98 research outputs found

    Integrasi Media Audio-Visual dan Teknik Kerja Kelompok dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di SMPN 15 Mataram

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    Menciptakan pembelajaran yang menyenangkan adalah keharusan bagi para guru. Pemanfaatan media pembelajaran adalah salah satu cara yang bisa dilakukan oleh para guru untuk menciptakan pembelajaran yang tidak hanya menyenangkan tetapi juga dapat mempermudah proses pemahaman siswa terhadap bahan ajar yang disampaikan. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pemanfaatan media audio-visual yang diintegrasikan dengan teknik kerja kelompok dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas IXD SMPN 15 Mataram.yang melibatkan 34 siswa. Tes dan angket digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data terkait prestasi belajar dan persepsi siswa tentang media audio-visual dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris selama 6 kali pertemuan. Data yang terkumpul dan dianalisis secara kualitatif menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata hasil belajar siswa adalah 80,49 dengan rentang skor 57 – 100. Sedangkan hasil angket menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar (88%) siswa sangat setuju dengan perlunya penggunaan media audio-visual dan dengan penggunaan media audio-visual yang menjadikan pelajaran bahasa Inggris pelajaran yang menyenangkan, 61,76% siswa menyatakan sangat setuju jika media audio-visual tidak hanya melatih tetapi juga menghibur, dan 52,94% siswa menyatakn setuju jika penggunaan media-audio visual dapat memotivasi dan mempermudah mereka dalam memahamai bahan ajar. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dan manfaat dari media audio-visual dan teknik kerja kelompok maka para guru disarankan untuk memanfaatkan media audio-visual dengan mengintegrasikannya dengan teknik kerja kelompok untuk menjadikan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris pembelajaran yang menyenangakan

    Pengaruh Model Advance Organizer Tipe Comparative Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa SMA Materi Larutan Penyangga

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    This research were aimed to determine the differences in test result among students taught using comparative type of advance organizer model and conventional model and to determine the effect of comparative type of advance organizer model toward test result. Samples were taken by means of cluster random sampling. They were XI IPA 1 as control class and XI IPA 2 as eksperimental class. Nonequivalent pretest posttest group control design was applied as form research. Test, observation sheet, and guidlines interview were used to collect data. U-Mann Whitney test showed sig<0.05 (0.039<0.05) could conclusion there's a difference in test result between students taught using comparative type of advance organizer model and conventional model on buffer solution materials in XI IPA class of SMA Negeri 10 Pontianak. Result of calculation of effect size was 14.43% in increasing test result

    Mekanisme Corporate Governance dan Kualitas Laba

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    This research tried to examine the influence of corporate governancemechanism, namely institutional ownership, managerial ownership, composition ofboard of commissioner and audit committee to earning quality. This research takessample from 40 companies in the manufacturing sector at the Indonesian StockExchange, which were published in financial report in the year 2006. The method ofanalysis of this research used mulyple linear regression.The result showed that onlyinstitusional ownership variable significant effect on earning quality. It indicates thatinstitusional ownership can be monitoring the activity management because thisinvestor is sophisticated investor and informed investor about companies, howevermanipulate earning caused by asymetric information can increased. Than, variablesmanagerial ownership, composition of board of commisioner, and audit committeenot significant effect on earning quality

    Website Unit Pelaksana Teknis Dinas (Uptd) Puskesmas Jembatan Kecil Kota Bengkulu Menggunakan Adobe Dreamweaver Cs3

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    Science and technology evolve in line with the progress of activities undertaken to support humans. The computer is one of the results of human creation, combined with science to develop according to the needs of the user.This research aims to create a website Office Technical Implementation using Adobe Dreamweaver CS3,.The method used in this research is to use the method of system development. To get the required data the authors use data collection methods such as observation, interview techniques, and literature. Applications that are used in the manufacture of the Technical Unit Office website Jembatan Kecil Mini Hospital of Bengkulu is using Adobe Dreamweaver CS3, Programming Languages PHP, and MySQL as the database.These results indicate that the website needed to reduce the lack of information on the distance and time, so it does not have to come to get what is needed. Technical Unit Office website Jembatan Kecil Mini Hospital of Bengkulu should be able to run it online to be accessed anytime and anywhere through internet-connected computer

    Sistem Informasi Pajak Bumi Dan Bangunan Pada Kantor Camat Tanjung Kemuning Kabupaten Kaur Provinsi Bengkulu

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    The research aims to create a system of property tax information at the sub-district office Tanjung Kemuning Kaur Regency in Bengkulu Province using Visual Basic 6.0. This program is expected to assist in providing property tax information to employees of the District and the villages in the District of Tanjung Kemuning Kaur Regency in Bengkulu Province. The method used in this study: data collection methods proposed are methods of Library Studies and Observation. From the discussion of the results obtained from this process is the set list assessment report due, recapitulation tax payments and tax returns owed. The program was created by using Microsoft Access and Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 as a tool. Keywords: Information Systems, Visual Basic 6.0, Land and Building Ta

    Contingent Valuation MethodsDalam Penilaian Kualitas Udara Di Yogyakarta \u27

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    Abstrak Kegiatan transportasi merupakan salah satu penyumbang yang besar bagi pencemaran udara di daerah perkotaan. Tempat terakumulasinya polutan cenderung berada pada tempat-tempat yang direncanakan sebagai pusat kegiatan ekonomi. Akibatnya masyarakat tidak cukup mendapat perlindungan kenyamanan yang kemudian dirasakannya sebagai suatu ketidakadilan. Dengan prinsip polluters pay kiranya dapat dirasakan bahwa keadilan itu ada apabila pencemar baik perorangan ataupun pemerintah melakukan pembayaran penuh atas biaya kerusakan lingkungan yang disimpulkan oleh kegiatan mereka. Metode valuasi kontingensi dapat digunakan untuk mengetahui keinginan membayar (willingness to pay) dari masyarakat untuk pemulihan kualitas udara tersebut. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa masyarakat mempunyai kemauan membayar untuk upaya memelihara lingkungan melalui dana yang ditarik dari setiap liter BBM yang dikonsumsi untuk melakukan perfalanan (transporiasi). Kata kunci: Valuasi kontingensi, pencemaran udar

    The Business Analysis of Catfish (Clarias SP) Enlargement on Fish Pond in Sub-District of Minas, District of Siak, Riau Province

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    The research about the business analysis of catfish (Clarias sp) enlargement on fish pond was conducted on January, 2016 in Sub-District of Minas, District of Siak, Riau Province. This study aims to (1) analyzed the business enlargement of fish pond of catfish and (2) the feasibility business of enlargement of fish pond of catfish. The method used is a survey method that includes observation, interviews and documentation.Based on the results of research (1) the average production costs incurred in enlargement business of catfish with an area of 72-220 m2 of Rp 5.687.750, - / harvest up to Rp 16.788.250, - / harvest with total receipts received by Rp 15.912 million, - / harvest up to Rp 36.21 million, - / harvest and great benefits received Rp 8.7 million,-/ harvest up to Rp 21 million, - / harvest and (2) enlargement business of fish pond of catfish in Minas feasible with RCR value> 1, the FRR values> 6.02% and the value of PPC is between 1,94 to 4,67 per period or ± 6 to 14 month
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