7 research outputs found

    Nomenclature - Formal reports, proposals, and opinion

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    Formal proposals to conserve or protect fungal names as well as proposals to amend the International Code of Nomenclature of immediate interest to mycologists are now published concurrently in Mycotaxon and Taxon. Conservation proposals include Prop. 1918 (to conserve the name Dermatocarpon bucekii against Placidium steineri), Prop. 1919 (to conserve the name Lactarius with a conserved type), Prop. 1926 (to conserve the name Cladia against Heterodea, and Prop.1927 (to conserve the name Agaricus rachodes with that spelling). Props. 117-119 to amend the Code ask for pre-publication deposit of nomenclatural information in a recognized repository for valid publication of fungal names

    Incidences of poisonings due to Chlorophyllum molybdites in the state of Paraná, Brazil

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    Three recent cases of poisoning by Chlorophyllum molybdites, including the first one known from Brazil, have been reported from the state of Paraná. A morphological description of the material causing the first poisoning was provided and the associated case history has been described in detail. An overview of this species' distribution in Brazil is given.<br>Três casos recentes de envenenamento por Chlorophyllum molybdites, incluindo o primeiro caso conhecido para o Brasil, são relatados do Estado do Paraná. Uma descrição morfológica do material que causou o primeiro envenenamento é apresentada, assim como uma narrativa detalhada do respectivo caso clínico. É, ainda, fornecido um panorama da distribuição desta espécie no Brasil

    The family Amanitaceae: molecular phylogeny, higher-rank taxonomy and the species in China

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