1,901 research outputs found

    SONNET 29

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    Allyn Wood uses symbolism to a rather large extent, and quite effectively, I believe. We are introduced to one of the cats, with its characteristic reserve and mystery, in the first paragraph, whereby an ominous atmosphere is created. Miss Wood continues to bring in cats and more cats until we feel just as Argus did about their penetrating presence. The cat, that creature of abstract mystery, quiet ubiquity and impenetrable character, certainly symbolizes the very existence of father and son in a house made mysterious by the father\u27s continual probing for knowledge of what is beyond mortal senses to know

    The study of the physics of cometary nuclei

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    The numerical calculations of stability for many possible orbits of the double nucleus for P/Holmes showed that the likelihood of such a precollision history was quite high. A number of investigations were made of hypothetical orbits for particles about the asteroid Amphitrite to test for stability. The purpose was to establish more favorable fly-by orbits close to the asteroid for the Galileo missions en-route to Jupiter, reducing the collisional hazards. A statistical study was made of the orbits of long-period comets with small original semi-major axes recently perturbed from the great Opik-Oort Cloud. The results from the space missions to Halley's comet are partially reported in the two papers in the appendices

    A new activity index for comets

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    An activity index, AI, is derived from observational data to measure the increase of activity in magnitudes for comets when brightest near perihelion as compared to their inactive reflective brightness at great solar distances. Because the observational data are still instrumentally limited in the latter case and because many comets carry particulate clouds about them at great solar distances, the application of the activity index is still limited. A tentative application is made for the comets observed by Max Beyer over a period of nearly 40 years, providing a uniform magnitude system for the near-perihelion observations. In all, 32 determinations are made for long-period (L-P) comets and 15 for short-period (S-P). Although the correlations are scarcely definitive, the data suggest that the faintest comets are just as active as the brightest and that the S-P comets are almost as active as those with periods (P) exceeding 10(exp 4) years or those with orbital inclinations of i less than 120 deg. Comets in the range 10(exp 2) less than P less than 10(exp 4) yr. or with i greater than 120 deg appear to be somewhat more active than the others. There is no evidence to suggest aging among the L-P comets or to suggest other than a common nature for comets generally

    Radial pressure in the solar nebula as affecting the motions of planetesimals

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    Growing planetesimals and a range of drag laws depending on the Reynolds number and on the ratio of particle size to mean free path are considered. Particles spiral in the direction of positive gradient, thus being concentrated toward toroidal concentrations of gas. The effect increases with decreasing rates of particle growth, i.e., with increasing time scales of planet formation by accretion. In the outer regions, where evidence suggests that comets were formed and Uranus and Neptune were so accumulated, the effect of the pressure gradient is to clear the forming comets from those regions. The large mass of Neptune may have developed because of this effect, perhaps Neptune's solar distance was reduced from Bode's law, and perhaps no comet belt exists beyond Neptune. In the asteroid belt, on a slow time scale, the effect may have spiraled planetesimals toward Mars and Jupiter, thus contributing to the lack of planet formation in this region

    On observing comets for nuclear rotation

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    The prevalent non-gravitational motions among comets demonstrate that the sublimination does not reach a maximum at the instant of maximum insolation on the nucleus. The occurrence of halos or "parabolic" envelopes in the comae of some comets and of jets, rays, fans, streamers and similar phenomena very near the nucleus in the brightest comets demonstrates that the sublimation process is not uniform over the nuclei. In other words, the nuclei of many comets contain relatively small active regions which provide much or most of the sublimation when these areas are turned toward the Sun. The period of rotation can be determind by measurement of the diameters of the halos or of the latus recta of the "parabolic" envelopes, if the expansion velocities are averaged from observations as a function of solar distance. Experience from analyses of some 80 well observed comets shows that the nuclei are "spotted" for more than a third of all comets, regardless of the "age" as measured by the original inverse semimajor axis including correction for planetary perturbations

    The study of the physics of cometary nuclei

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    The development and utilization of an optimized computer program to analyze orbital stabilization by repeated calculations is presented. The stability of comets in the Opik-Oort Cloud about the Sun against perturbations by the Galactic center involve the same basic type of calculation. The supposed persistence of these bodies in orbits over the life of the solar system, depends upon the stability of bodies of negligible mass in orbits around a body whose mass is small compared to the central mass about which they revolve. The question remains of preferential orientation of extremely eccentric comet orbits, possibly to explain the asymmetry observed among new comet motions. A third application of the computing programs is suited to meteoroids that may exist in orbits about asteroids and that may endanger science spacecraft making flybys too near to asteroids. As in the double-comet case, solar activity and solar gravitational perturbations limit the attendance to an asteroid by small meteroids in their orbits. It is found that the mass distances planned for asteroid fly-bys are adequate

    Comets: Data, problems and objectives

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    Relevant results from the observations of Comet Kohoutek are presented with an outline summary of basic knowledge concerning comets, both subjects being confined to data related to the nature and origin of comets rather than the phenomena (for example, plasma phenomena are omitted). Places of cometary origin in the developing solar system are discussed, along with the proto-Uranus-Neptune region versus the much more distant fragmented interstellar cloud region, now frequented by comets of the Opik-Oort cloud. The Comet Kohoutek results add new insights, particularly with regard to the parent molecules and the nature of meteoric solids in comets, to restrict the range of the physical circumstances of comet formation

    The study of the physics of cometary nuclei

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    On the basis of the icy conglometate model of cometary nuclei various observations demonstrate the spotted nature of many or most nuclei, i.e., regions of unusual activity, either high or low. Rotation periods, spin axes and even precession of the axes have been determined. Narrow dust jets near the nuclei of some bright comets require that small sources be embedded in larger active areas. Certain evidence suggests that very dusty areas and very dusty comets may be less active, respectively, than surrounding areas or other comets

    Comets: Data, problems, and objectives

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    A highly abridged review of new relevant results from the observations of Comet Kohoutek is followed by an outline summary of our basic knowledge concerning comets, both subjects being confined to data related to the nature and origin of comets rather than the phenomena (for example, plasma phenomena are omitted). The discussion then centers on two likely places of cometary origin in the developing solar system, the proto-Uranus-Neptune region versus the much more distant fragmented interstellar cloud region, now frequented by comets of the Opik-Oort cloud. The Comet Kohoutek results add new insights, particularly with regard to the parent molecules and the nature of meteoric solids in comets, to restrict the range of the physical circumstances of comet formation. A few fundamental and outstanding questions are asked, and a plea made for unmanned missions to comets and asteroids in order to provide definitive answers as to the nature and origin of comets, asteroids, and the solar system generally

    Spin-tunnel investigation of a 1/25-scale model of the General Dynamics F-16XL airplane

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    A spin-tunnel investigation of the spin and recovery characteristics of a 1/25-scale model to the General Dynamics F-16XL aircraft was conducted in the Langley Spin Tunnel. Tests included erect and inverted spins at various symmetric and asymmetric loading conditions. The required size of an emergency spin-recovery parachute was determined