869 research outputs found

    CF6 High Pressure Compressor and Turbine Clearance Evaluations

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    In the CF6 Jet Engine Diagnostics Program the causes of performance degradation were determined for each component of revenue service engines. It was found that a significant contribution to performance degradation was caused by increased airfoil tip radial clearances in the high pressure compressor and turbine areas. Since the influence of these clearances on engine performance and fuel consumption is significant, it is important to accurately establish these relatonships. It is equally important to understand the causes of clearance deterioration so that they can be reduced or eliminated. The results of factory engine tests run to enhance the understanding of the high pressure compressor and turbine clearance effects on performance are described. The causes of clearance deterioration are indicated and potential improvements in clearance control are discussed

    Atmospheric drag model calibrations for spacecraft lifetime prediction

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    Although solar activity prediction uncertainty normally dominates decay prediction error budget for near-Earth spacecraft, the effect of drag force modeling errors for given levels of solar activity needs to be considered. Two atmospheric density models, the modified Harris-Priester model and the Jacchia-Roberts model, to reproduce the decay histories of the Solar Mesosphere Explorer (SME) and Solar Maximum Mission (SMM) spacecraft in the 490- to 540-kilometer altitude range were analyzed. Historical solar activity data were used in the input to the density computations. For each spacecraft and atmospheric model, a drag scaling adjustment factor was determined for a high-solar-activity year, such that the observed annual decay in the mean semimajor axis was reproduced by an averaged variation-of-parameters (VOP) orbit propagation. The SME (SMM) calibration was performed using calendar year 1983 (1982). The resulting calibration factors differ by 20 to 40 percent from the predictions of the prelaunch ballistic coefficients. The orbit propagations for each spacecraft were extended to the middle of 1988 using the calibrated drag models. For the Jaccia-Roberts density model, the observed decay in the mean semimajor axis of SME (SMM) over the 4.5-year (5.5-year) predictive period was reproduced to within 1.5 (4.4) percent. The corresponding figure for the Harris-Priester model was 8.6 (20.6) percent. Detailed results and conclusions regarding the importance of accurate drag force modeling for lifetime predictions are presented

    Contribuição da bracatinga (Mimosa scabrella) para a produção de serapilheira em sistema silvipastoril agroecológico.

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    O presente trabalho teve por objetivo analisar a produção e o conteúdo de nutrientes da serapilheira produzida por árvores de bracatinga em uma área de pastagem agroecológica, localizada no CPRA ? Centro Paranaense de Referência em Agroecologia. As coletas de material foram efetuadas mensalmente, entre fevereiro de 2010 e julho de 2012. Com base na quantidade de matéria seca e dos teores de N, P, K, Ca e Mg foi obtida a estimativa da quantidade destes elementos aportados à pastagem pela serapilheira. A produção média de serapilheira foi de 2.006 kg de matéria seca por hectare por ano, correspondendo a uma incorporação ao solo de 30 kg de N, 0,4 kg de P, 3,8 kg de K, 7,4 kg de Ca e 3,2 kg de Mg

    Regeneração natural em sub-bosque de Corymbia citriodora no Noroeste do Estado do Paraná.

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    O desenvolvimento de espécies nativas plantadas em consórcio com eucaliptos, ou regeneradas naturalmente em povoamentos dessas espécies, vem sendo acompanhado em propriedades rurais do noroeste do estado do Paraná. Esses sistemas se destacam por constituir uma opção para a recuperação da cobertura florestal em ambientes degradados pela pecuária e agricultura intensivas, propiciando rentabilidade econômica, com possibilidade de atender a legislação ambiental para Reserva Legal. O presente trabalho visa conhecer o potencial de recomposição da vegetação nativa em sub-bosque de Corymbia citriodora, nas condições ambientais e de uso do solo daquela região. Assim, foi avaliada a composição florística e a estrutura da vegetação formada sob a rebrota de um povoamento dessa espécie, situado em São Pedro do Paraná (PR). Foram encontradas cinquenta e três espécies oriundas de regeneração natural numa densidade de 4.725 plantas por hectare. As plantas, identificadas até o nível de espécie, foram enquadradas segundo seu grupo ecológico e/ou usos potenciais. Foram observados parâmetros estruturais que mostraram o elevado potencial de regeneração natural e crescimento da vegetação em sub-bosque de C. citriodora, indicando que, com manejo adequado, essa espécie pode ser usada como uma facilitadora para fins de recomposição de vegetação nativa

    Dust emission from a parsec-scale structure in the Seyfert 1 nucleus of NGC 4151

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    We report mid-IR interferometric measurements with \sim 10 mas resolution, which resolve the warm (T = 285 +25 / -50 K) thermal emission at the center of NGC 4151. Using pairs of VLT 8.2 m telescopes with MIDI and by comparing the data to a Gaussian model, we determined the diameter of the dust emission region, albeit only along one position angle, to be 2.0 +/- 0.4 pc (FWHM). This is the first size and temperature estimate for the nuclear warm dust distribution in a Seyfert 1 galaxy. The parameters found are comparable to those in Seyfert 2 galaxies, thus providing direct support for the unified model. Using simple analytic temperature distributions, we find that the mid-infrared emission is probably not the smooth continuation of the hot nuclear source that is marginally resolved with K band interferometry. We also detected weak excess emission around 10.5 micron in our shorter baseline observation, possibly indicating that silicate emission is extended to the parsec scale.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Ariel - Volume 9 Number 5

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    Executive Editor Seth B. Paul Associate Editor Warren J. Ventriglia Business Manager Fredric Jay Matlin University News John Patrick Welch World News George Robert Coar Editorials Editor Steve Levine Features Mark Rubin Brad Feldstein Sports Editor Eli Saleeby Photo Editor Ken Buckwalter Circulation Victor Onufreiczuk Lee Wugofski Graphics and Art Steve Hulkower Commons Editor Brenda Peterso