239 research outputs found

    Resistance of European spring 2-row barley cultivars to Pyrenophora graminea and detection of associated loci

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    Pyrenophora graminea is the seed-borne pathogen causal agent of barley leaf stripe disease. In this work, we screened a collection of 206 spring two-row barley cultivars from Europe for their resistance to the fungal pathogen. Artificial inoculation with the highly virulent isolate Dg2 revealed a continuous variation for the incidence of infection, with few highly resistant or highly susceptible genotypes. On average, old cultivars showed higher resistance than the more modern ones. Genome- Wide Association Scan was performed by exploiting available molecular data for >4000 SNP markers and revealed a single, highly significant association on the short arm of chromosome 6H, in a genomic position where quantitative trait loci (QTL) for barley resistance to P. graminea were not detected before. Based on the last version of the reference barley genome, genes encoding for proteins with a kinase domain were suggested as candidates for the locus

    Genome-Wide Association Mapping of Root Extension in a Collection of European Winter Barley Cultivars

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    Root extension in cereals is an extremely plastic trait exhibiting high variation in relation to the genetic background and to environmental conditions. The study of root system is particularly important in the Mediterranean area, where genetic improvement of drought tolerance on winter barley is a relevant breeding target. Here we aimed at exploring the natural genetic variation in root extension in a collection of European winter barley cultivars (67 two-rowed and 75 six-rowed, released between 1921 and 2006). For each genotype, three plants were grown in cylindrical pots (rhizotrons) with diameter of 10 cm and 50 cm height, filled with siliceous sand. Plants were collected at the 4 leaf stage (Zadocks stage 14), when roots were separated from shoots and scanned. The obtained images were analyzed by using the winRHIZO software to calculate the total root extension, as the sum of lengths of primary and secondary roots. The whole experiment was replicated three times, showing repeatability of 0.53. The same collection was previously genotyped for >7000 iSelect SNP markers, providing a powerful tool for association mapping of root traits. Genotype-phenotype association with the R-GAPIT package identified a significant genomic region on chromosome 5H-bin7, that has been scrutinized for candidate genes and alleles with a putative role in the trait under study

    Anosognosia in Early- and Late-Onset Dementia and Its Association With Neuropsychiatric Symptoms

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    Background: The symptom anosognosia or unawareness of disease in dementia has mainly been studied in patients with late-onset dementia (LOD, ≥65 years), whereas little is known on whether it is also present in patients with early-onset dementia (EOD, <65 years). We aimed at investigating differences in anosognosia between LOD and EOD, by also studying its association with different clinical variants of EOD and the presence of neuropsychiatric symptoms. Methods: A total of 148 patients, 91 EOD and 57 LOD, were recruited and underwent extended clinical assessment and caregiver interview that included questionnaires aimed at measuring anosognosia and neuropsychiatric symptoms. Differences in anosognosia between EOD and LOD and between subgroups with different clinical variants were investigated, as well as correlation between anosognosia and neuropsychiatric symptoms. A regression analysis was applied to explore the association between anosognosia and development of neuropsychiatric symptoms during disease progression. Results: Median levels of anosognosia were not significantly different between EOD and LOD. Anosognosia increased overtime with disease progression and was higher in frontotemporal dementia patients or, more precisely, in frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer's disease variants associated with involvement of the frontal lobes. Higher levels of early anosognosia were associated with higher frequency and severity of subsequent neuropsychiatric symptoms, in particular apathy, later in the course of the disease. Conclusion: Anosognosia is a frequent symptom of EOD, occurring in 94.5% of all-cause EOD, and it is associated with higher risk of developing neuropsychiatric symptoms during disease progression. Recognising anosognosia may be helpful for clinicians and families to reduce diagnostic delay and improve disease managment

    Epidemiology of early onset dementia and its clinical presentations in the province of Modena, Italy

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    Introduction: Patients with early onset dementia (EOD), defined as dementia with symptom onset at age <65, frequently present with atypical syndromes. However, the epidemiology of different EOD presentations, including variants of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD), has never been investigated all together in a population-based study. Epidemiologic data of all-cause EOD are also scarce. Methods: We investigated EOD epidemiology by identifying patients with EOD seen in the extended network of dementia services of the Modena province, Northern Italy ( 48700,000 inhabitants) from 2006 to 2019. Results: In the population age 30 to 64, incidence was 13.2 per 100,000/year, based on 160 new cases from January 2016 to June 2019, and prevalence 74.3 per 100,000 on June 30, 2019. The most frequent phenotypes were the amnestic variant of AD and behavioral variant of FTD. Discussion: EOD affects a significant number of people. Amnestic AD is the most frequent clinical presentation in this understudied segment of the dementia population

    ClimBar : An Integrated Approach to Evaluate and Utilize Genetic Diversity

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    European agriculture anticipates an unprecedented combination of stress factors, production threats and quality needs due to climate change. Various regions of Europe will be affected differently. Barley & wheat domestication, and landrace formation in Europe, were under very different climates than those emerging now. Alleles needed for sustainable, resilient, quality yields in a changed climate are likely not combined in current haplotypes of elite barley cultivars. These alleles are likely found in diverse landraces and wild relatives in the Mediterranean basin and Fertile Crescent -- areas that prefigure expected climate change. New precision, high-throughput phenotyping tools are essential to find trait-allele associations needed for future-climate breeding. Combining genetics, genomics, modelling, molecular biology, morphology, and physiology, ClimBar takes an interdisciplinary approach to develop a strategy for breeding an increased resilience to climate change in barley. ClimBar, a new project under the framework of FACCE ERA-NET Plus Joint Programming Initiative on Climate Smart Agriculture, will identify genome regions, genes, and alleles conferring the traits needed to breed resilient barley varieties adapted to the climatic conditions predicted for 2070 in different European environments. Adapted, resilient germplasm created using ClimBar data, tools and models will provide food-chain security, economic stability and environmental sustainability. Website: http://plen.ku.dk/english/research/plant_soil/breeding/quality/climbar

    Genomic prediction of grain yield in a barley MAGIC population modelling genotype per environment interaction

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    Multi-parent Advanced Generation Inter-crosses (MAGIC) lines have mosaic genomes that are generated shuffling the genetic material of the founder parents following predefined crossing schemes. In cereal crops, these experimental populations have been extensively used to investigate the genetic bases of several traits and dissect the genetic bases of epistasis. In plants, genomic prediction models are usually fitted using either diverse panels of mostly unrelated accessions or individuals of biparental families and several empirical analyses have been conducted to evaluate the predictive ability of models fitted to these populations using different traits. In this paper, we constructed, genotyped and evaluated a barley MAGIC population of 352 individuals developed with a diverse set of eight founder parents showing contrasting phenotypes for grain yield. We combined phenotypic and genotypic information of this MAGIC population to fit several genomic prediction models which were cross-validated to conduct empirical analyses aimed at examining the predictive ability of these models varying the sizes of training populations. Moreover, several methods to optimize the composition of the training population were also applied to this MAGIC population and cross-validated to estimate the resulting predictive ability. Finally, extensive phenotypic data generated in field trials organized across an ample range of water regimes and climatic conditions in the Mediterranean were used to fit and cross-validate multi-environment genomic prediction models including GE interaction, using both genomic best linear unbiased prediction and reproducing kernel Hilbert space along with a non-linear Gaussian Kernel. Overall, our empirical analyses showed that genomic prediction models trained with a limited number of MAGIC lines can be used to predict grain yield with values of predictive ability that vary from 0.25 to 0.60 and that beyond QTL mapping and analysis of epistatic effects, MAGIC population might be used to successfully fit genomic prediction models. We concluded that for grain yield, the single-environment genomic prediction models examined in this study are equivalent in terms of predictive ability while, in general, multi-environment models that explicitly split marker effects in main and environmentalspecific effects outperform simpler multi-environment models

    Quest for barley canopy architecture genes in the hortillus population and whealbi germplasm collection

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    Barley grains are predominantly used for animal feed and malting, and breeding traditionally focused on increase of grain yield by partitioning biomass from straw to grains. The increasing demand for renewable energy sources makes straw, and specially barley straw characterized by the largest content of carbohydrates among the cereals, a valuable product for its potential conversion into biofuels and other products. The BarPLUS project aims at finding genes, alleles and candidate lines related to barley canopy architecture and photosynthesis, to maximize barley biomass and yield (https://barplus.wordpress.com/). In this framework, our research group focuses on identifying genes and alleles controlling tillering, leaf size and leaf angle traits in barley by exploiting both induced and natural allelic variation. Using a forward genetics approach, we screened the HorTILLUS population (Szurman-Zubrzycka et al., 2018) under both field and controlled conditions, identifying 5 mutants with increased tillering and/or erect leaves. After crossing with four reference cultivars, pools of F2 wild-type and mutant plants were selected to map and identify the underlying genes by exome sequencing (Mascher et al., 2014). In parallel, TILLING of the HorTILLUS population identified four lines carrying mutations in the LBO (Lateral branching oxidoreductase) gene involved in tiller number. In order to explore also natural genetic variation, we are taking advantage of the \u2018WHEALBI\u2019 germplasm collection, which includes 403 exome sequenced diverse accessions (BustosKorts et al., 2019): a field trial on a subset of 240 lines (Fiorenzuola d\u2019Arda, Italy) allowed us to conduct a preliminary genome wide association study based on high-throughput phenotyping for leaf angle (PocketPlant3D smartphone app) and quantitative image-analysis for leaf size. Results will be compared with those from a greenhouse experiment on the same 240 accessions to analyze a wide range of morphological traits and identify associated markers and genomic regions

    Genetic dissection of photoperiod response based on GWAS of pre-anthesis phase duration in spring barley

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    Heading time is a complex trait, and natural variation in photoperiod responses is a major factor controlling time to heading, adaptation and grain yield. In barley, previous heading time studies have been mainly conducted under field conditions to measure total days to heading. We followed a novel approach and studied the natural variation of time to heading in a world-wide spring barley collection (218 accessions), comprising of 95 photoperiod-sensitive (Ppd-H1) and 123 accessions with reduced photoperiod sensitivity (ppd-H1) to long-day (LD) through dissecting pre-anthesis development into four major stages and sub-phases. The study was conducted under greenhouse (GH) conditions (LD; 16/8 h; ∼20/∼16°C day/night). Genotyping was performed using a genome-wide high density 9K single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) chip which assayed 7842 SNPs. We used the barley physical map to identify candidate genes underlying genome-wide association scans (GWAS). GWAS for pre-anthesis stages/sub-phases in each photoperiod group provided great power for partitioning genetic effects on floral initiation and heading time. In addition to major genes known to regulate heading time under field conditions, several novel QTL with medium to high effects, including new QTL having major effects on developmental stages/sub-phases were found to be associated in this study. For example, highly associated SNPs tagged the physical regions around HvCO1 (barley CONSTANS1) and BFL (BARLEY FLORICAULA/LEAFY) genes. Based upon our GWAS analysis, we propose a new genetic network model for each photoperiod group, which includes several newly identified genes, such as several HvCO-like genes, belonging to different heading time pathways in barley
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