126 research outputs found

    The modern methods of reproduction physiology of horses

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    The concept of development of horse breeding in Ukraine until 2020 provides for an increase in the number of horses through the intensive use of modern methods of reproduction biotechnology. However, the imperfection of these methods hinders their widespread use in practice. The aim of the work was to draw attention to the most important problems of the physiology of horse reproduction in Ukraine and to show ways to solve them that have already been proposed by domestic and foreign researchers. The development strategy of the physiology of horse reproduction in order to increase its effectiveness should take into account the least studied aspects that were discussed above. The article shows that taking into account the influence of micromycetes, the absolute number of colony forming units of E. coli in semen of stallions; immuno-and cytogenetic features; new methods of sanitary preparation of horses for sperm and insemination; the effect of permissible levels of feed mycotoxins on physiological functions improves the efficiency of equine reproduction physiology methods. However, we first discovered new physiological features of the effect of erythrocyte antigens of blood groups of horses of Ukrainian selection on the indicators of their native sperm. In the presence of ad/bcm and dg/cgm alleles of the blood group D system in stallions, sperm motility is on average less than 5 points; alleles ad/cgm, ad/d, ad/de, ad/dk, bcm/d, bcm/de, bcm/dg, bcm/dk, cegm/cgm, cegm/d, cegm/dg, cegm/dk, cgm/ceg, cgm/cgm, cgm/dg, cgm/dk, de/cgm, de/dk, dg/di, dk/d, dk/de, dk/dk is accompanied by sperm motility from 5 to 7 points; alleles bcm/cgm, dg/dk, de/d, cgm/d, cgm/de sperm motility is observed more than 7 points. The results obtained allowed us to develop for practice ways to increase the efficiency of sperm cryopreservation by immunogenetic parameters. In addition, open physiological correlations can increase the fertility of mares during mating

    Social Portrait of the Family in the Light of New Socio-Political Trends

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    The issue regarding formation of a values-based attitude towards creating a family among modern youth is acquiring special relevance, since changes in moral guidelines have led to the intensification of negative phenomena such as: liberalisation of sexual morality, an increased number of divorces, illegitimate births, single-parent families, and the spread of social orphanhood. Due to the fact that the family is currently perceived as a structural component of the development of individual socio-economic trends, the purpose of the paper is to assess the levels of values-based attitudes towards family creation among students. In the course of the study, the following methods were used: diagnostic (questionnaires, the method of sentence completion, testing), that made it possible to identify the levels of formation of the attitude towards family creation among students; a theoretical method of analysis that allows a comprehensive study of the reasons that complicate the process of forming a values-based attitude regarding family creation. The novelty of the study is determined by the fact that a student family is understood as a family in which both spouses are full-time students of a higher education institution, that is, homogeneous in social status of a man and a woman. This is a young family in which the spouses are no more than 28 years old, and the length of family life does not exceed 5 years. The paper indicates that student families are the most progressive, since spouses are ready to accept everything new - in the organisation of life, in the arrangement of the family structure, and the like. Material motives in choosing a spouse in such families play a secondary role, especially in relation to the requirements from a woman to a man. The materials of the paper are of practical value for experimental verification of pedagogical conditions for the family creation among students in extracurricular activities

    Вплив часу штучного осіменіння відносно овуляції на запліднюваність кобил

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    The results of the study of the effect of artificial insemination of horses by the cooled and thawed semen which was prepared by Kharkiv technology depending on the time of the dominant follicle ovulation using the atraumatic tool developed for insemination of mares have been presented in the article. In modern practice of artificial insemination of horses, there are two opposing views on the timing of insemination of mares (before or after ovulation) so we decided to investigate the impact of this factor on sperm, obtained, chilled and kriokonse–rvovana for Kharkiv technology. The time of semen administration into the reproductive tract of mares depending on the ovulation of the dominant follicle is the least investigated factor that effects the efficiency of mare insemination. The artificial insemination of the horses by the semen that was prepared by Kharkiv technology with the use of the atraumatic instrument developed by us for artificial insemination of mares depending on the time of ovulation of the dominant follicle was conducted for the first time. It has been stated that the optimal time for the insemination of mares by the cooled or thawed semen of stallions depending on the ovulation with the use of the atraumatic instrument developed by us is the time period for 4 hours before and after ovulation. When insemination of mares Ukrainian horse breed tools we have and the sperm that chilled by Kharkivtion technology for 4 hours before and after ovulation received about the same output foals. When artificial insemination Ukrainian horse breed mares we developed noninvasive device after 4 or more hours of ovulation foals output decreased by 50.77% (P < 0.01) compared with insemination to ovulation and the 50.12% (P < 0.01) compared with insemination after ovulation. When artificial insemination of mares Ukrainian horse breed tools we have and sperm cryopreserved for that Kharkov Technologies for 4 hours after ovulation received incredibly more foals out at 3.47% compared with insemination before ovulation. When artificial insemination of mares Ukrainian horse breed developed our noninvasive device after 4 or more hours of ovulation foals output decreased by 35.23% (P < 0.01) compared with insemination to ovulation and the 38.70% (P < 0,01) compared to the insemination after ovulation. When carrying out the artificial insemination of the mares of Ukrainian horse breed for more than 4 hours after the ovulation the fertility decreased by 50,12 – 50.77% (P < 0.01) and by 35,23 – 38,70% (P < 0.01) by  cooled and thawed semen, respectively.У статті представлено результати дослідження впливу штучного осіменіння коней охолодженою та відталою спермою, що заготовлена за Харківською технологією залежно від часу овуляції домінуючого фолікула при використанні розробленого атравматичного пристрою для осіменіння кобил. У сучасній практиці штучного осіменіння коней існує дві протилежні думки щодо часу проведення осіменіння кобил (до або після овуляції) тому нами було вирішено дослідити вплив цього чинника на спермі, що отримана, охолоджена та кріоконсервована за Харківською технологією. Найменш дослідженим чинником, який впливає на ефективність осіменіння кобил є час введення сперми у статеві шляхи конематок залежно від овуляції домінуючого фолікула. Уперше проведено штучне осіменіння коней спермою, що заготовлена за Харківською технологією із застосуванням розробленого нами пристрою атравматичного для штучного осіменіння кобил залежно від моменту овуляції домінуючого фолікула. Встановлено, що оптимальним часом штучного осіменіння кобил охолодженою або розмороженою спермою жеребців залежно від настання овуляції розробленим нами атравматичним пристроєм є час впродовж 4 годин до та після овуляції. При осіменінні кобил української верхової породи розробленим нами інструментом та спермою, що охолоджена за Харківською технологією впродовж 4 годин до та після овуляції отримано приблизно однаковий вихід лошат. При штучному осіменінні кобил української верхової породи розробленим нами атравматичним пристроєм після 4 та більше годин з моменту овуляції вихід лошат зменшився на 50,77% (Р < 0,01) порівняно з осіменінням до овуляції та на 50,12% (Р < 0,01) порівняно з осіменінням після овуляції. При штучному осіменінні кобил української верхової породи розробленим нами інструментом та спермою, що кріоконсервована за Харківською технологією впродовж 4 годин після овуляції отримано невірогідно більший вихід лошат на 3,47% порівняно з осіменінням перед овуляцією. При штучному осіменінні кобил української верхової породи розробленим нами атравматичним пристроєм після 4 та більше годин з моменту овуляції вихід лошат зменшився на 35,23% (р < 0,01) порівняно з осіменінням до овуляції та на 38,70% (Р < 0,01) порівняно з осіменінням після овуляції. При проведенні штучного осіменіння кобил української верхової породи більше ніж 4 години після овуляції запліднюваність зменшується на 50,12 – 50,77% (Р < 0,01) та на 35,23 – 38,70% (Р < 0,01) відповідно по охолодженій та відталій спермі

    The design of a support chair for more effective patient rehabilitation

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    The authors examined the effect of different color shades on a person and found an effective color and shape solution that can improve the quality of rehabilitation equipment. The paper presents a survey of colors and shapes visual perception by human. As result of theoretical and experimental research, the rehabilitation support chair was designed as a cubeshaped structure with elements painted in shades of dark blue, yellow and white

    The analysis of extracurricular work of student scientific circles of the section «Humanitarian science»

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    the article deals with the activity of students and young scientists for three years of study (2015 – 2018), participating in the Olympiads, competitions and conferences of the section NOMUS “Humanitarian science”в статье рассмотрена активность студентов и молодых ученых на протяжении трех лет обучения (2015 – 2018 года), участвующих в олимпиадах, конкурсах и конференциях секции НОМУС «Гуманитарные нау

    The role of IGF-1/GH in the aging process and the development of age-related diseases

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    One of the most important trends in geroscience is the search for the biomechanisms of aging and geroprotective methods. In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to the role of age-related decline in IGF-1 levels; processes that start with a decrease in the activity of the GH/IGF-1 axis. IGF-1 levels correlate differently with many age-associated diseases: diabetes mellitus, cancer, cardiovascular disease. A decrease in the level of IGF-1 and growth hormone in the elderly can contribute to the deterioration of the course of some pathologies, and also have a protective effect in the occurrence of different nosologies. The possibility of slowing down aging with the help of IGF-1 in basic research led to research aimed at studying the possibility of using IGF-1 preparations and growth hormone in clinical practice to slow down aging. We have studied the literature on the Pubmed platform, Scopus for the past 10 years in order to find some new information regarding influence of IGF-1 on aging, about the association between IGF-1 levels and major age-related diseases. We analyzed data of publications on the role of IGF-1 in aging and the development of age-related diseases. The search was carried out using key words: IGF-1, growth hormone, aging, the review included data from more than 60 publications

    Epidemics of the beginning of the XXI century: viruses from China

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    The article reveals the features and similarities of epidemics of the XXI century, which were first discovered in China and spread throughout the planet. It is concluded that the epidemics that occurred in China are related to the economic, territorial and climatic conditions of the country, the state of the environment and demographic conditions.В статье раскрыты особенности и сходства эпидемий XXI века, которые впервые были обнаружены в Китае и распространились по всей планете. Делается вывод о связи эпидемий, возникших в Китае, с экономическими, территориальными и климатическими условиями страны, состоянием экологии и демографическими условиям

    Relations to people with disabilities during in the mid-XX century

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    The article raises the problem of developing attitudes towards people with disabilities in Europe in the middle of the XX century. Two contrasting examples-Nazi Germany and post – war Europe-show how this attitude has changed.В статье поднимается проблема развития отношения к людям с ограниченными возможностями в Европе в середине XX века. На двух противоположных примерах – нацистской Германии и послевоенной Европе – показано, как менялось такое отношение

    Studying radiation hardness of a cadmium tungstate crystal based radiation detector

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    The given article considers radiation hardness of an X-ray detector used in production of non-destructive testing instruments and inspection systems. In the course of research, experiments were carried out to estimate radiation hardness of a detector based on cadmium tungstate crystal and its structural components individually. The article describes a layout of an experimental facility that was used for measurements of radiation hardness. The radiation dose dependence of the photodiode current is presented, when it is excited by a light flux of a scintillator or by an external light source. Experiments were carried out to estimate radiation hardness of two types of optical glue used in detector production; they are based on silicon rubber and epoxy. With the help of a spectrophotometer and cobalt gun, each of the glue samples was measured for a relative light transmission factor with different wavelengths, depending on the radiation dose. The obtained data are presented in a comprehensive analysis of the results. It was determined, which of the glue samples is most suitable for production of detectors working under exposure to strong radiation