15 research outputs found

    Strumenti di gender mainstreaming nelle università: una proposta di Linee guida per il Bilancio di genere.

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    Il saggio introduce metodologie e strumenti di gender mainstreaming e gender budgeting per l'applicazione del bilancio di genere alle università nell'ambito di un progetto della Conferenza Nazionale degli Organismi di Parità delle Università italiane

    Linee guida per il bilancio di genere delle Università. Una proposta operativa. (Versione 1.0)

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    L’obiettivo del documento è quello di fornire delle indicazioni utili e concrete agli Atenei, perché possano intraprendere una sperimentazione del Bilancio di genere. Si tratta di un lavoro che è aperto alla discussione e al progressivo aggiornamento, in una logica partecipativa, che veda le stesse Università come protagoniste e non come semplici destinatarie di indicazioni fornite da terzi. Per tale ragione esso viene proposto nella versione 1.0, che verrà seguita da una successiva edizione aggiornata, frutto delle sperimentazioni che si auspica verranno effettuate presso gli Atenei

    Asthma self-management programmes in a population of Italian children: a multicentric study

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    This study was designed to answer three main questions: 1) Does asthma self-management education reduce asthma morbidity? 2) Are the two programmes "Living With Asthma" and "Open Airways" equally effective in doing so? 3) Is a shortened version of these programmes (4 weeks) as effective as the longer original programme (8 weeks)? Twelve Italian centres of paediatric bronchopneumology selected 312 children with asthma, who were stratified by disease severity, gender and age, and then randomly assigned to an Experimental group which received an educational programme or to a Comparison group, which did not. Of the 312 children selected, 209 (114 Experimental and 95 Comparison) completed the educational protocol and a 1 year follow-up. Data recorded during the last 2 months of follow-up, 10 months after the educational intervention, showed that the Experimental group required significantly fewer emergency treatments: this reduction was more evident in the more severe asthma cases. In the Experimental, but not in the Comparison group, patients with more severe asthma consumed more medications than patients with milder asthma "Open Airways" yielded, in some cases, better results than "Living with Asthma": but a type 2 error is possible. The standard and the shortened programmes proved equally effective. In conclusion, following education, regardless of receiving a short or long educational programme, asthma patients use emergency care services less and use medications more appropriately in comparison with standard care without education. This suggests that short educational programmes can be highly cost-effective in children with asthma

    Social Accounting in Italy: The Pioneering Contribution of Women Scholars

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    The theme of women scholars‘ role and their contribution to initially promote social and environmental accounting and reporting is relatively new. Consequently there are many gaps to fill in concerning several topics developed within the aforementioned emerging research strand. Starting from this premise, the aim of this paper is to present a discussion about women ―master pioneers‖ of social accounting in Italy. The research design develops through a deductive and inductive approach. The deductive approach is based on a literature review concerning social and environmental accounting and gender accounting. The inductive approach is empirically constructed and focused on the scientific and academic career of two Italian female scholars. The comparative analysis of the two cases helps to point out the relevance of women‘s contribution as well as to ―disclose‖ their role in promoting social and environmental accounting and reporting in Italy