4,234 research outputs found

    Competitiveness of India's Manufacturing Sector: An Assessment of Related Issues

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    This paper provides an analytical abstract of various parameters of manufacturing competitiveness of the Indian economy. India's manufacturing exports have risen impressively in the past decade or so and found to be directly linked to the world GDP and inversely related to real effective exchange rate (REER). Indian manufacturing industries have certain inherent strengths and advantages in having a relatively inexpensive, adequate and skilled labour force, cost-effective and competitive prices of goods produced, large manufacturing base and proximity to fast growing Asian markets. India is one of the leading producers and exporters in a number of commodities and enjoys significant advantages in terms of lower labour costs as compared to other economies. Nevertheless, India's competitiveness is lost on account of lower labour productivity and higher input and material costs. To improve the competitiveness of the Indian manufacturing goods, issues like further diversification of export basket, upgradation of export quality, improvement in productivity, increased technology intensity in production, enhanced R&D activity, encouraging business environment, less cumbersome regulatory environment, flexible labour laws, removal of infrastructural bottlenecks and SME related issues need attention of all concerned.Manufacturing sector, Competitiveness

    Relationship between obstructive sleep apnea severity and sleep, depression and anxiety symptoms in newly-diagnosed patients.

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    Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) occurs in at least 10% of the population, and leads to higher morbidity and mortality; however, relationships between OSA severity and sleep or psychological symptoms are unclear. Existing studies include samples with wide-ranging comorbidities, so we assessed relationships between severity of OSA and common sleep and psychological disturbances in recently diagnosed OSA patients with minimal co-morbidities. We studied 49 newly diagnosed, untreated OSA patients without major co-morbidities such as mental illness, cardiovascular disease, or stroke; subjects were not using psychoactive medications or tobacco (mean +/- std age: 46.8+/-9.1 years; apnea/hyponea index [AHI]: 32.1+/-20.5 events/hour; female/male: 12/37; weight <125 kg). We evaluated relationships between the AHI and daytime sleepiness (Epworth Sleepiness Scale; ESS), sleep quality (Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index; PSQI), depressive symptoms (Beck Depression Inventory-II; BDI), and anxiety symptoms (Beck Anxiety Inventory; BAI), as well as sex and body mass index (BMI). AHI was similar in females and males. Mean levels of all symptoms were above normal thresholds, but AHI was not correlated with age, ESS, PSQI, BDI, or BAI; only BMI was correlated with OSA severity. No differences in mean AHI appeared when subjects were grouped by normal versus elevated values of ESS, PSQI, BDI, or BAI. Consistent with other studies, a strong link between OSA severity and psychological symptoms did not appear in these newly diagnosed patients, suggesting that mechanisms additional to the number and frequency of hypoxic events and arousals occurring with apneas contribute to adverse health effects in OSA. OSA patients presenting with mild or moderate severity, and no major co-morbidities will not necessarily have low levels of sleep or psychological disturbances

    Workplace Communication during the Pandemic situation

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    Workplace communication plays an important role in the successful implementation of any project. During the pandemic, disruption had happened not only in operations but in the front of communication too. Modern organizations have very different kind of crisis (Fink, 1986; Perrow, 1984; Bozeman,2011) The covid19 pandemic had created a great havoc on the normal life and its impact on organizations had been huge including negatives changes in productivity. Mazzei, Kim and Dell‟Oro (2012) is of the opinion that it is important for an organization to build trust within the organization during the crisis as this would ensure good relationship, enhanced productivity and better finance. This research had adopted the case study methodology to bring forth the communication challenges during covid19 in a manufacturing organization. Silliconnect, a supply chain solutions company had been following rigorous quality improvement methods. Employee awareness on issues related to quality was provided periodically as it determines the success of the quality journey (Anithakumari & Gayathri, 2018). This is a fictitious case study, designed for class room teaching on the concept of workplace communication during crisis

    Vector Based Routing Through Dual Sink in Wireless Sensor Network

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    Wireless sensor network is emerging as powerful technique, There are many protocols are discovered for wireless sensor network. While process of transmitting the data consumes energy of each node so energy consumption is one of the important corner in wireless sensor network .dual sink vector based forwarding(DS-VBF) takes both remaining energy and location information as regarded factor to discover an optimized path to save energy in network. The modified routing protocol place dual sink in to the network which improves the network life time. according to the deployment of dual sink packet delivery ratio and end to end delay are enhanced .the simulation result in comparing with VBF end to end delay are reduced more than 80%,remaing energy increased 10% increment of packet reception ratio was about 70%. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15027

    A User’s Perspective on the Database of Services Sector in Indian Economy

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    Measuring the contribution of services to the Indian economy is a challenging task because it presents problems not encountered in the primary and secondary sectors. The authors discuss problems found particularly in quantifying the contribution of the banking and software sectors and suggest ways of overcoming these problems.database; services sector; banking; software sector; India

    Heart rate responses to autonomic challenges in obstructive sleep apnea.

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    Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is accompanied by structural alterations and dysfunction in central autonomic regulatory regions, which may impair dynamic and static cardiovascular regulation, and contribute to other syndrome pathologies. Characterizing cardiovascular responses to autonomic challenges may provide insights into central nervous system impairments, including contributions by sex, since structural alterations are enhanced in OSA females over males. The objective was to assess heart rate responses in OSA versus healthy control subjects to autonomic challenges, and, separately, characterize female and male patterns. We studied 94 subjects, including 37 newly-diagnosed, untreated OSA patients (6 female, age mean ± std: 52.1 ± 8.1 years; 31 male aged 54.3 ± 8.4 years), and 57 healthy control subjects (20 female, 50.5 ± 8.1 years; 37 male, 45.6 ± 9.2 years). We measured instantaneous heart rate with pulse oximetry during cold pressor, hand grip, and Valsalva maneuver challenges. All challenges elicited significant heart rate differences between OSA and control groups during and after challenges (repeated measures ANOVA, p<0.05). In post-hoc analyses, OSA females showed greater impairments than OSA males, which included: for cold pressor, lower initial increase (OSA vs. control: 9.5 vs. 7.3 bpm in females, 7.6 vs. 3.7 bpm in males), OSA delay to initial peak (2.5 s females/0.9 s males), slower mid-challenge rate-of-increase (OSA vs. control: -0.11 vs. 0.09 bpm/s in females, 0.03 vs. 0.06 bpm/s in males); for hand grip, lower initial peak (OSA vs. control: 2.6 vs. 4.6 bpm in females, 5.3 vs. 6.0 bpm in males); for Valsalva maneuver, lower Valsalva ratio (OSA vs. control: 1.14 vs. 1.30 in females, 1.29 vs. 1.34 in males), and OSA delay during phase II (0.68 s females/1.31 s males). Heart rate responses showed lower amplitude, delayed onset, and slower rate changes in OSA patients over healthy controls, and impairments may be more pronounced in females. The dysfunctions may reflect central injury in the syndrome, and suggest autonomic deficiencies that may contribute to further tissue and functional pathologies

    Performance Analysis of Resource Allocation with Successive group in Dense Femtocell Networks

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    To mitigate the uplink co-tier interference in heterogeneous networks, advanced receivers are used by Femtocell Base Stations. Orthogonal frequency allocation in interfering cells leads to inefficient spectrum usage. The users can opportunistically access the resources of nearby cells by exploiting the advantage of successive group decoder. Multi cell uplink spectrum allocation with SGD is formulated as a joint channel, rate and decoding group allocation problem. A greedy algorithm is proposed to maximize the weighted sum rates of variable bit rate users while meeting the rate requirements of guaranteed bit rate users. This greedy algorithm allows opportunistic transmission on nearby cell channels by GBR users and utilise interference free channels for high-rate transmission of VBR users. It also focuses on reducing the complexity of decoder design and improving the throughput gain over the conventional orthogonal spectrum allocation
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