41 research outputs found

    Arylsulphatase activity and cerebroside sulphates in the frog oviduct during the reproductive cycle

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    The presence of arylsulphatase A and cerebroside sulphates in different tracts of Rana esculenta oviduct during different phases of the reproductive cycle were investigated by histochemical and biochemical procedures. The results indicate that seasonal fluctuations connected with the phase of the sexual cycle. The concentrations of cerebroside sulphates (the natural substrates of Arylsulphatase A) is related to the activity of this hydrolytic enzyme. The role of arylsulphatase A activity in regulating the substrate concentration and particularly that of sulphatides is discussed

    Autoradiographic localization of muscarinic cholinergic receptor subtypes in human placenta.

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    The localisation of M1-M4 muscarinic cholinergic receptor subtypes was investigated in sections of normal human term placenta by light microscope autoradiography. Muscarinic cholinergic receptor subtypes were found almost exclusively in syncytiotrophoblast. Neither other cellular components of placenta, nor blood vessels were labelled. Quantitative analysis of the density of silver grains developed in sections incubated with the different protocols for labelling M1-M4 receptor subtypes, revealed that syncytiotrophoblast expresses all subtypes of muscarinic cholinergic receptor investigated. A higher density of binding sites was found in the apical than in the basal portion of syncytiotrophoblast. The demonstration of muscarinic cholinergic receptors in syncytiotrophoblast suggests that a cholinergic system may have a role in regulating transport of compounds from maternal to foetal interface

    Nephroprotective effect of treatment with calcium channel blockers in spontaneously hypertensive rats

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    The influence of hypertension and of treatment with some dihydropyridine-type Ca(2+) channel blockers and with the nondihydropyridine-type vasodilator hydralazine on the morphology of kidney was investigated in 26-week-old spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and in age-matched Wistar-Kyoto rats. Fourteen-week-old SHR were treated for 12 weeks with a nonhypotensive dose of lercanidipine or with equihypotensive doses of lercanidipine, manidipine, nicardipine, and hydralazine. In control SHR, systolic pressure values were significantly higher in comparison with Wistar-Kyoto rats. Treatment with the low dose of lercanidipine did not reduce systolic blood pressure in SHR, whereas the higher dose of lercanidipine or other compounds tested significantly decreased systolic pressure values. Glomerular hypertrophy accompanied by signs of glomerulosclerosis, increase of mesangial cells, and convoluted tubules degeneration were observed in control SHR. Hypotensive doses of Ca(2+) antagonists countered glomerular injury, the increase of mesangial cells, the reduction of capsular space, and tubular degeneration. Hydralazine, in spite of its hypotensive activity, displayed a slight nephroprotective action. The nonhypotensive dose of lercanidipine countered in part glomerular injury, narrowing of capsular space, and tubular degeneration, and decreased mesangial cell augmentation in SHR. These results suggest that treatment with dihydropyridine-type Ca(+2) antagonists counters hypertensive glomerular and tubular changes occurring in SHR. The demonstration of nephroprotection by the nonhypotensive dose of lercanidipine suggests that the renal effects of the compound may be in part unrelated to its hemodynamic activity

    Sulphatides in the frog oviduct: response to estradiol stimulation

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    Changes in sulphatide concentrations in the oviduct of the frog Rana escultenta induced by estradiol administration in ovariectomized and hypophysiectomized animals have been studied by means of biochemical methods. Variations in sulphatide concentration were attributed to indirect action of estradiol that by induction of arylsulphatase activity affected the catabolic phase of the sulpholipid matabolism. The remarkable increase in sulphatides observed in hypophysiectomized animals led us to also propose an indirect control by the pituitary gland