502 research outputs found

    Multi-Resolution Analysis and Fractional Quantum Hall Effect: an Equivalence Result

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    In this paper we prove that any multi-resolution analysis of \Lc^2(\R) produces, for some values of the filling factor, a single-electron wave function of the lowest Landau level (LLL) which, together with its (magnetic) translated, gives rise to an orthonormal set in the LLL. We also give the inverse construction. Moreover, we extend this procedure to the higher Landau levels and we discuss the analogies and the differences between this procedure and the one previously proposed by J.-P. Antoine and the author.Comment: Submitted to Journal Mathematical Physisc

    A versatile multiplexed assay to quantify intracellular ROS and cell viability in 3D on-a-chip models

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    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) have different properties and biological functions. They contribute to cell signaling and, in excessive amounts, to oxidative stress (OS). Although ROS is pivotal in a wide number of physiological systems and pathophysiological processes, direct quantification in vivo is quite challenging and mainly limited to in vitro studies. Even though advanced in vitro cell culture techniques, like on-a-chip culture, have overcome the lack of crucial in vivo-like physiological aspects in 2D culture, the majority of in vitro ROS quantification studies are generally performed in 2D. Here we report the development, application, and validation of a multiplexed assay to quantify ROS and cell viability in organ-on-a-chip models. The assay utilizes three dyes to stain live cells for ROS, dead cells, and DNA. Confocal images were analyzed to quantify ROS probes and determine the number of nuclei and dead cells. We found that, in contrast to what has been reported with 2D cell culture, on-a-chip models are more prone to scavenge ROS rather than accumulate them. The assay is sensitive enough to distinguish between different phenotypes of endothelial cells (ECs) based on the level of OS to detect higher level in tumor than normal cells. Our results indicate that the use of physiologically relevant models and this assay could help unravelling the mechanisms behind OS and ROS accumulation. A further step could be taken in data analysis by implementing AI in the pipeline to also analyze images for morphological changes to have an even broader view of OS mechanism

    Biomanufacture of nano-Pd(0) by Escherichia coli and electrochemical activity of bio-Pd(0) made at the expense of H2 and formate as electron donors

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    Objective: Palladised cells of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans and Shewanella oneidensis have been reported as fuel cell electrocatalysts but growth at scale may be unattractive/costly; we have evaluated the potential of using E. coli, using H2/formate for Pd-nanoparticle manufacture. Results: Using ‘bio-Pd’ made under H2 (20 wt%) cyclic voltammograms suggested electrochemical activity of bio-NPs in a native state, attributed to proton adsorption/desorption. Bio-Pd prepared using formate as the electron donor gave smaller, well separated NPs; this material showed no electrochemical properties, and hence little potential for fuel cell use using a simple preparation technique. Bio-Pd on S. oneidensis gave similar results to those obtained using E. coli. Conclusion: Bio-Pd is sufficiently conductive to make an E. coli-derived electrochemically active material on intact, unprocessed bacterial cells if prepared at the expense of H2, showing potential for fuel cell applications using a simple one-step preparation method

    Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells do not enhance intra-synovial tendon healing despite engraftment and homing to niches within the synovium

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    Intra-synovial tendon injuries display poor healing, which often results in reduced functionality and pain. A lack of effective therapeutic options has led to experimental approaches to augment natural tendon repair with autologous mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) although the effects of the intra-synovial environment on the distribution, engraftment and functionality of implanted MSCs is not known. This study utilised a novel sheep model which, although in an anatomically different location, more accurately mimics the mechanical and synovial environment of the human rotator cuff, to determine the effects of intra-synovial implantation of MSCs

    Healthy and diseased placental barrier on-a-chip models suitable for standardized studies

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    Pathologies associated with uteroplacental hypoxia, such as preeclampsia are among the leading causes of maternal and perinatal morbidity in the world. Its fundamental mechanisms are yet poorly understood due to a lack of good experimental models. Here we report an in vitro model of the placental barrier, based on co-culture of trophoblasts and endothelial cells against a collagen extracellular matrix in a microfluidic platform. The model yields a functional syncytium with barrier properties, polarization, secretion of relevant extracellular membrane components, thinning of the materno-fetal space, hormone secretion, and transporter function. The model is exposed to low oxygen conditions and perfusion flow is modulated to induce a pathological environment. This results in reduced barrier function, hormone secretion, and microvilli as well as an increased nuclei count, characteristics of preeclamptic placentas. The model is implemented in a titer plate-based microfluidic platform fully amenable to high-throughput screening. We thus believe this model could aid mechanistic understanding of preeclampsia and other placental pathologies associated with hypoxia/ischemia, as well as support future development of effective therapies through target and compound screening campaigns.Statement of Significance: The human placenta is a unique organ sustaining fetus growth but is also the source of severe pathologies, such as Preeclampsia. Though leading cause of perinatal mortality in the world, preeclampsia remains untreatable due to a lack of relevant in vitro placenta models. To better understand the pathology, we have developed 3D placental barrier models in a microfluidic device. The platform allows parallel culture of 40 perfused physiological miniaturized placental barriers, comprising a differentiated syncytium and endothelium that have been validated for transporter functions. Exposure to a hypoxic and ischemic environment enabled the mimicking of preeclamptic characteristics in high-throughput, which we believe could lead to a better understanding of the pathology as well as support future effective therapies development.</p

    Buprenorphine versus dihydrocodeine for opiate detoxification in primary care: a randomised controlled trial

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    Background Many drug users present to primary care requesting detoxification from illicit opiates. There are a number of detoxification agents but no recommended drug of choice. The purpose of this study is to compare buprenorphine with dihydrocodeine for detoxification from illicit opiates in primary care. Methods Open label randomised controlled trial in NHS Primary Care (General Practices), Leeds, UK. Sixty consenting adults using illicit opiates received either daily sublingual buprenorphine or daily oral dihydrocodeine. Reducing regimens for both interventions were at the discretion of prescribing doctor within a standard regimen of not more than 15 days. Primary outcome was abstinence from illicit opiates at final prescription as indicated by a urine sample. Secondary outcomes during detoxification period and at three and six months post detoxification were recorded. Results Only 23% completed the prescribed course of detoxification medication and gave a urine sample on collection of their final prescription. Risk of non-completion of detoxification was reduced if allocated buprenorphine (68% vs 88%, RR 0.58 CI 0.35–0.96, p = 0.065). A higher proportion of people allocated to buprenorphine provided a clean urine sample compared with those who received dihydrocodeine (21% vs 3%, RR 2.06 CI 1.33–3.21, p = 0.028). People allocated to buprenorphine had fewer visits to professional carers during detoxification and more were abstinent at three months (10 vs 4, RR 1.55 CI 0.96–2.52) and six months post detoxification (7 vs 3, RR 1.45 CI 0.84–2.49). Conclusion Informative randomised trials evaluating routine care within the primary care setting are possible amongst drug using populations. This small study generates unique data on commonly used treatment regimens

    Magnetic excitations in SrCu2O3: a Raman scattering study

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    We investigated temperature dependent Raman spectra of the one-dimensional spin-ladder compound SrCu2O3. At low temperatures a two-magnon peak is identified at 3160+/-10 cm^(-1) and its temperature dependence analyzed in terms of a thermal expansion model. We find that the two-magnon peak position must include a cyclic ring exchange of J_cycl/J_perp=0.09-0.25 with a coupling constant along the rungs of J_perp approx. 1215 cm^(-1) (1750 K) in order to be consistent with other experiments and theoretical results.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    The adult heart requires baseline expression of the transcription factor Hand2 to withstand RV pressure overload

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    AIMS: Research on the pathophysiology of right ventricular (RV) failure has, in spite of the associated high mortality and morbidity, lagged behind compared to the left ventricle (LV).Previous work from our lab revealed that the embryonic basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor heart and neural crest derivatives expressed-2 (Hand2) is re-expressed in the adult heart and activates a 'fetal gene program' contributing to pathological cardiac remodeling under conditions of LV pressure overload. As such, ablation of cardiac expression of Hand2 conferred protection to cardiac stress and abrogated the maladaptive effects that were observed upon increased expression levels. In this study, we aimed to understand the contribution of Hand2 to RV remodeling in response to pressure overload induced by pulmonary artery banding (PAB). METHODS AND RESULTS: In the present study, Hand2F/F and MCM- Hand2F/F mice were treated with tamoxifen (control and knockout, respectively) and subjected to six weeks of RV pressure overload induced by PAB. Echocardiographic- and MRI-derived hemodynamic parameters as well as molecular remodeling were assessed for all experimental groups and compared to sham-operated controls. Six weeks after PAB, levels of Hand2 expression increased in the control banded animals but, as expected, remained absent in the knockout hearts. Despite the dramatic differences in Hand2 expression, pressure overload resulted in impaired cardiac function independently of the genotype. In fact, Hand2 depletion seems to sensitize the RV to pressure overload as these mice develop more hypertrophy and more severe cardiac dysfunction. Higher expression levels of HAND2 were also observed in RV samples of human hearts from patients with pulmonary hypertension. In turn, the LV of RV-pressure overloaded hearts was also dramatically affected as reflected by changes in shape, decreased LV mass and impaired cardiac function. RNA sequencing revealed a distinct set of genes that are dysregulated in the pressure-overloaded RV, compared to the previously described pressure-overloaded LV. CONCLUSIONS: Cardiac-specific depletion of Hand2 is associated with severe cardiac dysfunction in conditions of RV pressure overload. While inhibiting Hand2 expression can prevent cardiac dysfunction in conditions of LV pressure overload, the same does not hold true for conditions of RV pressure overload. This study highlights the need to better understand the molecular mechanisms driving pathological remodeling of the RV in contrast to the LV, in order to better diagnose and treat patients with RV or LV failure. TRANSLATIONAL PERSPECTIVE: RV failure associated with pulmonary hypertension reduces long-term survival rate to 55% within 3 years, suggesting that 3 years after diagnosis almost half of the patients will die. To revert these numbers an adequate RV-specific and, therefore, more efficient treatment is needed. Our work suggests that current therapies and potential mechanisms underlying LV failure may not be suitable for RV failure. While Hand2 deletion is favorable in LV response to stress, it is particularly detrimental in the RV under similar conditions, and thus, highlighting potential severe consequences of not differentiating therapeutic targets or treatment for RV or LV failure

    Association of Vitamin B12 Deficiency with Fatigue and Depression after Lacunar Stroke

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    Background: In lacunar stroke patients vitamin B12 deficiency is often found and a relationship with the degree of periventricular white matter lesions (pWMLs) is suggested. Given the known relationships between WMLs and depression and between depression and fatigue after stroke, we studied both depression and fatigue in lacunar stroke patients with and without vitamin B12 deficiency. Methods: In 40 first-ever lacunar stroke patients vitamin B12 levels were determined and self-report questionnaires for fatigue and depression were completed three months after stroke. Results: Lacunar stroke patients with vitamin B12 deficiency (N = 13) reported significantly more fatigue (90.7 versus 59.4; p =.001) and depressive symptoms (6.62 versus 3.89; p,.05) than those without (N = 27). In regression analyses, vitamin B12 deficiency was significantly and independently associated with the presence of severe fatigue and clinically significant depression. Conclusions: Our preliminary results suggest a relationship between vitamin B12 deficiency and increased levels of fatigue and depression in lacunar stroke patients. If these findings could be replicated in a larger and general stroke sample, thi

    The science of clinical practice: disease diagnosis or patient prognosis? Evidence about "what is likely to happen" should shape clinical practice.

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    BACKGROUND: Diagnosis is the traditional basis for decision-making in clinical practice. Evidence is often lacking about future benefits and harms of these decisions for patients diagnosed with and without disease. We propose that a model of clinical practice focused on patient prognosis and predicting the likelihood of future outcomes may be more useful. DISCUSSION: Disease diagnosis can provide crucial information for clinical decisions that influence outcome in serious acute illness. However, the central role of diagnosis in clinical practice is challenged by evidence that it does not always benefit patients and that factors other than disease are important in determining patient outcome. The concept of disease as a dichotomous 'yes' or 'no' is challenged by the frequent use of diagnostic indicators with continuous distributions, such as blood sugar, which are better understood as contributing information about the probability of a patient's future outcome. Moreover, many illnesses, such as chronic fatigue, cannot usefully be labelled from a disease-diagnosis perspective. In such cases, a prognostic model provides an alternative framework for clinical practice that extends beyond disease and diagnosis and incorporates a wide range of information to predict future patient outcomes and to guide decisions to improve them. Such information embraces non-disease factors and genetic and other biomarkers which influence outcome. SUMMARY: Patient prognosis can provide the framework for modern clinical practice to integrate information from the expanding biological, social, and clinical database for more effective and efficient care
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