1,200 research outputs found

    Venus gravity: Summary and coming events

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    The first significant dataset to provide local measures of venusian gravity field variations was that acquired from the Pioneer Venus Orbiter (PVO) during the 1979-1981 period. These observations were S-band Doppler radio signals from the orbiting spacecraft received at Earth-based tracking stations. Early reductions of these data were performed using two quite different techniques. Estimates of the classical spherical harmonics were made to various degrees and orders up to 10. At that time, solutions of much higher degree and order were very difficult due to computer limitations. These reductions, because of low degree and order, revealed only the most prominent features with poor spatial resolution and very reduced peak amplitudes

    Lunar orbiter data analysis

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    Large Doppler residuals near pericynthion found in lunar orbiter tracking dat

    Consistency of Lunar Orbiter residuals with trajectory and local gravity effects

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    Harmonic models and Doppler data used to analyze orbital perturbation of Lunar Orbite

    Characteristics and format of the tracking data to be obtained by the NASA Deep Space Instrumentation Facility for lunar orbiter

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    Characteristics and format of tracking data to be obtained by Deep Space Instrumentation Facility /DSIF/ for lunar orbite

    The Ranger III flight path and its determina- tion from data

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    Ranger III flight path and its determination from tracking dat

    The Ranger 4 Flight Path and Its Determination from Tracking Data

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    The ranger iv flight path and its determination from tracking dat

    Simulation and theory of vibrational phase relaxation in the critical and supercritical nitrogen: Origin of observed anomalies

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    We present results of extensive computer simulations and theoretical analysis of vibrational phase relaxation of a nitrogen molecule along the critical isochore and also along the gas-liquid coexistence. The simulation includes all the different contributions [atom-atom (AA), vibration-rotation (VR) and resonant transfer] and their cross-correlations. Following Everitt and Skinner, we have included the vibrational coordinate (qq) dependence of the interatomic potential. It is found that the latter makes an important contribution. The principal important results are: (a) a crossover from a Lorentzian-type to a Gaussian line shape is observed as the critical point is approached along the isochore (from above), (b) the root mean square frequency fluctuation shows nonmonotonic dependence on the temperature along critical isochore, (c) along the coexistence line and the critical isochore the temperature dependent linewidth shows a divergence-like λ\lambda-shape behavior, and (d) the value of the critical exponents along the coexistence and along the isochore are obtained by fitting. The origin of the anomalous temperature dependence of linewidth can be traced to simultaneous occurrence of several factors, (i) the enhancement of negative cross-correlations between AA and VR contributions and (ii) the large density fluctuations as the critical point (CP) is approached. The former makes the decay faster so that local density fluctuations are probed on a femtosecond time scale. A mode coupling theory (MCT) analysis shows the slow decay of the enhanced density fluctuations near critical point. The MCT analysis demonstrates that the large enhancement of VR coupling near CP arises from the non-Gaussian behavior of density fluctuation and this enters through a nonzero value of the triplet direct correlation function.Comment: 35 pages, 15 figures, revtex4 (preprint form

    Hog Houses for Nebraska

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    The material contained in this bulletin is a culmination of several years\u27 study and investigation of the different types of hog houses used in Nebraska. It is realized that the plans given will not suit all conditions that may arise, but an effort has been made to bring out the essential factors so that the plans may serve as a guide in planning a house suited to particular conditions

    The JPL Mars gravity field, Mars50c, based upon Viking and Mariner 9 Doppler tracking data

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    This report summarizes the current JPL efforts of generating a Mars gravity field from Viking 1 and 2 and Mariner 9 Doppler tracking data. The Mars 50c solution is a complete gravity field to degree and order 50 with solutions as well for the gravitational mass of Mars, Phobos, and Deimos. The constants and models used to obtain the solution are given and the method for determining the gravity field is presented. The gravity field is compared to the best current gravity GMM1 of Goddard Space Flight Center

    The spin vector of Venus determined from Magellan data

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    A control network of the north polar region of Venus has been established by selecting and measuring control points on full-resolution radar strips. The measurements were incorporated into a least-squares adjustment program that improved initial estimates of the coordinates of the control points, pole direction, and rotation rate of Venus. The current dataset contains 4206 measurements of 606 points on 619 radar strips. The accuracy of the determination is driven by spacecraft ephemeris errors. An accurate estimate of the rotation period of Venus was obtained by applying an ephemeris improvement technique. The second cycle closure orbits improved ephemeris solutions for 40 orbits (376-384, 520-528, 588-592, 658-668, 1002-1010, 1408-1412, 1746-1764, and 2166-2170) are included and fixed in the geodetic control computations, thus trying the network to the J2000 coordinate system