40 research outputs found

    SAT Meets Tableaux for Linear Temporal Logic Satisfiability

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    Linear temporal logic (LTL) and its variant interpreted on finite traces (LTLf) are among the most popular specification languages in the fields of formal verification, artificial intelligence, and others. In this paper, we focus on the satisfiability problem for LTLand LTLfformulas, for which many techniques have been devised during the last decades. Among these are tableau systems, of which the most recent is Reynolds’ tree-shaped tableau. We provide a SAT-based algorithm for LTLand LTLfsatisfiability checking based on Reynolds’ tableau, proving its correctness and discussing experimental results obtained through its implementation in the BLACK satisfiability checker

    Past matters: Supporting LTL+past in the BLACK satisfiability Checker

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    LTL+Past is the extension of Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) supporting past temporal operators. The addition of the past does not add expressive power, but does increase the usability of the language both in formal verification and in artificial intelligence, e.g., in the context of multi-agent systems. In this paper, we add the support of past operators to BLACK, a satisfiability checker for LTL based on a SAT encoding of a tree-shaped tableau system. We implement two ways of supporting the past in the tool. The first one is an equisatisfiable translation that removes the past operators, obtaining a future-only formula that can be solved with the original LTL engine. The second one extends the SAT encoding of the underlying tableau to directly support the tableau rules that deal with past operators. We describe both approaches and experimentally compare the two between themselves and with the nuXmv model checker, obtaining promising results

    [Concept analysis of the nursing profession, published from 1994 to 2008]

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    Concept analysis is a research method in which concepts are examined in a logical and systematic fashion to form clear and rigorous conceptual definitions. To describe the concept analyses published between 1994 and 2008 and identify the emerging tendencies in the Nursing discipline, a two-staged study has been developed. In the first stage a systematic review of the literature was conducted: research published in the journals indexed in the MedLine, CINAHL and Cochrane databases were judged eligible, if they reported the theme of 'concept analysis' and 'nursing' in the title or in their key words and were published in English language. In the second stage, the articles that emerged were subjected to a content analysis. Some 158 concept analyses emerged, on average 10/year (range 1-22, median 11, +/- 5.6): these regarded 129 different concepts. Ninety-one (57.6%) concepts were focused on the nursing profession, while 67 (42.4%) were focused on the patients. Although in a few cases the effort made by the researchers moved toward the definition of new concepts, in others it appeared oriented toward including in Nursing some typical concepts from other disciplines, thus tracing an expansion of the domain of the Nursing discipline. Monitoring over time the concepts analysed constitutes an important research area to comprehend, both at a national and international level, the progressive evolution of the Nursing discipline

    A pilot evaluation of the Strengthening a Palliative Approach in Long-Term Care (SPA-LTC) program.

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    BACKGROUND:Despite increased annual mortality in long-term care (LTC) homes, research has shown that care of dying residents and their families is currently suboptimal in these settings. The purpose of this study was to evaluate resident and family outcomes associated with the Strengthening a Palliative Approach in LTC (SPA-LTC) program, developed to help encourage meaningful end of life discussions and planning. METHODS:The study employs a mixed method design in four LTC homes across Southern Ontario. Data were collected from residents and families of the LTC homes through chart reviews, interviews, and focus groups. Interviews with family who attended a Palliative Care Conference included both closed-ended and open-ended questions. RESULTS:In total, 39 residents/families agreed to participate in the study. Positive intervention outcomes included a reduction in the proportion of emergency department use at end of life and hospital deaths for those participating in SPA-LTC, improved support for families, and increased family involvement in the care of residents. For families who attended a Palliative Care Conference, both quantitative and qualitative findings revealed that families benefited from attending them. Residents stated that they appreciated learning about a palliative approach to care and being informed about their current status. CONCLUSIONS:The benefits of SPA-LTC for residents and families justify its continued use within LTC. Study results also suggest that certain enhancements of the program could further promote future integration of best practices within a palliative approach to care within the LTC context. However, the generalizability of these results across LTC homes in different regions and countries is limited given the small sample size

    Evaluating the capabilities model of dementia care: A non-randomized controlled trial exploring resident quality of life and care staff attitudes and experiences

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    ABSTRACTBackground:This 12 month, Australian study sought to compare the Capabilities Model of Dementia Care (CMDC) with usual long-term care (LTC), in terms of (1) the effectiveness of the CMDC in assisting care staff to improve Quality Of Life (QOL) for older people with dementia; and (2) whether implementation of the CMDC improved staff attitudes towards, and experiences of working and caring for the person with dementia.Methods:A single blind, non-randomized controlled trial design, involving CMDC intervention group (three facilities) and a comparison usual LTC practice control group (one facility), was conducted from August 2010 to September 2011. Eighty-one staff members and 48 family members of a person with dementia were recruited from these four LTC facilities. At baseline, 6 and 12 months, staff completed a modified Staff Experiences of Working with Demented Residents questionnaire (SEWDR), and families completed the Quality of Life – Alzheimer\u27s Disease questionnaire (QOL-AD).Results:LTC staff in the usual care group reported significantly lower SEWDR scores (i.e. less work satisfaction) than those in the CMDC intervention group at 12 months (p = 0.005). Similarly, family members in the comparison group reported significantly lower levels of perceived QOL for their relative with dementia (QOL-AD scores) than their counterparts in the CMDC intervention group at 12 months (p = 0.012).Conclusions:Although the study has a number of limitations the CMDC appears to be an effective model of dementia care – more so than usual LTC practice. The CMDC requires further evaluation with participants from a diverse range of LTC facilities and stages of cognitive impairment.</jats:sec

    Concept analysis sulla disciplina infermieristica pubblicate dal 1994 al 2008

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    La concept analysis \ue8 un metodo di ricerca attraverso cui i concetti sono presi in esame in modo logico e sistematico per formare definizioni concettuali chiare e rigorose. Per descrivere le concept analysis pubblicate dal 1994 al 2008 e individuare le tendenze emergenti nella disciplina infermieristica, \ue8 stato realizzato uno studio articolato in due fasi. Nella prima fase \ue8 stata condotta una revisione sistematica della letteratura: erano eleggibili gli studi pubblicati in lingua inglese su riviste indicizzate nelle banche dati MedLine, CINAHL e Cochrane che riportavano il concetto \u2018concept analysis\u2019 and \u2018nursing\u2019 nel titolo o nelle key words. Nella seconda fase, gli articoli sono stati sottoposti a una content analysis. Sono emerse 158 concept analysis, mediamente 10/anno (\ub1 5.6, range 1-22, mediana 11) che riguardavo 129 diversi concetti. Novantuno (57.6%) concetti erano focalizzati sulla professione infermieristica e 67 (42.4%) sui pazienti. Mentre in alcuni casi lo sforzo profuso dai ricercatori \ue8 verso la definizione di nuovi concetti, in altri appare pi\uf9 orientato a includere concetti tipici di altre discipline tracciando una espansione del dominio della disciplina infermieristica. Monitorare nel tempo i concetti analizzati costituisce un ambito importante di ricerca per comprendere, a livello nazionale e internazionale, le progressive evoluzioni della disciplina infermieristic

    Il fascicolo elettronico

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    Il volume raccoglie i contributi dei relatori che hanno partecipato al seminario di studi sul \u201cfascicolo elettronico\u201d, svoltosi a Roma il 9 luglio 2010 presso l\u2019Accademia dei Lincei, i quali hanno trattato i temi dell\u2019organizzazione dei contenuti digitali e della formazione della memoria digitale sotto tutti gli aspetti: sotto il profilo archivistico, precisando la natura, le caratteristiche e la funzione del fascicolo ai fini di una corretta gestione documentale; in rapporto ai vincoli imposti dalla normativa vigente; con riferimento alle raccomandazioni internazionali sulla gestione informatica dei documenti; sotto il profilo dell\u2019innovazione connessa alla particolare natura del fascicolo elettronico; sotto l\u2019aspetto applicativo, illustrando le funzioni di un ERMS (Electronic Record Management System)