45 research outputs found

    A brain-based pain facilitation mechanism contributes to painful diabetic polyneuropathy.

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    The descending pain modulatory system represents one of the oldest and most fundamentally important neurophysiological mechanisms relevant to pain. Extensive work in animals and humans has shown how a functional imbalance between the facilitatory and inhibitory components is linked to exacerbation and maintenance of persistent pain states. Forward translation of these findings into clinical populations is needed to verify the relevance of this imbalance. Diabetic polyneuropathy is one of the most common causes of chronic neuropathic pain; however, the reason why ∼25–30% of patients with diabetes develop pain is not known. The current study used a multimodal clinical neuroimaging approach to interrogate whether the sensory phenotype of painful diabetic polyneuropathy involves altered function of the ventrolateral periaqueductal grey—a key node of the descending pain modulatory system. We found that ventrolateral periaqueductal grey functional connectivity is altered in patients suffering from painful diabetic polyneuropathy; the magnitude of which is correlated to their spontaneous and allodynic pain as well as the magnitude of the cortical response elicited by an experimental tonic heat paradigm. We posit that ventrolateral periaqueductal grey-mediated descending pain modulatory system dysfunction may reflect a brain-based pain facilitation mechanism contributing to painful diabetic polyneuropathy.Funding for this work was generously provided from the following sources: National Institute for Health Research Oxford Biomedical Research Centre, Medical Research Council of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Wellcome Trust (London, UK) and the Innovative Medicines Initiative Joint Undertaking (Brussels, Belgium), under grant agreement no 115007 resources of which are composed of financial contribution from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013) and EFPIA companies’ in kind contribution. D.L.B. and A.C.T. are members of the DOLORisk consortium funded by the European Commission Horizon 2020 (ID633491). D.L.B. and A.C.T. are members of the International Diabetic Neuropathy Consortium, the Novo Nordisk Foundation (Ref. NNF14SA0006). D.L.B. is a senior Wellcome clinical scientist (Ref. 202747/Z/16/Z). The project was supported by a strategic award from the Wellcome (Ref. 102645). A.R.S., D.L.B., and I.T. are members of the Wellcome Pain Consortium (Ref. 102645). A.C.T. is an Honorary Research Fellow of the Brain Function Research Group, School of Physiology, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa

    Similar nociceptive afferents mediate psychophysical and electrophysiological responses to heat stimulation of glabrous and hairy skin in humans

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    The ability to perceive and withdraw rapidly from noxious environmental stimuli is crucial for survival. When heat stimuli are applied to primate hairy skin, first pain sensation is mediated by type-II A-fibre nociceptors (II-AMHs). In contrast, the reported absence of first pain and II-AMH microneurographical responses when heat stimuli are applied to the hand palm has led to the notion that II-AMHs are lacking in this primate glabrous skin. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of hairy and glabrous skin stimulation on neural transmission of nociceptive inputs elicited by different kinds of thermal heating. We recorded psychophysical and EEG brain responses to radiant (laser-evoked potentials, LEPs) and contact heat stimuli (contact heat-evoked potentials, CHEPs) delivered to the dorsum and the palm of the hand in normal volunteers. Brain responses were analysed at a single-trial level, using an automated approach based on multiple linear regression. Laser stimulation of hairy and glabrous skin at the same energy elicited remarkably similar psychophysical ratings and LEPs. This finding provides strong evidence that first pain to heat does exist in glabrous skin, and suggests that similar nociceptive afferents, with the physiological properties of II-AMHs, mediate first pain to heat stimulation of glabrous and hairy skin in humans. In contrast, when contact heat stimuli were employed, a significantly higher nominal temperature had to be applied to glabrous skin in order to achieve psychophysical ratings similar to those obtained following hairy skin stimulation, and CHEPs following glabrous skin stimulation had significantly longer latencies (N2 wave, +25%; P2 wave, +24%) and smaller amplitudes (N2 wave, −40%; P2 wave, −44%) than CHEPs following hairy skin stimulation. Irrespective of the stimulated territory, CHEPs always had significantly longer latencies (hairy skin N2 wave, +75%; P2 wave, +56%) and smaller amplitudes (hairy skin N2 wave, −42%; P2 wave, −19%) than LEPs. These findings are consistent with the thickness-dependent delay and attenuation of the temperature waveform at nociceptor depth when conductive heating is applied, and suggest that the previously reported lack of first pain and microneurographical II-AMH responses following glabrous skin stimulation could have been the result of a search bias consequent to the use of long-wavelength radiant heating (i.e. CO2 laser) as stimulation procedure

    Characterisation and mechanisms of bradykinin-evoked pain in man using iontophoresis

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    Bradykinin (BK) is an inflammatory mediator that can evoke oedema and vasodilatation, and is a potent algogen signalling via the B1 and B2 G-protein coupled receptors. In naïve skin, BK is effective via constitutively expressed B2 receptors (B2R), while B1 receptors (B1R) are purported to be upregulated by inflammation. The aim of this investigation was to optimise BK delivery to investigate the algesic effects of BK and how these are modulated by inflammation. BK iontophoresis evoked dose- and temperature-dependent pain and neurogenic erythema, as well as thermal and mechanical hyperalgesia (P < 0.001 vs saline control). To differentiate the direct effects of BK from indirect effects mediated by histamine released from mast cells (MCs), skin was pretreated with compound 4880 to degranulate the MCs prior to BK challenge. The early phase of BK-evoked pain was reduced in degranulated skin (P < 0.001), while thermal and mechanical sensitisation, wheal, and flare were still evident. In contrast to BK, the B1R selective agonist des-Arg9-BK failed to induce pain or sensitise naïve skin. However, following skin inflammation induced by ultraviolet B irradiation, this compound produced a robust pain response. We have optimised a versatile experimental model by which BK and its analogues can be administered to human skin. We have found that there is an early phase of BK-induced pain which partly depends on the release of inflammatory mediators by MCs; however, subsequent hyperalgesia is not dependent on MC degranulation. In naïve skin, B2R signaling predominates, however, cutaneous inflammation results in enhanced B1R responses. © 2013 International Association for the Study of Pain. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Identifying brain activity specifically related to the maintenance and perceptual consequence of central sensitization in humans.

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    Central sensitization (CS) refers to an increase in the excitability of spinal dorsal horn neurons that results from, and far outlasts the initiating nociceptive input. Here, functional magnetic resonance imaging was used to examine whether supraspinal activity might contribute to the maintenance of CS in humans. A crossover parametric design was used to distinguish and control for brain activity that is related to the consequence of increased pain experienced during CS. When the intensity of pain during CS and normal states were matched, only activity within the brainstem, including the mesencephalic pontine reticular formation, and the anterior thalami remained increased during CS. Further analyses revealed that activity in the isolated brainstem area correlated positively with the force of noxious stimulation only during CS, whereas activity in the isolated thalamic area was not modulated parametrically in either CS or normal states. Additionally, the mean activity in the isolated brainstem area was increased only during CS, whereas the mean activity in the isolated thalamic area was increased in both states, albeit less so in the normal state. Together, these findings suggest a specific role of the brainstem for the maintenance of CS in humans. Regarding brain areas related to the consequence of increased pain perception during CS, we found that only cortical activity, mainly in the primary somatosensory area, was significantly correlated with intensity of pain that was attributable to both the force of noxious stimulation used and state in which noxious stimulation was applied

    Operculoinsular cortex encodes pain intensity at the earliest stages of cortical processing as indicated by amplitude of laser-evoked potentials in humans.

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    Converging evidence from different functional imaging studies indicates that the intensity of activation of different nociceptive areas (including the operculoinsular cortex, the primary somatosensory cortex, and the anterior cingulate gyrus) correlates with perceived pain intensity in the human brain. Brief radiant laser pulses excite selectively Adelta and C nociceptors in the superficial skin layers, provide a purely nociceptive input, and evoke brain potentials (laser-evoked potentials, LEPs) that are commonly used to assess nociceptive pathways in physiological and clinical studies. Adelta-related LEPs are constituted of different components. The earliest is a lateralised, small negative component (N1) which could be generated by the operculoinsular cortex. The major negative component (N2) seems to be mainly the result of activation in the bilateral operculoinsular cortices and contralateral primary somatosensory cortex, and it is followed by a positive component (P2) probably generated by the cingulate gyrus. Currently, early and late LEP components are considered to be differentially sensitive to the subjective variability of pain perception: the late N2-P2 complex strongly correlates with perceived pain, whereas the early N1 component is thought to be a pre-perceptual sensory response. To obtain physiological information on the roles of the pain-related brain areas in healthy humans, we examined the relationship between perceived pain intensity and latency and amplitude of the early (N1) and late (N2, P2) LEP components. We found that the amplitude of the N1 component correlated significantly with the subjective pain ratings, both within and between subjects. Furthermore, we showed that the N2 and P2 late LEP components are differentially sensitive to the perceived sensation, and demonstrated that the N2 component mainly explains the previously described correlation between perceived pain and the amplitude of the N2-P2 vertex complex of LEPs. Our findings confirm the notion that pain intensity processing is distributed over several brain areas, and suggest that the intensity coding of a noxious stimulus occurs already at the earliest stage of perception processing, in the operculoinsular region and, possibly, the primary somatosensory area

    Somatotopic organisation of the human insula to painful heat studied with high resolution functional imaging.

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    Pain perception is a multidimensional phenomenon, derived from sensory, affective, cognitive-evaluative and homeostatic information. Neuroimaging studies of pain perception have investigated the role of primary somatosensory cortex (SI); however, they have typically failed to demonstrate the expected somatotopy. An alternative network for the sensory component of pain has been proposed, involving a temperature and pain-specific nucleus of the thalamus (VMpo) and its projections to dorsal posterior insula (dpIns). According to this hypothesis, projections to the insula should be arranged somatotopically. In order to test for the presence of somatotopy in the operculo-insular brain region, we delivered moderately painful thermal stimuli to the right face, hand and foot in 14 healthy subjects and recorded brain responses using high resolution functional magnetic resonance imaging at 3 T. For each subject, the thermode temperature was adjusted to produce pain ratings of 5 to 6 out of 10, which corresponded to average temperatures for the face, hand and foot of 49.6, 48.5 and 48.5 degrees C, respectively. Examination of mixed effects group activation maps suggested a pain-related somatotopy in the contralateral posterior insula and putamen. Construction of frequency maps revealed that face activation within the posterior insula was anterior to both hand and foot, whilst foot activation was located medially in the circular sulcus. Single subject analysis demonstrated that only coordinates for dpIns activation were significantly dependent on stimulus location (Hotelling's Trace, P = 0.012). Coordinates for face (paired t test, P = 0.004) and hand (P < 0.001) activity were more lateral than those for foot, whilst face activation was anterior to the foot (P = 0.037). Based on single subject analyses, the average standard space (MNI) coordinates for face, hand and foot activity were (-40,-16,11), (-40,-19,14) and (-35,-21,11) respectively

    A role for the brainstem in central sensitisation in humans. Evidence from functional magnetic resonance imaging.

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    Animal studies have established a role for the brainstem reticular formation, in particular the rostral ventromedial medulla (RVM), in the development and maintenance of central sensitisation and its clinical manifestation, secondary hyperalgesia. Similar evidence in humans is lacking, as neuroimaging studies have mainly focused on cortical changes. To fully characterise the supraspinal contributions to central sensitisation in humans, we used whole-brain functional magnetic resonance imaging at 3T, to record brain responses to punctate mechanical stimulation in an area of secondary hyperalgesia. We used the heat/capsaicin sensitisation model to induce secondary hyperalgesia on the right lower leg in 12 healthy volunteers. A paired t-test was used to compare activation maps obtained during punctate stimulation of the secondary hyperalgesia area and those recorded during control punctate stimulation (same body site, untreated skin, separate session). The following areas showed significantly increased activation (Z>2.3, corrected P<0.01) during hyperalgesia: contralateral brainstem, cerebellum, bilateral thalamus, contralateral primary and secondary somatosensory cortices, bilateral posterior insula, anterior and posterior cingulate cortices, right middle frontal gyrus and right parietal association cortex. Brainstem activation was localised to two distinct areas of the midbrain reticular formation, in regions consistent with the location of nucleus cuneiformis (NCF) and rostral superior colliculi/periaqueductal gray (SC/PAG). The PAG and the NCF are the major sources of input to the RVM, and therefore in an ideal position to modulate its output. These results suggest that structures in the mesencephalic reticular formation, possibly the NCF and PAG, are involved in central sensitisation in humans