24 research outputs found

    The type III effector EspF coordinates membrane trafficking by the spatiotemporal activation of two eukaryotic signaling pathways

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    Bacterial toxins and effector proteins hijack eukaryotic enzymes that are spatially localized and display rapid signaling kinetics. However, the molecular mechanisms by which virulence factors engage highly dynamic substrates in the host cell environment are poorly understood. Here, we demonstrate that the enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) type III effector protein EspF nucleates a multiprotein signaling complex composed of eukaryotic sorting nexin 9 (SNX9) and neuronal Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (N-WASP). We demonstrate that a specific and high affinity association between EspF and SNX9 induces membrane remodeling in host cells. These membrane-remodeling events are directly coupled to N-WASP/Arp2/3–mediated actin nucleation. In addition to providing a biochemical mechanism of EspF function, we find that EspF dynamically localizes to membrane-trafficking organelles in a spatiotemporal pattern that correlates with SNX9 and N-WASP activity in living cells. Thus, our findings suggest that the EspF-dependent assembly of SNX9 and N-WASP represents a novel form of signaling mimicry used to promote EPEC pathogenesis and gastrointestinal disease

    Primary care strategies to improve childhood immunisation uptake in developed countries: systematic review

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    OBJECTIVES: To conduct a systematic review of strategies to optimize immunisation uptake within preschool children in developed countries. DESIGN: Systematic review. SETTING: Developed countries PARTICIPANTS: Preschool children who were due, or overdue, one or more of their routine primary immunisations. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Increase in the proportion of the target population up to date with standard recommended universal vaccinations. RESULTS: Forty-six studies were included for analysis, published between 1980 and 2009. Twenty-six studies were randomized controlled trials, 11 were before and after trials, and nine were controlled intervention trials. Parental reminders showed a statistically significant increase in immunisation rates in 34% of included intervention arms. These effects were reported with both generic and specific reminders and with all methods of reminders and recall. Strategies aimed at immunisation providers were also shown to improve immunisation rates with a median change in immunisation rates of 7% when reminders were used, 8% when educational programmes were used and 19% when feedback programmes were used. CONCLUSION: General practitioners are uniquely positioned to influence parental decisions on childhood immunisation. A variety of strategies studied in primary care settings have been shown to improve immunisation rates, including parental and healthcare provider reminders

    Dynamically committed, uncommitted, and quenched states encoded in protein kinase A revealed by NMR spectroscopy

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    Protein kinase A (PKA) is a ubiquitous phosphoryl transferase that mediates hundreds of cell signaling events. During turnover, its catalytic subunit (PKA-C) interconverts between three major conformational states (open, intermediate, and closed) that are dynamically and allosterically activated by nucleotide binding. We show that the structural transitions between these conformational states are minimal and allosteric dynamics encode the motions from one state to the next. NMR and molecular dynamics simulations define the energy landscape of PKA-C, with the substrate allowing the enzyme to adopt a broad distribution of conformations (dynamically committed state) and the inhibitors (high magnesium and pseudosubstrate) locking it into discrete minima (dynamically quenched state), thereby reducing the motions that allow turnover. These results unveil the role of internal dynamics in both kinase function and regulation