23,763 research outputs found

    Fluid velocity measuring device

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    A fluid velocity measuring device is described which, when placed in a freestream fluid flow, causes vortices to be formed at a frequency proportional to the flow rate of the fluid. Sensors on the device generate electric signals with frequency proportional to the rate of vortex creation and with relative mean amplitudes indicative of fluid flow direction. Electric circuitry translates the electric signals into indications of fluid speed and direction

    The Trough Deepens

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    As the third quarter of 2009 comes to a close, the Mexican economy remains severely battered. The latest INEGI data indicate that the second quarter of 2009 brought with it an annual GDP decrease, in real terms, of nearly 10.3 percent. The current consensus outlook calls for the light at the end of the tunnel to appear in 2010. In spite of this austere outlook, the financial system in Mexico has fared better than it did in prior recessions and the economy seems poised for growth once exports recover. The consensus outlook for real gross domestic product (GDP) calls for a noticeably sharp decline in 2009 of 7.1 percent. Relative to the consensus from last quarter, that represents a sharp downward revision. Individual panelist forecasts range from a drop of 6.5 percent to a steeper decline of 8.2 percent. An important source of the more pessimistic outlook is private consumption. Compared with the previous quarter, Mexican consumers are expected to reduce purchases by 6.9 percent, more than double the rate of decline expected three months ago.Mexico, Macroeconomic Forecast, Consensus Survey

    Aztec Economic Woes Continue

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    Initial estimates for the first quarter of 2009 indicate that the Mexican economy declined by 8.2 percent from the same period in 2008. The leading economic indicator index of INEGI, the national statistics institute, points to additional economic contraction in the coming months. The Consensus Mexico survey results are in agreement with the INEGI barometer. Panelist projections for real gross domestic product point to a comparatively steep decline. The current consensus forecast calls for a real GDP decrease for Mexico of -4.8 percent for the year as a whole.Mexico Economic Outlook

    Light at the End of Tunnel?

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    For 2009 as a whole, this quarter’s consensus outlook anticipates a steep decline of 6.9 percent in real gross domestic product (GDP). This outlook for inflation-adjusted GDP is not surprising given the panelists expectations for private consumption, as consumers are expected to reduce expenditures by 6.5 percent this year alone. Projections for the government stimulus package have declined substantially, however, with government consumption growth expected to slow to less than 1 percent. Diminished confidence in the Mexican business sector is still expected to cause total fixed investment to shrink at double digit rates. Given the lingering effects of the global economic downturn, the panelists also expect imports and exports to display steep contractions in excess of 11 and 22 percent, respectively. The 2009 consensus figure calls for consumer price increase in excess of 4 percent. Against this backdrop, the panelists expect a 2009 average exchange rate of 13.42 pesos per dollar. The consensus outlook for the 2009 yield on 28-day Treasury Certificates (CETES) holds steady at 5.5 percent, again, this quarter.Mexico, Macroeconomic Outlook, Consensus Survey

    Perceived Equity, Motivation and Final Offer Arbitration in Major League Baseball

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    Final offer salary arbitration in major league baseball offers a unique institutional arrangement that creates a naturally occurring non-equivalent groups repeated measure research design. The structural arrangements allow for examination of anticipatory expectancy effects and for assessment of behavioral responses consistent with equity theory predictions. Additionally, equity theory can be tested without the methodological problems inherent in defining the referent other. Performance and mobility were examined for major league baseball position players who won and lost their arbitration hearings. Pre-arbitration performance was found to significantly predict arbitration outcome. Despite similar patterns of post-arbitration performance between winners and losers, a significant relationship was noted between losing arbitration and postarbitration performance declines. Analyses also suggested that losers were also significantly more likely to change teams and leave major league baseball. The causality of the relationship between performance and arbitration outcome is discussed along with expectancy and equity effects as they relate to performance and mobility following the arbitration intervention

    “Inextricably Intertwined” Explicable at Last?: Rooker-Feldman Analysis After the Supreme Court’s Exxon Mobil Decision

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    The Supreme Court\u27s March 2005 decision in \u27Exxon Mobil Corp. v. Saudi Basic Industries Corp.\u27 substantially limited the Rooker-Feldman doctrine, under which lower federal courts largely lack jurisdiction to engage in what amounts to de facto review of state-court decisions. Exxon Mobil\u27s holding is quite narrow--entry of a final state-court judgment does not destroy federal-court jurisdiction already acquired over parallel litigation. But the Court\u27s articulation of when Rooker-Feldman applies, and its approach in deciding the case, have significant implications for several aspects of Rooker-Feldman jurisprudence. Chief among our claims is that although the Court did not expressly repudiate or limit the applicability of the inextricably intertwined formulation from prior cases, which had been a primary test for many lower courts, that concept appears to have been relegated to some secondary role and no longer to be a general or threshold test. The Exxon Mobil Court properly did not elaborate on just what the concept\u27s role should be, but we offer a suggestion based on an earlier Ninth Circuit decision. We also discuss the apparent impact of Exxon Mobil on other aspects of Rooker-Feldman doctrine as the lower federal courts had developed it, including relation to preclusion doctrines, the significance of whether the federal plaintiff was plaintiff or defendant in state court, and the doctrine\u27s applicability a) to those not parties to prior state-court litigation, b) to interlocutory state-court rulings and decisions of lower state courts, and c) when federal-court plaintiffs did not raise their federal claims in state court. A February 2006 per curiam decision applying Exxon Mobil, Lance v. Dennis, reinforces the Court\u27s position on some of these issues

    Engineering visualization utilizing advanced animation

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    Engineering visualization is the use of computer graphics to depict engineering analysis and simulation in visual form from project planning through documentation. Graphics displays let engineers see data represented dynamically which permits the quick evaluation of results. The current state of graphics hardware and software generally allows the creation of two types of 3D graphics. The use of animated video as an engineering visualization tool is presented. The engineering, animation, and videography aspects of animated video production are each discussed. Specific issues include the integration of staffing expertise, hardware, software, and the various production processes. A detailed explanation of the animation process reveals the capabilities of this unique engineering visualization method. Automation of animation and video production processes are covered and future directions are proposed

    Anomalously Weak Solar Convection

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    Convection in the solar interior is thought to comprise structures on a spectrum of scales. This conclusion emerges from phenomenological studies and numerical simulations, though neither covers the proper range of dynamical parameters of solar convection. Here, we analyze observations of the wavefield in the solar photosphere using techniques of time-distance helioseismology to image flows in the solar interior. We downsample and synthesize 900 billion wavefield observations to produce 3 billion cross-correlations, which we average and fit, measuring 5 million wave travel times. Using these travel times, we deduce the underlying flow systems and study their statistics to bound convective velocity magnitudes in the solar interior, as a function of depth and spherical-harmonic degree \ell. Within the wavenumber band <60\ell<60, Convective velocities are 20-100 times weaker than current theoretical estimates. This suggests the prevalence of a different paradigm of turbulence from that predicted by existing models, prompting the question: what mechanism transports the heat flux of a solar luminosity outwards? Advection is dominated by Coriolis forces for wavenumbers <60\ell<60, with Rossby numbers smaller than 102\sim10^{-2} at r/R=0.96r/R_\odot=0.96, suggesting that the Sun may be a much faster rotator than previously thought, and that large-scale convection may be quasi-geostrophic. The fact that iso-rotation contours in the Sun are not co-aligned with the axis of rotation suggests the presence of a latitudinal entropy gradient.Comment: PNAS; 5 figures, 5 page


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    Managers of agricultural cooperatives were contacted to determine their knowledge/capabilities and perspectives of the cooperative environment with special emphasis given to the importance of cooperative principles to the operation and success of the business, division of responsibility between management and the board of directors, and business decision making in the areas of financial analysis plus selected scenarios. Managers showed strong adherence to traditional cooperative principles and basic decision areas. Self-assessments were positive and consistent with performance measures. The opportunity exists to improve manager knowledge/capabilities related to cooperative principles, division of responsibility between managers and the board, and financial analysis.board of directors, cooperative principles, cooperatives (agricultural), leadership, management, managers, Agribusiness,