15 research outputs found

    The Content of Lipids in Intramuscular Adipose as a Quality Determinant of Cattle Meat Product

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    Generally consumer taste for meat livestock products related to various aspects of the meat itself that iscommonly known such as, color, tenderness, flavor, hygiene and product information about the animalration that is free of antibiotics, hormones and other substances which interfere the health of consumers.This article aims to describe another aspect which supports the consumer\u27s taste that is lipids moleculescontent in intramuscular adipose tissue. The higher content of intramuscular lipids will further enhancethe consumer taste of this meat product. The methods to detect intramuscular fat content in meat cattleare enzymatic method. This evaluation of the development of intramuscular adipose tissue and the quantificationof the lipid content can be used as a parameter for determining the quality of meat products ofcattle in improving the organoleptic value of livestock meat products in the market

    The Influence of the Compensation and Training Toward Employee Performance at Bni 46 Manado Branch

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    Banking had a significant influence on the world to set circulation of money. Bank itself have a general function as a place to keeping the money and borrowing money. The things that make a bank can survive is the performance of the employees of the bank. factors that affect the performance of employees include the compensation and training. The objective of the study is to know the influence of the compensation and training toward employee performance at BNI 46 Manado branch. Data was analyzed quantitatively and through use of statistical package for social scientists (SPSS). The research method that used associative analysis with multiple regression analysis using saturated sampling with the sample of the respondents is 79 samples of all the employees at BNI 46 Cabang Manado. The result of this study shown that compensation and training have a significant influence on employee performance at BNI 46 Cabang Manado. For the company in this case BNI 46 Manado branch, its recommended to keep enhancing the training, because the variable have a significant influence to employee performance. And for the compensation have a influence but not significant to employee performance. So the compensation needs to improve, because the compensation also determine the performance from the employee to achieve their goal. Keywords: compensation, training, employee performanc


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    UTILIZATION OF “GEDI LEAF (Abelmoschus Manihot (L) Medik) AS“ADDITIVE” IN DRINKING WATER RELATED TO THE PERFORMANCE OF INDONESIAN SUPER NATIVE CHICKEN. Research was done to evaluate the performance of Indonesian super native chicken treated with “Gedi” leaf (Abelmoschus Manihot (L) Medik) as“Additive” in drinking water. Study was conducted using hundred individuals of the Indonesian super native day old chicken. The juice of “Gedi” leaf (Abelmoschus Manihot (L) Medik) was given as in forms of the four treatments as follows, drinking water without “Gedi” leaf as control (P0), drinking water with 10 ml juice of “Gedi” leaf per liter of drinking water (P1), drinking water with 20 ml juice of “Gedi” leaf per liter of drinking water (P2), and drinking water with 30 ml juice of “Gedi” leaf per liter of drinking water (P3). Treatments were applied to the birds at 6 weeks old by completely randomized design five replications at each treatment. Data were taken during 5 weeks. Feeds were using 73 percents of commercial feed added by 10 percents of corn and 17 percents of rice bran with nutritional composition of crude protein 19.49 percents, crude fiber 4.66 percents, fat 3.63 percents, Calcium 1.02 percents, Phosphorus 0.66 percents and metabolic energy of 2920 kcal/kg, all given ad libitum. Variables measurement were focused on feed consumption, drinking water consumption, average daily gain, and feed conversion. Results showed that drinking water with 30 ml juice of “Gedi” leaf per liter of drinking water (P3) was not significantly different with other treatments for feed and drinking water consumption, except for average daily gain and feed conversion. The treatments of P1 and P2 were not significantly different for average daily gain, but these treatments were higher in average daily gain compared with control (P0). The highest value of feed conversion was obtained at treatment P3 and the lowest value was found at treatment P1. These values indicated that the best feed conversion was treatment P1. Therefore, it can be concluded that juice of “Gedi” leaf can be used as the alternative additive feed in drinking water up to 20 ml juice of “Gedi” leaf per liter of drinking water in term of high average daily gain and feed conversion of Indonesian super native chicken. Key words: Drinking water, “Gedi” leaf, Indonesian super native chicken

    Amélioration du disponible fourrager en région tropicale humide

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    Serangga sebagai Bahan Pakan Ternak pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    Masyarakat yang melakukan usaha peternakan pada masa pendemi covid-19 saat ini mengalami tantangan besar terutama disebabkan oleh fluktuasi harga dan ketersediaan bahan penyusun ransum ternak terutama bahan dasar yang kandungan proteinnya tinggi. Bahan makanan ternak seperti ini akan semakin menjadi permasalahan bagi peternak jika bahan tersebut adalah juga bahan yang dikonsumsi manusia sebagai bahan pangan. Makalah ini mempresentasikan strategi dalam menyiapkan pakan ternak sumber protein tinggi ditengah situasi pandemi covid-19 ini dengan mempertimbangkan potensi berbagai jenis serangga yang layak digunakan sebagai pakan alternatif berkualitas. Metode yang digunakan dalam penyusunan makalah ini adalah pendekatan studi referensi ilmiah yang tersedia dan dapat diakses oleh publik. Berbagai jenis serangga yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan protein ternak misalnya yang berasal dari ordo coleptera, diptera, isoptera. Spesies-spesies yang bersifat kosmopolitan mudah dikembangbiakan dengan teknik rearing sehingga dapat tersedia dalam jumlah yang dibutuhkan oleh peternak diberbagai kondisi lingkungan