8,429 research outputs found

    Development and evaluation of television tubes for space astronomy

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    An improved vidicon image sensor for space astronomy applications is developed that features reliably sealed ultraviolet transmitting windows and achieves acceptable photocathode quantum efficiency on these MgF2 windows. New preamplifier designs improve the dynamic range by reduction of the readout noise

    New coherent states and a new proof of the Scott correction

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    We introduce new coherent states and use them to prove semi-classical estimates for Schr\"odinger operators with regular potentials. This can be further applied to the Thomas-Fermi potential yielding a new proof of the Scott correction for molecules. This is the short version of a paper by the authors archived at math-ph/0208044.Comment: A misprint in definition of new coherent states corrected. To appear in Proceedings of the UAB 2002 Int'l Conference on Differential Equations and Mathematics Physic

    Dynamics of Protoplanetary Disks

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    Protoplanetary disks are quasi-steady structures whose evolution and dispersal determine the environment for planet formation. I review the theory of protoplanetary disk evolution and its connection to observations. Substantial progress has been made in elucidating the physics of potential angular momentum transport processes - including self-gravity, magnetorotational instability, baroclinic instabilities, and magnetic braking - and in developing testable models for disk dispersal via photoevaporation. The relative importance of these processes depends upon the initial mass, size and magnetization of the disk, and subsequently on its opacity, ionization state, and external irradiation. Disk dynamics is therefore coupled to star formation, pre-main-sequence stellar evolution, and dust coagulation during the early stages of planet formation, and may vary dramatically from star to star. The importance of validating theoretical models is emphasized, with the key observations being those that probe disk structure on the scales, between 1 AU and 10 AU, where theory is most uncertain.Comment: Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics (2011). Final edited version at http://www.annualreviews.org/doi/abs/10.1146/annurev-astro-081710-102521 .High resolution versions of illustrations at http://jila.colorado.edu/~pja/araa.htm

    On the dynamics of interfaces in the ferromagnetic XXZ chain under weak perturbations

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    We study the time evolution of interfaces of the ferromagnetic XXZ chain in a magnetic field. A scaling limit is introduced where the strength of the magnetic field tends to zero and the microscopic time to infinity while keeping their product constant. The leading term and its first correction are determined and further analyzed in more detail for the case of a uniform magnetic field.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figures, uses conm-p-l.cls. 1 reference adde

    Environmental Impact on the Southeast Limb of the Cygnus Loop

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    We analyze observations from the Chandra X-ray Observatory of the southeast knot of the Cygnus Loop supernova remnant. In this region, the blast wave propagates through an inhomogeneous environment. Extrinsic differences and subsequent multiple projections along the line of sight rather than intrinsic shock variations, such as fluid instabilities, account for the apparent complexity of the images. Interactions between the supernova blast wave and density enhancements of a large interstellar cloud can produce the morphological and spectral characteristics. Most of the X-ray flux arises in such interactions, not in the diffuse interior of the supernova remnant. Additional observations at optical and radio wavelengths support this account of the existing interstellar medium and its role in shaping the Cygnus Loop, and they demonstrate that the southeast knot is not a small cloud that the blast wave has engulfed. These data are consistent with rapid equilibration of electron and ion temperatures behind the shock front, and the current blast wave velocity v_{bw} approx 330 km/s. Most of this area does not show strong evidence for non-equilibrium ionization conditions, which may be a consequence of the high densities of the bright emission regions.Comment: To appear in ApJ, April 1, 200

    Toward High-Precision Astrometry with WFPC2. I. Deriving an Accurate PSF

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    The first step toward doing high-precision astrometry is the measurement of individual stars in individual images, a step that is fraught with dangers when the images are undersampled. The key to avoiding systematic positional error in undersampled images is to determine an extremely accurate point-spread function (PSF). We apply the concept of the {\it effective} PSF, and show that in images that consist of pixels it is the ePSF, rather than the often-used instrumental PSF, that embodies the information from which accurate star positions and magnitudes can be derived. We show how, in a rich star field, one can use the information from dithered exposures to derive an extremely accurate effective PSF by iterating between the PSF itself and the star positions that we measure with it. We also give a simple but effective procedure for representing spatial variations of the HST PSF. With such attention to the PSF, we find that we are able to measure the position of a single reasonably bright star in a single image with a precision of 0.02 pixel (2 mas in WF frames, 1 mas in PC), but with a systematic accuracy better than 0.002 pixel (0.2 mas in WF, 0.1 mas in PC), so that multiple observations can reliably be combined to improve the accuracy by N\surd N.Comment: 33 pp. text + 15 figs.; accepted by PAS

    Density-Dependent Response of an Ultracold Plasma to Few-Cycle Radio-Frequency Pulses

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    Ultracold neutral plasmas exhibit a density-dependent resonant response to applied radio-frequency (RF) fields in the frequency range of several MHz to hundreds of MHz for achievable densities. We have conducted measurements where short bursts of RF were applied to these plasmas, with pulse durations as short as two cycles. We still observed a density-dependent resonant response to these short pulses. However, the too rapid timescale of the response, the dependence of the response on the sign of the driving field, the response as the number of pulses was increased, and the difference in plasma response to radial and axially applied RF fields are inconsistent with the plasma response being due to local resonant heating of electrons in the plasma. Instead, our results are consistent with rapid energy transfer from collective motion of the entire electron cloud to electrons in high-energy orbits. In addition to providing a potentially more robust way to measure ultracold neutral plasma densities, these measurements demonstrate the importance of collective motion in the energy transport in these systems.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    A flowing plasma model to describe drift waves in a cylindrical helicon discharge

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    A two-fluid model developed originally to describe wave oscillations in the vacuum arc centrifuge, a cylindrical, rapidly rotating, low temperature and confined plasma column, is applied to interpret plasma oscillations in a RF generated linear magnetised plasma (WOMBAT), with similar density and field strength. Compared to typical centrifuge plasmas, WOMBAT plasmas have slower normalised rotation frequency, lower temperature and lower axial velocity. Despite these differences, the two-fluid model provides a consistent description of the WOMBAT plasma configuration and yields qualitative agreement between measured and predicted wave oscillation frequencies with axial field strength. In addition, the radial profile of the density perturbation predicted by this model is consistent with the data. Parameter scans show that the dispersion curve is sensitive to the axial field strength and the electron temperature, and the dependence of oscillation frequency with electron temperature matches the experiment. These results consolidate earlier claims that the density and floating potential oscillations are a resistive drift mode, driven by the density gradient. To our knowledge, this is the first detailed physics model of flowing plasmas in the diffusion region away from the RF source. Possible extensions to the model, including temperature non-uniformity and magnetic field oscillations, are also discussed

    Impact of Dark Matter Microhalos on Signatures for Direct and Indirect Detection

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    Detecting dark matter as it streams through detectors on Earth relies on knowledge of its phase space density on a scale comparable to the size of our solar system. Numerical simulations predict that our Galactic halo contains an enormous hierarchy of substructures, streams and caustics, the remnants of the merging hierarchy that began with tiny Earth mass microhalos. If these bound or coherent structures persist until the present time, they could dramatically alter signatures for the detection of weakly interacting elementary particle dark matter (WIMP). Using numerical simulations that follow the coarse grained tidal disruption within the Galactic potential and fine grained heating from stellar encounters, we find that microhalos, streams and caustics have a negligible likelihood of impacting direct detection signatures implying that dark matter constraints derived using simple smooth halo models are relatively robust. We also find that many dense central cusps survive, yielding a small enhancement in the signal for indirect detection experiments.Comment: 6 pages, revision in response to referees report. Now accepted by Phys. Rev D., in pres