting of 16 (66.66%) and at the second meeting of 18 (75%) In thesecond cycle of observation of student activity increases with category very well22 (91.66) and also activity increases with category students very well at the lastmeeting 23 (95.83%). Based on the analysis of data from the discussion, theaverage value of the basic scores of students before the implementation ofcooperative learning model Number Heads Together (NHT) is 63.66. Thenincreased to 71.88 in the first cycle and increased again in the second cycle is83.82 thus it can be concluded that with the implementation of cooperativelearning model Number Heads Together (NHT) can improve learning outcomesIPS Elementary School fifth grade students 003 Gulf Nilap Kubu district
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