817 research outputs found

    Spatial and temporal organization of a coastal lagoon fish community: Ria de Aveiro, Portugal

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    The fish community and its spatial and temporal organization were studied in the Ria de Aveiro. This lagoon system (43 km2 in area), has both marine and fluvial influences and is located between 40º 30’ - 40º 52’N and 8º35’ - 8º 47’W on the central coast of Portugal. The ichthyofauna was sampled monthly, from December 1996 to November 1997, at nine selected stations, with “chincha”, a traditionally-used beach-seine-type net of the region. A total of 14,598 specimens representing 43 species from 21 families were caught. The abiotic parameters (temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen) showed significant seasonal variations, although only salinity and transparency showed statistically significant trends among sampling stations. The diversity and evenness were greater at the borders of the lagoon. The species richness, diversity and evenness peaked in mid-Summer. Marine seasonal migrant species were the most numerous, and the marine juvenile and estuarine resident categories had the highest number of species. Species number and diversity of the ecological guilds showed some spatio-temporal patterns due to some particular dominant species. Mugilidae, Atherinidae, Moronidae and Clupeidae were the most abundant families. Six species were dominant and represented more than 74% of the total fish abundance, although they did not occur over the whole lagoon area or during the whole sampling period. The study concludes that the fish community of the Ria de Aveiro has well-defined seasonal and spatial patterns.Organis ation spatiale et temporelle de la communauté de poissons d’une lagune côtière – Ria de Aveiro, Portugal. La communauté de poissons et son organisation spatiale et temporelle ont été étudiées dans la Ria de Aveiro. Ce système de lagune (43 km2 de superficie) subit des influences maritimes et fluviales et est situé entre 40º 30’ - 40º 52’N et 8º35’ - 8º 47’W sur la côte centrale du Portugal. Des échantillons ont été prélevés mensuellement de décembre 1996 à novembre 1997, dans neuf stations, avec un filet de pêche traditionnel de la région, la “chincha”. Au total 14 2 598 spécimens ont été collectés représentant 43 espèces et 21 familles. Les paramètres abiotiques (température, salinité et oxygène dissou) ont montré des variations saisonnières significatives, tandis que sur l’ensemble des stations de prélèvement seules la salinité et la transparence ont présenté une variation significative. La diversité et l’équatibilité ont été maximales le long des rives de la lagune. La richesse en espèces, diversité et équatibilité ont leur maximum été. Les espèces marines étaient les plus nombreuses et les catégories “juvénile marin” et “résident estuarien” sont celles qui avaient le plus grand nombre d’espèces. Le nombre d’espèces et la diversité des catégories écologiques ont montré des patterns liés à certaines espèces dominantes. Mugilidae, Atherinidae, Moronidae et Clupeidae étaient les familles les plus abondantes. Six espèces dominaient, même si elles n’étaient pas présentes sur toute la superficie de la lagune ou durant toute la période des échantillons, représentant plus de 74% du total de l’abondance en poisson. Cette étude permet de conclure que la communauté de poisson de la Ria de Aveiro a des patrons saisonniers et spatiaux très bien définis

    Teachers’ experiences and perceptions regarding mobile augmented reality games: a case study of a teacher training

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    The literature has been recognizing the potential of mobile technologies, augmented reality (AR) and game-based approaches in Education and recommends its adoption. Considering the scarcity of this type of educational resources in the Portuguese context, it is relevant to create opportunities for teachers and researchers to collaborate in the development of high-quality open resources to be integrated into games available for all. To this end, a 50-hour continuous training course for teachers was conducted to promote collaborative development of mobile AR game-based resources for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics learning. In this contribution, data from a questionnaire applied at the beginning of the training is analysed to support assessment of teachers’ previous experiences and initial perceptions regarding mobile learning, AR use in Education and game-based learning. The questionnaire was anonymous and 14 out of 16 teachers gave informed consent to participate in this study. This data was triangulated with information collected through participant observation from two researchers who were also the trainers and the authors of this paper. Results reveal that teachers with different profiles attained this training. Nevertheless, most teachers revealed naïve perspectives on mobile and game-based learning and were unaware of AR technologies and their potential use in education. Teacher profiles varied from those who acknowledge not knowing and not using either of the three approaches in their teaching practices, nor in their personal learning experiences, to those who seem to have somewhat accurate ideas. This work is relevant as this case study is an empirical account of teachers practices and perspectives on mobile AR games.publishe

    Review engagements -- new and expanded guidance on analytical procedures, inquiries, and other procedures

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    Review engagements -- new and expanded guidance on analytical procedures, inquiries, and other procedures

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    Compilation and review engagements : essential questions and answers

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    Desenvolvimento de novo método de análise de histamina, putrescina e cadaverina por CLAE utilizando derivatização com 6-aminoquinolil-n-hidroxisuccinimidil carbamato (AQC).

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    O consumo de alimentos fermentados, em especial peixe anchovado, pode ser extremamente prejudicial a algumas pessoas devido a possibilidade de intoxicação por altos níveis de histamina e outras aminas biogênicas formadas durante o processo de fermentação. Por esta razão, um rigoroso controle dos teores de aminas biogênicas nesses alimentos se faz necessário, de forma a garantir a sua segurança. Este trabalho mostra o desenvolvimento de uma nova metodologia analítica por CLAE para histamina, putrescina e cadaverina num mesmo ensaio, onde o resultado cromatográfico é obtido em apenas dez minutos, utilizando uma coluna de ultra eficiência, Kinetex, e um reagente que produz derivados altamente estáveis, o AQC, sem a necessidade de purificação antes da derivatização ou da injeção no cromatógrafo

    Functional consequences of seven novel mutations in the CYP11B1 Gene: four mutations associated with nonclassic and three mutations causing classic 11 -Hydroxylase Deficiency

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    Context: Steroid 11β-hydroxylase (CYP11B1) deficiency (11OHD) is the second most common form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). Cases of nonclassic 11OHD are rare compared with the incidence of nonclassic 21-hydroxylase deficiency. Objective: The aim of the study was to analyze the functional consequences of seven novel CYP11B1 mutations (p.M88I, p.W116G, p.P159L, p.A165D, p.K254_A259del, p.R366C, p.T401A) found in three patients with classic 11OHD, two patients with nonclassic 11OHD, and three heterozygous carriers for CYP11B1 mutations. Methods: We conducted functional studies employing a COS7 cell in vitro expression system comparing wild-type (WT) and mutant CYP11B1 activity. Mutants were examined in a computational three-dimensional model of the CYP11B1 protein. Results: All mutations (p.W116G, p.A165D, p.K254_A259del) found in patients with classic 11OHD have absent or very little 11β-hydroxylase activity relative to WT. The mutations detected in patients with nonclassic 11OHD showed partial functional impairment, with one patient being homozygous (p.P159L; 25% of WT) and the other patient compound heterozygous for a novel mild p.M88I (40% of WT) and the known severe p.R383Q mutation. The two mutations detected in heterozygous carriers (p.R366C, p.T401A) also reduced CYP11B1 activity by 23 to 37%, respectively. Conclusion: Functional analysis results allow for the classification of novel CYP11B1 mutations as causative for classic and nonclassic 11OHD, respectively. Four partially inactivating mutations are predicted to result in nonclassic 11OHD. These findings double the number of mild CYP11B1 mutations previously described as associated with mild 11OHD. Our data are important to predict phenotypic expression and provide important information for clinical and genetic counseling i