624 research outputs found

    The Unity of Judicial Practice - a Need and Desire of the Law Enforcement Process

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    The article examines the functioning of the judicial system of the Russian Federation, based on the delimitation of competence and the definition of the procedural relationship between the courts of different branches of jurisdiction. The Author considers the contradictions encountered in the decisions of the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court, and the conflicts that exist in the decisions of the highest body of constitutional justice on the same subject matter. The proposed mechanisms for resolving conflicts in judicial practice are analyzed, relevant proposals are made to improve the current Russian legislation

    The resources of adaptation off the teenage offenders

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    The aim of the research was to study the resources of adaptation of the convicted, who are serving the punishment for committing the repeated aggressively-forcible crime. The definition of the prognosis of the dynamics of the resources of adaptation among teenagers with the aggressive behavior has a great importance for the prophylaxis of their future committing the repeated aggressively-forcible crime. On a basis of the complex studying (clinical, statistical), among 170 teenagers, who are serving the punishment, the prevalence of the teenagers with psychological disorders is fixed. In accordance to the MCD-10 (medical clinical disorders) criterions, the comparative analyses of the resources of adaptation before the teenagers' isolation in foundling colony and during their serving the punishment is carried out. The estimation of the expression of the infringement of adaptation was carried out according to the teenage-ffenders’ degree of their preservation the comparatively harmonious relations with relatives, teachers and other adults; the mastery of the school program; the creation of the relations with contemporaries; the mastery of the working professions. Features of deterioration of social adaptation of the under-aged teenagers-offenders are fixed. Their accessory to psychological disorders is fixed. The results of the research testify the efficiency of the medical treatment with help of psychotropic devices for prophylaxis of the recurrent criminality of the teenagers with psychological disorders, during their serving the punishment and after their becoming free.Целью данного исследования явилось изучение адаптационных ресурсов осуждённых подростков, отбывающих наказание за совершение повторных агрессивно-насильственных преступлений. Определение прогностического значения динамики адаптационных ресурсов у подростков с агрессивным поведением имеет большое значение для профилактики совершения ими повторных правонарушений. На основе комплексного изучения (анамнестического, клинико-психопатологического, статистического) 170 отбывающих наказания подростков, установлено, преобладание среди них подростков с психическими расстройствами. В соответствии с критериями МКБ-10 проведён сравнительный анализ их адаптационных ресурсов до изоляции в воспитательную колонию и во время отбывания наказания. Оценка выраженности нарушения адаптации проводилась на основании степени сохранения подростком-правонарушителем сравнительно гармоничных отношений - с родственниками, учителями и другими взрослыми; овладение школьной программой; создание отношений со сверстниками; овладение рабочими профессиями. Определены факторы утяжеления социальной адаптации несовершеннолетних - преступников. Установлена их нозологическая принадлежность. Результаты исследования свидетельствуют об эффективности психофармакотерапии в профилактике рецидивной преступности подростков с психическими расстройствами, во время его отбывания наказания и после освобождения

    Assessing risk of acute bronchitis due to the use of the split-system

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    The objective was to assess risk of acute bronchitis due to the use of the split-system. Materials and methods: Data were collected at the healthcare districts covered by the outpatient department of the 4th City Hospital of Sevastopol. Results: The use of the split-system without regular cleaning is a risk factor for health, which is associated with a 3.5-fold increase of the incidence of acute bronchitis. Regular cleaning of the split-system decreases risk of acute bronchitis to the level comparable to that of subjects who do not use an air conditioning system. Conclusion: Measures for regular cleaning of the split-system are recommended to manage risk of acute bronchitis


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    Objective: to reveal the features of chronic heart failure (CHF) of ischemic genesis concurrent with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and to investigate the effect of the cardioselective β1-adrenoblocker (β1-AB) nebivolol on the course of COPD and the parameters of the bronchopulmonary system in patients with CHF of ischemic genesis during treatment.Subjects and methods.The investigation enrolled 63 patients aged 40–70 years, including 43 patients with functional class (FC) II–IV CHF with a Simpson left ventricular ejection fraction of 45 % concurrent with COPD (a study group) and 20 patients with CHF and no bronchopulmonary pathology (a control group). The study group patients were randomly divided into 2 subgroups: 1) 23 patients who received nebivolol in addition to background therapy; 2) 20 patients in whom the therapy ruled out the use of β1-AB. The control patients were switched to nebivolol therapy. During 6-month follow-up, the authors made clinical examination, recorded the rate, duration, and severity of COPD exacerbations, performed a 6-minute walking test (6MWT), and used a clinical status scale modified by R. Cody, a dyspnea 0–10 category ratio (Borg scale), and a Medical Research Council Dyspnoea Scale (MRS scale). Besides, quality of life in patients was assessed using the specific Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire. All the patients underwent echocardiography, bronchodilatation-induced external respiratory function test, peak flowmetry, and blood brain natriuretic peptide quantification. These studies were conducted at baseline and at 1 and 6 months of therapy.Results. During the investigation, the patients with CHF concurrent with COPD were found to have a high rate of hypertensive disease, prior myocardial infarctions, atrial fibrillations, and higher FC exertional angina. These patients also showed a delayed optimal result achievement during the combination therapy involving the use of β1-AB. The group of patients without concomitant COPD was observedto have lower FV CHF and significantly reduced dyspnea during exercise (Borg scale) immediately following 1-month therapy whereas these were seen only after 6 months. Nebivolol (mean dose 5 mg) included in the treatment regimen for patients with CHF concurrent with COPD failed to have a significant effect on spirometric and peak flowmetric readings, but had a clear-cut positive effect on the health indicators of CHF patients, such as FC of the disease, heart rate, 6MWT distance, degree of dyspnea degree, and quality of life.Conclusion. Combination cardiopulmonary therapy including β1-AB leads to more effective control of comorbidity symptoms and to improvementof patient functional status.</p

    Role of ergoreflex activity in the pathogenesis of heart failure. The effectiveness of physical rehabilitation

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    Aim. To assess the change in ergoreflex activity in heart failure patients with reduced left ventricular systolic function in the study of the effectiveness of physical training (PT) with original regimen, compared with PT with conventionally estimated regimen.Material and methods. Single-center open-label study of 297 patients with class III HF. The patients were divided into two groups: main group (MG) — patients, in whom the PT intensity was estimated based on lactate threshold (LT); comparison group (CG), in whom the PT intensity was estimated based on 60% VO2peak. We analyzed ergoreflex activity, the relationship of ergoreflex with exercise tolerance (ET), routine systemic inflammation markers, clinical manifestations of HF, and ET based on VO2peak.Results. An increase in gait velocity at the LT level after 3 months of PT was registered in 94% (n=210) of the MG patients. After 3 months, the PT regimen was recalculated according to 60% VO2реак; an increase in gait velocity at this level after 3 months of PT was registered in 70% of CG patients (n=35). The severity of HF decreased in both groups, but the dynamics was more pronounced in the MG, where class II was achieved by 75% of patients (in CG — 44%, p=0,003). In the MG, to a greater extent than in the CG, the ET increased. Ergoreflex activity (according to ΔVE) decreased by ≥15% in 230 (97%) MG patients and in 31 (63%) patients with CG. After the completion of the PT period, when in some patients the HF severity decreased to class II, we revealed a direct association of the ergoreflex value (according to ΔVE) with a greater severity of HF (r=-0,57, p=0,01) and the relationship between the decrease in ergoreflex activity (according to ΔVE), an increase in VO2LT (r=-0,55, p=0,001), VO2peak (r=0,49, p=0,001), a decrease in monocyte count (r=0,63, p=0,01).Conclusion. In stable patients with class III HF receiving the proper disease-modifying therapy, ergoreflex activity is increased and is associated with functional class, ET, and systemic inflammation activity. In the course of physical rehabilitation, a decrease in ergoreflex activity is accompanied by a decrease in functional class, an increase in EF, which is more pronounced with personalized aerobic exercise using LT regimen assessment

    Thermochemistry of heteroatomic compounds X. The thermochemistry of solution and solvation of substituted alkylphosphonic derivatives

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    The enthalpies of vaporization of different classes of phosphorylated alcohols and amines were determined from their enthalpies of solution in hexane and carbon tetrachloride. The enthalpies of specific (hydrogen-bond) interaction with the solvents (chloroform and pyridine) of derivatives containing X-H groups (X=O or N) in the α-position to the P=O group were detemined. The results were explained in terms of the spatial structure of such compounds

    Individual Psychological Resources Forming Students' Resistance to Internet Addiction

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    The problem of Internet addiction has become increasingly relevant. The aim of the study is to analyze the psychological factors that help to prevent Internet addiction at youth age. The results of the empirical study of individual typological prerequisites of forming a resistance to Internet addiction among students are discusse

    Клініко-морфологічні особливості перебігу внутрішнього ендометріозу у поєднанні з ендометріоїдною карциномою ендометрію у жінок в постменопаузі

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    The article is devoted to the research of the clinical and morphological features of adenomyosis (AD) in the presence of the endometrioid carcinoma (EC) of uterine in postmenopausal patients. The analysis was made of clinical and morphological manifestations of this disease in 11 women aged 58–74 years. Morphological structure of eu- and ectopic endometrium was studied at work in detail, according to comorbidity. It was diagnosed that for the morphological picture of AD in the presence of EC characteristic the predominance of the diffuse form of AD above the nodal, presence of active AD and inactive AD. It was confirmed the possibility of the combination of AD and EC with endometrial hyperplasia and mioma of the uterine body. There was marked increase in the expression levels of ER-receptor in accordance with the degree of EC differentiation. It established that the fire of AD in the presence of the EC retain their estrogen activity


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    In the territory of the Omsk region HIV infection and tuberculosis at patients come to light at the same time (61,0%) more often. Combination of these two infectious diseases men (81,5%), aged from 30 till 39 years (45,0%) at which the parenteral way of infection (87,3%) HIV infection prevailed are subject to a thicket. Tuberculosis, in this group of patients came to light at early stages of HIV infection (74,5%) that affected frequent percent of infiltrative tuberculosis of lungs (45,5%). Among patients tuberculosis in a combination HIV infection the low motivation to treatment met, however at an assessment of efficiency of treatment of tuberculosis data similar to those at patients with the isolated tuberculosis were obtained. From treatment we explain good effect with a combination of antitubercular therapy with antiretrovirus.На территории Омской области ВИЧ-инфекция и туберкулез у больных чаще выявляются одновременно (61,0%). Сочетанием этих двух инфекционных заболеваний чаще подвержены мужчины (81,5%) в возрасте от 30 до 39 лет (45,0%), с преобладанием парентерального пути заражения ВИЧ (87,3%). Туберкулез в данной группе больных выявлялся на ранних стадиях ВИЧ-инфекции (74,5%), что повлияло на высокий процент инфильтративного туберкулеза легких (45,5%) в структуре клинических форм. Среди больных туберкулезом в сочетании с ВИЧ-инфекцией встречалась низкая мотивация к лечению, однако при оценке эффективности лечения туберкулеза были получены данные, сопоставимые с таковыми у больных с изолированным туберкулезом

    Autoimmune limbic encephalitis (clinical case)

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    Limbic encephalitis (LE) is an autoimmune disease of the сentral nervous system with a predominant destruction of the limbic system, including the hippocampus, the amygdala, the anterior nucleus of the thalamus and the limbic cortex. The clinical picture is characterized by subacute disorders of higher cortical functions (memory, learning, emotions), epileptic seizures and (or) mental disorders. Autoimmune reaction in LE can be caused by tumor processes, in-fectious or systemic disease, when it is not possible to identify the cause, LE is called "idio-pathic". There are no specific clinical and instrumental criteria for the diagnosis of the disease, often there is an erroneous or late diagnosis of LE. The given clinical example is an illustration of idiopathic limbic encephalitis with characteristic clinical and neuroimaging signs, effective treatment with glucocorticosteroids.Лимбический энцефалит (ЛЭ) – аутоиммунное заболевание центральной нервной системы с преимущественным поражением лимбической системы, включая гиппокамп, миндалевидное тело, передние ядра таламуса и лимбическую кору. Ядром клинической картины являются подостро возникшие нарушения высших корковых функций (памяти, обучения, эмоций), эпилептические припадки и(или) психические расстройства. аутоиммунная реакция при ЛЭ может быть вызвана опухолевым процессом, инфекционным или системным заболеванием, когда идентифицировать причину не удается, ЛЭ называют «идиопатическим». В связи с отсутствием строго специфических клинических и инструментальных критериев диагностики заболевания, часто наблюдается ошибочная или поздняя диагностика ЛЭ. Приведенный клинический пример является иллюстрацией идиопатического лимбического энцефалита с характерными клиническими и нейровизуализационными признаками, эффективным лечением глюкокортикостероидами