87 research outputs found

    Electron interactions and charge ordering in La2x_{2-x}Srx_xCuO4_4

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    We present results of inelastic light scattering experiments on single-crystalline La2x_{2-x}Srx_{x}CuO4_4 in the doping range 0.00x=p0.300.00 \le x=p \le 0.30 and Tl2_2Ba2_2CuO6+δ_{6+\delta} at p=0.20p=0.20 and p=0.24p=0.24. The main emphasis is placed on the response of electronic excitations in the antiferromagnetic phase, in the pseudogap range, in the superconducting state, and in the essentially normal metallic state at x0.26x \ge 0.26, where no superconductivity could be observed. In most of the cases we compare B1g_{1g} and B2g_{2g} spectra which project out electronic properties close to (π,0)(\pi,0) and (π/2,π/2)(\pi/2, \pi/2), respectively. In the channel of electron-hole excitations we find universal behavior in B2g_{2g} symmetry as long as the material exhibits superconductivity at low temperature. In contrast, there is a strong doping dependence in B1g_{1g} symmetry: (i) In the doping range 0.20p0.250.20 \le p \le 0.25 we observe rapid changes of shape and temperature dependence of the spectra. (ii) In La2x_{2-x}Srx_{x}CuO4_4 new structures appear for x<0.13x < 0.13 which are superposed on the electron-hole continuum. The temperature dependence as well as model calculations support an interpretation in terms of charge-ordering fluctuations. For x0.05x \le 0.05 the response from fluctuations disappears at B1g_{1g} and appears at B2g_{2g} symmetry in full agreement with the orientation change of stripes found by neutron scattering. While, with a grain of salt, the particle-hole continuum is universal for all cuprates the response from fluctuating charge order in the range 0.05p<0.160.05 \le p < 0.16 is so far found only in La2x_{2-x}Srx_{x}CuO4_4. We conclude that La2x_{2-x}Srx_{x}CuO4_4 is close to static charge order and, for this reason, may have a suppressed TcT_c.Comment: 17 pages, 15 figure

    Fermi Surface and Quasiparticle Excitations of overdoped Tl2Ba2CuO6+d by ARPES

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    The electronic structure of the high-T_c superconductor Tl2Ba2CuO6+d is studied by ARPES. For a very overdoped Tc=30K sample, the Fermi surface consists of a single large hole pocket centered at (pi,pi) and is approaching a topological transition. Although a superconducting gap with d_x^2-y^2 symmetry is tentatively identified, the quasiparticle evolution with momentum and binding energy exhibits a marked departure from the behavior observed in under and optimally doped cuprates. The relevance of these findings to scattering, many-body, and quantum-critical phenomena is discussed.Comment: Revised manuscript, in press on PRL. A high-resolution version can be found at http://www.physics.ubc.ca/~quantmat/ARPES/PUBLICATIONS/Articles/Tl2201_LE.pdf and related material at http://www.physics.ubc.ca/~quantmat/ARPES/PUBLICATIONS/articles.htm

    The nature of the charge density waves in under-doped YBa2_2Cu3_3O6.54_{6.54} revealed by X-ray measurements of the ionic displacements

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    All underdoped high-temperature cuprate superconductors appear to exhibit charge density wave (CDW) order, but both the underlying symmetry breaking and the origin of the CDW remain unclear. We use X-ray diffraction to determine the microscopic structure of the CDW in an archetypical cuprate YBa2_2Cu3_3O6.54_{6.54} at its superconducting transition temperature Tc ~ 60 K. We find that the CDWs present in this material break the mirror symmetry of the CuO2 bilayers. The ionic displacements in a CDW have two components: one perpendicular to the CuO2_2 planes, and another parallel to these planes, which is out of phase with the first. The largest displacements are those of the planar oxygen atoms and are perpendicular to the CuO2_2 planes. Our results allow many electronic properties of the underdoped cuprates to be understood. For instance, the CDW will lead to local variations in the doping (or electronic structure) giving an explicit explanation of the appearance of density-wave states with broken symmetry in scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) and soft X-ray measurements

    c-axis electrodynamics of ybco

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    New measurements of surface impedance in ybco show that the c-axis penetration depth and conductivity below Tc exhibit behaviour different from that observed in the planes. The c-axis penetration depth never has the linear temperature dependence seen in the ab-plane. Instead of the conductivity peak seen in the planes, the c-axis microwave conductivity falls to low values in the superconducting state, then rises slightly below 20K. These results show that c-axis transport remains incoherent below Tc, even though this is one of the least anisotropic cuprate superconductors.Comment: 4-page

    Absolute values of the London penetration depth in YBa2Cu3O6+y measured by zero field ESR spectroscopy on Gd doped single crystals

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    Zero-field electron spin resonance (ESR) of dilute Gd ions substituted for Y in the cuprate superconductor YBa2_2Cu3_3O6+y_{\rm 6+y} is used as a novel technique for measuring the absolute value of the low temperature magnetic penetration depth λ(T0)\lambda(T\to 0). The Gd ESR spectrum of samples with 1\approx 1% substitution was obtained with a broadband microwave technique that measures power absorption bolometrically from 0.5 GHz to 21 GHz. This ESR spectrum is determined by the crystal field that lifts the level degeneracy of the spin 7/2 Gd3+^{3+} ion and details of this spectrum provide information concerning oxygen ordering in the samples. The magnetic penetration depth is obtained by relating the number of Gd ions exposed to the microwave magnetic field to the frequency-integrated intensity of the observed ESR transitions. This technique has allowed us to determine precise values of λ\lambda for screening currents flowing in the three crystallographic orientations (a^\hat a, b^\hat b and c^\hat c) in samples of Gdx_{\rm x}Y1x_{\rm 1-x}Ba2_2Cu3_3O6+y_{6+{\rm y}} of three different oxygen contents y=0.993{\rm y}=0.993 (Tc=89T_c = 89 K), y=0.77{\rm y}=0.77 (Tc=75T_c=75 K) and y=0.52{\rm y}=0.52 (Tc=56T_c=56 K). The in-plane values are found to depart substantially from the widely reported relation Tc1/λ2T_c\propto 1/\lambda^2.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures; version to appear in PR

    Lifshitz critical point in the cuprate superconductor YBa2Cu3Oy from high-field Hall effect measurements

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    The Hall coefficient R_H of the cuprate superconductor YBa2Cu3Oy was measured in magnetic fields up to 60 T for a hole concentration p from 0.078 to 0.152, in the underdoped regime. In fields large enough to suppress superconductivity, R_H(T) is seen to go from positive at high temperature to negative at low temperature, for p > 0.08. This change of sign is attributed to the emergence of an electron pocket in the Fermi surface at low temperature. At p < 0.08, the normal-state R_H(T) remains positive at all temperatures, increasing monotonically as T \to 0. We attribute the change of behaviour across p = 0.08 to a Lifshitz transition, namely a change in Fermi-surface topology occurring at a critical concentration p_L = 0.08, where the electron pocket vanishes. The loss of the high-mobility electron pocket across p_L coincides with a ten-fold drop in the conductivity at low temperature, revealed in measurements of the electrical resistivity ρ\rho at high fields, showing that the so-called metal-insulator crossover of cuprates is in fact driven by a Lifshitz transition. It also coincides with a jump in the in-plane anisotropy of ρ\rho, showing that without its electron pocket the Fermi surface must have strong two-fold in-plane anisotropy. These findings are consistent with a Fermi-surface reconstruction caused by a unidirectional spin-density wave or stripe order.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, see associated Viewpoint: M. Vojta, Physics 4, 12 (2011

    Coherence, incoherence and scaling along the c axis of YBa_2Cu_3O_{6+x}

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    The optical properties of single crystals of YBa_2Cu_3O_{6+x} have been examined along the c axis above and below the critical temperature (T_c) for a wide range of oxygen dopings. The temperature dependence of the optically-determined value of the dc conductivity (\sigma_{dc}) in the normal state suggests a crossover from incoherent (hopping-type) transport at lower oxygen dopings (x \lesssim 0.9) to more coherent anisotropic three-dimensional behavior in the overdoped (x \approx 0.99) material at temperatures close to T_c. The assumption that superconductivity occurs along the c axis through the Josephson effect yields a scaling relation between the strength of the superconducting condensate (\rho_{s,c}, a measure of the number of superconducting carriers), the critical temperature, and the normal-state c-axis value for \sigma_{dc} just above T_c; \rho_{s,c} \propto \sigma_{dc} T_c. This scaling relation is observed along the c axis for all oxygen dopings, as well as several other cuprate materials. However, the agreement with the Josephson coupling model does not necessarily imply incoherent transport, suggesting that these materials may indeed be tending towards coherent behavior at the higher oxygen dopings.Comment: Six pages with four figures and one tabl

    Effect of the 3'APOB-VNTR polymorphism on the lipid profiles in the Guangxi Hei Yi Zhuang and Han populations

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Apolipoprotein (Apo) B is the major component of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) and chylomicrons. Many genetic polymorphisms of the Apo B have been described, associated with variation of lipid levels. However, very few studies have evaluated the effect of the variable number of tandem repeats region 3' of the Apo B gene (3'APOB-VNTR) polymorphism on the lipid profiles in the special minority subgroups in China. Thus, the present study was undertaken to study the effect of the 3'APOB-VNTR polymorphism on the serum lipid levels in the Guangxi Hei Yi Zhuang and Han populations.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A total of 548 people of Hei Yi Zhuang were surveyed by a stratified randomized cluster sampling. The epidemiological survey was performed using internationally standardized methods. Serum lipid and apolipoprotein levels were measured. The 3'APOB-VNTR alleles were determined by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) followed by electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gels, and classified according to the number of repeats of a 15-bp hypervariable elements (HVE). The sequence of the most common allele was determined using the PCR and direct sequencing. The possible association between alleles of the 3'APOB-VNTR and lipid variables was examined. The results were compared with those in 496 people of Han who also live in that district.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Nineteen alleles ranging from 24 to 64 repeats were detected in both Hei Yi Zhuang and Han. HVE56 and HVE58 were not be detected in Hei Yi Zhuang whereas HVE48 and HVE62 were totally absent in Han. The frequencies of HVE26, HVE30, HVE46, heterozygote, and short alleles (< 38 repeats) were higher in Hei Yi Zhuang than in Han. But the frequencies of HVE34, HVE38, HVE40, homozygote, and long alleles (≥ 38 repeats) were lower in Hei Yi Zhuang than in Han (<it>P </it>< 0.05–0.01). The levels of total cholesterol (TC), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) and Apo B in Hei Yi Zhuang but not in Han were higher in VNTR-LS (carrier of one long and one short alleles) than in VNTR-LL (the individual carrying two long alleles) genotypes. The levels of TC, triglycerides (TG), LDL cholesterol, and Apo B in Hei Yi Zhuang were higher in both HVE34 and HVE36 alleles than in HVE32 allele. The levels of TC, TG, HDL-C and Apo B in Hei Yi Zhuang were also higher in homozygotes than in heterozygotes. There were no significant differences in the detected lipid parameters between the VNTR-SS (carrier of two short alleles) and VNTR-LS or VNTR-LL genotypes in both ethnic groups.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>There were significant differences of the 3'APOB-VNTR polymorphism between the Hei Yi Zhuang and Han populations. An association between the 3'APOB-VNTR polymorphism and serum lipid levels was observed in the Hei Yi Zhuang but not in the Han populations.</p