46 research outputs found

    Impact of seasonal variation, age and smoking status on human semen parameters: The Massachusetts General Hospital experience

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    BACKGROUND: To investigate the relationship of human semen parameters with season, age and smoking status. METHODS: The present study used data from subjects recruited into an ongoing cross-sectional study on the relationship between environmental agents and semen characteristics. Our population consisted of 306 patients who presented to the Vincent Memorial Andrology Laboratory of Massachusetts General Hospital for semen evaluation. Sperm concentration and motility were measured with computer aided sperm analysis (CASA). Sperm morphology was scored using Tygerberg Kruger strict criteria. Regression analyses were used to investigate the relationships between semen parameters and season, age and smoking status, adjusting for abstinence interval. RESULTS: Sperm concentration in the spring was significantly higher than in winter, fall and summer (p < 0.05). There was suggestive evidence of higher sperm motility and percent of sperm with normal morphology in the spring than in the other seasons. There were no statistically significant relationships between semen parameters and smoking status, though current smokers tended to have lower sperm concentration. We also did not find a statistically significant relationship between age and semen parameters. CONCLUSIONS: We found seasonal variations in sperm concentration and suggestive evidence of seasonal variation in sperm motility and percent sperm with normal morphology. Although smoking status was not a significant predictor of semen parameters, this may have been due to the small number of current smokers in the study

    Permeability of a Cell Membrane Junction

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    Los delitos contra el honor : Analisis critico de la sustentabilidad normativa de una concepcion juridica del honor y de la necesidad de su proteccion penal

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    337 p.El autor define cinco objetivos en su trabajo : a) Analizar en forma crítica el contenido del bien jurídico-penal honor; b) determinar el sustento normativo de una concepción jurídica del honor a la luz del concreto ordenamiento jurídico chileno ; c) Una revisión crítica de la protección penal del honor en nuestro ordenamiento a luz del principio de necesidad y del carácter de ultima ratio del derecho penal; d) Establecer las bases para lograr una efectiva operatividad de la libertad de comunicación en los delitos contra el honor, dos bienes jurídicos que pueden entrar en conflicto; y e) Intentar proponer un modelo general de responsabilidades frente a la lesión del honor en una perspectiva de reforma legislativ