6,903 research outputs found

    Maximum relative excitation of a specific vibrational mode via optimum laser pulse duration

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    For molecules and materials responding to femtosecond-scale optical laser pulses, we predict maximum relative excitation of a Raman-active vibrational mode with period T when the pulse has an FWHM duration of 0.42 T. This result follows from a general analytical model, and is precisely confirmed by detailed density-functional-based dynamical simulations for C60 and a carbon nanotube, which include anharmonicity, nonlinearity, no assumptions about the polarizability tensor, and no averaging over rapid oscillations within the pulse. The mode specificity is, of course, best at low temperature and for pulses that are electronically off-resonance, and the energy deposited in any mode is proportional to the fourth power of the electric field.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Sphingomyelin and GM1 Influence Huntingtin Binding to, Disruption of, and Aggregation on Lipid Membranes

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    Huntington disease (HD) is an inherited neurodegenerative disease caused by the expansion beyond a critical threshold of a polyglutamine (polyQ) tract near the N-terminus of the huntingtin (htt) protein. Expanded polyQ promotes the formation of a variety of oligomeric and fibrillar aggregates of htt that accumulate into the hallmark proteinaceous inclusion bodies associated with HD. htt is also highly associated with numerous cellular and subcellular membranes that contain a variety of lipids. As lipid homeostasis and metabolism abnormalities are observed in HD patients, we investigated how varying both the sphingomyelin (SM) and ganglioside (GM1) contents modifies the interactions between htt and lipid membranes. SM composition is altered in HD, and GM1 has been shown to have protective effects in animal models of HD. A combination of Langmuir trough monolayer techniques, vesicle permeability and binding assays, and in situ atomic force microscopy (AFM) were used to directly monitor the interaction of a model, synthetic htt peptide and a full-length htt-exon1 recombinant protein with model membranes comprised of total brain lipid extract (TBLE) and varying amounts of exogenously added SM or GM1. The addition of either SM or GM1 decreased htt insertion into the lipid monolayers. However, TBLE vesicles with an increased SM content were more susceptible to htt-induced permeabilization, whereas GM1 had no effect on permeablization. Pure TBLE bilayers and TBLE bilayers enriched with GM1 developed regions of roughened, granular morphologies upon exposure to htt-exon1, but plateau-like domains with a smoother appearance formed in bilayers enriched with SM. Oligomeric aggregates were observed on all bilayer systems regardless of induced morphology. Collectively, these observations suggest that the lipid composition and its subsequent effects on membrane material properties strongly influence htt binding and aggregation on lipid membranes

    First-order coherence versus entanglement in a nano-mechanical cavity

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    The coherence and correlation properties of effective bosonic modes of a nano-mechanical cavity composed of an oscillating mirror and containing an optical lattice of regularly trapped atoms are studied. The system is modeled as a three-mode system, two orthogonal polariton modes representing the coupled optical lattice and the cavity mode, and one mechanical mode representing the oscillating mirror. We examine separately the cases of two-mode and three-mode interactions which are distinguished by a suitable tuning of the mechanical mode to the polariton mode frequencies. In the two-mode case, we find that the occurrence of entanglement between one of the polariton modes and the mechanical mode is highly sensitive to the presence of the first-order coherence between the modes. In particular, the creation of the first-order coherence among the modes is achieved at the expense of entanglement between the modes. In the three-mode case, we show that no entanglement is created between the independent polariton modes if both modes are coupled to the mechanical mode by the parametric interaction. There is no entanglement between the polaritons even if the oscillating mirror is damped by a squeezed vacuum field. The interaction creates the first-order coherence between the polaritons and the degree of coherence can, in principle, be as large as unity. This demonstrates that the oscillating mirror can establish the first-order coherence between two independent thermal modes. A further analysis shows that two independent thermal modes can be made entangled in the system only when one of the modes is coupled to the intermediate mode by a parametric interaction and the other is coupled by a linear-mixing interaction.Comment: Published versio

    Entangling two distant nanocavities via a waveguide

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    In this paper, we investigate the generation of continuous variable entanglement between two spatially-separate nanocavities mediated by a coupled resonator optical waveguide in photonic crystals. By solving the exact dynamics of the cavity system coupled to the waveguide, the entanglement and purity of the two-mode cavity state are discussed in detail for the initially separated squeezing inputs. It is found that the stable and pure entangled state of the two distant nanocavities can be achieved with the requirement of only a weak cavity-waveguide coupling when the cavities are resonant with the band center of the waveguide. The strong couplings between the cavities and the waveguide lead to the entanglement sudden death and sudden birth. When the frequencies of the cavities lie outside the band of the waveguide, the waveguide-induced cross frequency shift between the cavities can optimize the achievable entanglement. It is also shown that the entanglement can be easily manipulated through the changes of the cavity frequencies within the waveguide band.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Location Privacy and Its Applications: A Systematic Study

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    © 2013 IEEE. This paper surveys the current research status of location privacy issues in mobile applications. The survey spans five aspects of study: the definition of location privacy, attacks and adversaries, mechanisms to preserve the privacy of locations, location privacy metrics, and the current status of location-based applications. Through this comprehensive review, all the interrelated aspects of location privacy are integrated into a unified framework. Additionally, the current research progress in each area is reviewed individually, and the links between existing academic research and its practical applications are identified. This in-depth analysis of the current state-of-play in location privacy is designed to provide a solid foundation for future studies in the field

    Learning from Weak and Noisy Labels for Semantic Segmentation

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    This work was partially supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (61573363 and 61573026), 973 Program of China (2014CB340403 and 2015CB352502), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities and the Research Funds of Renmin University of China (15XNLQ01), IBM Global SUR Award Program, European Research Council FP7 Project SUNNY (313243), and the funding from KAUST

    The K giant stars from the LAMOST survey data I: identification, metallicity, and distance

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    We present a support vector machine classifier to identify the K giant stars from the LAMOST survey directly using their spectral line features. The completeness of the identification is about 75% for tests based on LAMOST stellar parameters. The contamination in the identified K giant sample is lower than 2.5%. Applying the classification method to about 2 million LAMOST spectra observed during the pilot survey and the first year survey, we select 298,036 K giant candidates. The metallicities of the sample are also estimated with uncertainty of 0.13∼0.290.13\sim0.29\,dex based on the equivalent widths of Mgb_{\rm b} and iron lines. A Bayesian method is then developed to estimate the posterior probability of the distance for the K giant stars, based on the estimated metallicity and 2MASS photometry. The synthetic isochrone-based distance estimates have been calibrated using 7 globular clusters with a wide range of metallicities. The uncertainty of the estimated distance modulus at K=11K=11\,mag, which is the median brightness of the K giant sample, is about 0.6\,mag, corresponding to ∼30\sim30% in distance. As a scientific verification case, the trailing arm of the Sagittarius stream is clearly identified with the selected K giant sample. Moreover, at about 80\,kpc from the Sun, we use our K giant stars to confirm a detection of stream members near the apo-center of the trailing tail. These rediscoveries of the features of the Sagittarius stream illustrate the potential of the LAMOST survey for detecting substructures in the halo of the Milky Way.Comment: 24 pages, 20 figures, submitted to Ap

    Neutron Scattering Measurements of Spatially Anisotropic Magnetic Exchange Interactions in Semiconducting K0.85Fe1.54Se2 (TN=280 K)

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    We use neutron scattering to study the spin excitations associated with the stripe antiferromagnetic (AFM) order in semiconducting K0.85_{0.85}Fe1.54_{1.54}Se2_2 (TNT_N=280280 K). We show that the spin wave spectra can be accurately described by an effective Heisenberg Hamiltonian with highly anisotropic in-plane couplings at TT= 55 K. At high temperature (TT= 300300 K) above TNT_N, short range magnetic correlation with anisotropic correlation lengths are observed. Our results suggest that, despite the dramatic difference in the Fermi surface topology, the in-plane anisotropic magnetic couplings are a fundamental property of the iron based compounds; this implies that their antiferromagnetism may originate from local strong correlation effects rather than weak coupling Fermi surface nesting.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
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