314 research outputs found

    Effect of contact pressure on porcine postmortem brain tissue impedance

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    The 14C(n,g) cross section between 10 keV and 1 MeV

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    The neutron capture cross section of 14C is of relevance for several nucleosynthesis scenarios such as inhomogeneous Big Bang models, neutron induced CNO cycles, and neutrino driven wind models for the r process. The 14C(n,g) reaction is also important for the validation of the Coulomb dissociation method, where the (n,g) cross section can be indirectly obtained via the time-reversed process. So far, the example of 14C is the only case with neutrons where both, direct measurement and indirect Coulomb dissociation, have been applied. Unfortunately, the interpretation is obscured by discrepancies between several experiments and theory. Therefore, we report on new direct measurements of the 14C(n,g) reaction with neutron energies ranging from 20 to 800 keV

    The Nondeterministic Waiting Time Algorithm: A Review

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    We present briefly the Nondeterministic Waiting Time algorithm. Our technique for the simulation of biochemical reaction networks has the ability to mimic the Gillespie Algorithm for some networks and solutions to ordinary differential equations for other networks, depending on the rules of the system, the kinetic rates and numbers of molecules. We provide a full description of the algorithm as well as specifics on its implementation. Some results for two well-known models are reported. We have used the algorithm to explore Fas-mediated apoptosis models in cancerous and HIV-1 infected T cells

    SN~2012cg: Evidence for Interaction Between a Normal Type Ia Supernova and a Non-Degenerate Binary Companion

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    We report evidence for excess blue light from the Type Ia supernova SN 2012cg at fifteen and sixteen days before maximum B-band brightness. The emission is consistent with predictions for the impact of the supernova on a non-degenerate binary companion. This is the first evidence for emission from a companion to a SN Ia. Sixteen days before maximum light, the B-V color of SN 2012cg is 0.2 mag bluer than for other normal SN~Ia. At later times, this supernova has a typical SN Ia light curve, with extinction-corrected M_B = -19.62 +/- 0.02 mag and Delta m_{15}(B) = 0.86 +/- 0.02. Our data set is extensive, with photometry in 7 filters from 5 independent sources. Early spectra also show the effects of blue light, and high-velocity features are observed at early times. Near maximum, the spectra are normal with a silicon velocity v_{Si} = -10,500$ km s^{-1}. Comparing the early data with models by Kasen (2010) favors a main-sequence companion of about 6 solar masses. It is possible that many other SN Ia have main-sequence companions that have eluded detection because the emission from the impact is fleeting and faint.Comment: accepted to Ap

    Improved Value for the Energy Splitting of the Ground-State Doublet in the Nucleus 229Th

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    We have made an improved estimate of the 229mTh isomer energy. The new value 7.8(5) eV includes an estimate of spectral contamination due to the out-of-band E2 transition from the 42.43-keV 7/2+ member of the [633] ground state band to the 3/2+ [631] 229mTh bandhead. We estimate a 2% branching ratio for this unobserved transition in the 42.43-keV 7/2+ [633] deexcitation. The excitation of the 229mTh level is increased from the previously reported value of 7.6(5) eV to the new value of 7.8(5) eV when this branch is included in the analysis

    Performance of a 229 Thorium solid-state nuclear clock

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    The 7.8 eV nuclear isomer transition in 229 Thorium has been suggested as an etalon transition in a new type of optical frequency standard. Here we discuss the construction of a "solid-state nuclear clock" from Thorium nuclei implanted into single crystals transparent in the vacuum ultraviolet range. We investigate crystal-induced line shifts and broadening effects for the specific system of Calcium fluoride. At liquid Nitrogen temperatures, the clock performance will be limited by decoherence due to magnetic coupling of the Thorium nucleus to neighboring nuclear moments, ruling out the commonly used Rabi or Ramsey interrogation schemes. We propose a clock stabilization based on counting of flourescence photons and present optimized operation parameters. Taking advantage of the high number of quantum oscillators under continuous interrogation, a fractional instability level of 10^{-19} might be reached within the solid-state approach.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figure

    Mosaic patterns of B-vitamin synthesis and utilization in a natural marine microbial community

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    Aquatic environments contain large communities of microorganisms whose synergistic interactions mediate the cycling of major and trace nutrients, including vitamins. B-vitamins are essential coenzymes that many organisms cannot synthesize. Thus, their exchange among de novo synthesizers and auxotrophs is expected to play an important role in the microbial consortia and explain some of the temporal and spatial changes observed in diversity. In this study, we analyzed metatranscriptomes of a natural marine microbial community, diel sampled quarterly over one year to try to identify the potential major B-vitamin synthesizers and consumers. Transcriptomic data showed that the best-represented taxa dominated the expression of synthesis genes for some B-vitamins but lacked transcripts for others. For instance, Rhodobacterales dominated the expression of vitamin-B12 synthesis, but not of vitamin-B7, whose synthesis transcripts were mainly represented by Flavobacteria. In contrast, bacterial groups that constituted less than 4% of the community (e.g., Verrucomicrobia) accounted for most of the vitamin-B1 synthesis transcripts. Furthermore, ambient vitamin-B1 concentrations were higher in samples collected during the day, and were positively correlated with chlorophyll-a concentrations. Our analysis supports the hypothesis that the mosaic of metabolic interdependencies through B-vitamin synthesis and exchange are key processes that contribute to shaping microbial communities in nature