5,257 research outputs found


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    In In the last years there has been an increasing use of digital techniques for conservation and restoration purposes. Among these, a very dominant rule is played by the use of digital photogrammetry packages (Agisoft Photoscan, 3D Zephir) which allow to obtain in few steps 3D textured models of real objects. Combined with digital documentation technologies digital fabrication technologies can be employed in a variety of ways to assist in heritage documentation, conservation and dissemination. This paper will give to practitioners an overview on the state of the art available technologies and a feasible workflow for optimizing point cloud and polygon mesh datasets for the purpose of fabrication using 3D printing. The goal is to give an important contribute to confer an automation aspect at the whole processing. We tried to individuate a workflow that should be applicable to several types of cases apart from small precautions. In our experimentation we used a DELTA WASP 2040 printer with PLA easyfil


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    Already used in very specific areas such as in military and medical or academic research, in 2009 thanks to improved technology, augmented reality is to reach wider audiences and as information campaigns, advertising-augmented published in newspapers or on the network, and through a growing number of applications for mobile phones, particularly iPhone. The Augmented Reality on the desktop computer is based on the use of markers, or ARtags, and stylized drawings, which are shown to the webcam, are recognized by the PC, and which are overlaid in real-time multimedia content: video, audio, 3D objects, and other information like link, historical or/and geographical elements, relationship between the territories and its inhabitants, etc.. All this requires the contribution of different cognitive areas, in the opinion of the authors can not be extinguished only in an application myopic investing skills of a subject area. The story (from which everything branches off), topography (which each measure takes shape), the representation (from which everything is revealed), computer (from which everything is the correlation with itself and with the others), visual communication (from which everything rises to a value direct communication, streamlined, efficient), graphics (from which everything comes to beauty, aesthetics individual and collective). The experience took place in the territory of Palermo, in Sicily, and show how the territories can change in relation with the practices and possible identity strategies developed as a reaction. We can show the disqualifie

    Free energy and states of fractional-order hereditariness

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    Complex materials, often encountered in recent engineering and material sciences applications, show no complete separations between solid and fluid phases. This aspect is reflected in the continuous relaxation time spectra recorded in cyclic load tests. As a consequence the material free energy cannot be defined in a unique manner yielding a significative lack of knowledge of the maximum recoverable work that can extracted from the material. The non-uniqueness of the free energy function is removed in the paper for power-laws relaxation/creep function by using a recently proposed mechanical analogue to fractional-order hereditariness


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    In these last years, video games have become one of the most popular entertainment for children/teenagers/adults thanks to their appealing and seductive features and, in this context, the Serious Games (SG) have become an important research field. The most popular SGs in Cultural Heritage (CH) used the historical building like scenario where the game is playing. In this paper we show the procedure to achieve a CH video game where the Cultural Heritage is the main actor and not the scenario of the game. Furthermore, the game is not a SG but an Action-Adventure Game (AAG) or Survival Game (SuG), in a largest heading it can be classified as Entertainment Games (EGs). The novelty of this study is not only in the original application of the CH within the AAG sector but also consists of the experimentation of the Virtual Reality (VR) algorithm and of the application of Augmented Reality (AR) within the VR scenario used in the form of an avatar. Furthermore, in this paper we overcome the technical problems due to the different size of the environment and the work art

    Image Based Modeling Technique for Pavement Distress surveys: a Specific Application to Rutting

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    Image-based modeling (IBM) is a well-known technique to obtain high quality 3D models based on multi view images. IBM started being used in several applications such as inspection, identification of objects and visualization, due to the user-friendly approach, the low cost and highly automated technique. This paper focuses on the investigation of the potential application of IBM in the diagnosis of road pavement distresses and in particular rutting. Indeed, the evaluation of the rutting distress is a fundamental step to define the whole state of a pavement as demonstrated by the calculation of Present Serviceability Index (PSI). Currently, the permanent deformation is measured monitoring visually the rut depth with the approximations that this procedure involves. Nevertheless, the exact measure of the rut depth is necessary to evaluate precisely the cause and the severity of this distress and be effective in the maintenance and rehabilitation of the pavement structure. The objective of this study is to apply the IBM technique on a laboratory rutted sample, in order to verify the accuracy of the method in determining the rut depth. To achieve this, a comparison has been made between the 3D model obtained with IBM and the one obtained with blue led 3D scan (Artec Spider) of the same rutted asphalt concrete. The metric accuracy of the model is then defined and its validity is assessed, in terms of distress diagnosis

    Infall/Expansion Velocities in the Low-Mass Dense Cores L492, L694-2, and L1521F: Dependence on Position and Molecular Tracer

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    Although surveys of infall motions in dense cores have been carried out for years, few surveys have focused on mapping infall across cores using multiple spectral line observations. To fill this gap, we present IRAM 30-m Telescope maps of N2H+(1-0), DCO+(2-1), DCO+(3-2), and HCO+(3-2) emission towards two prestellar cores (L492 and L694-2) and one protostellar core (L1521F). We find that the measured infall velocity varies with position across each core and choice of molecular line, likely as a result of radial variations in core chemistry and dynamics. Line-of-sight infall speeds estimated from DCO+(2-1) line profiles can decrease by 40-50 m/s when observing at a radial offset >= 0.04 pc from the core's dust continuum emission peak. Median infall speeds calculated from all observed positions across a core can also vary by as much as 65 m/s depending on the transition. These results show that while single-pointing, single-transition surveys of core infall velocities may be good indicators of whether a core is either contracting or expanding, the magnitude of the velocities they measure are significantly impacted by the choice of molecular line, proximity to the core center, and core evolutionary state.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Aqueye+: a new ultrafast single photon counter for optical high time resolution astrophysics

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    Aqueye+ is a new ultrafast optical single photon counter, based on single photon avalanche photodiodes (SPAD) and a 4-fold split-pupil concept. It is a completely revisited version of its predecessor, Aqueye, successfully mounted at the 182 cm Copernicus telescope in Asiago. Here we will present the new technological features implemented on Aqueye+, namely a state of the art timing system, a dedicated and optimized optical train, a high sensitivity and high frame rate field camera and remote control, which will give Aqueye plus much superior performances with respect to its predecessor, unparalleled by any other existing fast photometer. The instrument will host also an optical vorticity module to achieve high performance astronomical coronography and a real time acquisition of atmospheric seeing unit. The present paper describes the instrument and its first performances.Comment: Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9504, id. 95040C 14 pp. (2015

    Evidence for T Tauri-like emission in the EXor V1118 Ori from near-IR and X-ray data

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    We present a near-IR study of the EXor variable V1118 Ori, performed by following a slightly declining phase after a recent outburst. In particular, the near-IR (0.8 - 2.3 micron) spectrum, obtained for the first time, shows a large variety of emission features of the HI and HeI recombination and CO overtone. By comparing the observed spectrum with a wind model, a mass loss rate value is derived along with other parameters whose values are typical of an accreting T Tauri star. In addition, we have used X-ray data from the XMM archive, taken in two different epochs during the declining phase monitored in IR. X-ray emission (in the range 0.5 - 10 keV) permits to derive several parameters which confirm the T Tauri nature of the source. In the near-IR the object maintains a low visual extinction during all the activity phases, confirming that variable extinction does not contribute to brightness variations. The lack of both a significant amount of circumstellar material and any evidence of IR cooling from collimated jet/outflow driven by the source, indicates that, at least this member of the EXor class, is in a late stage of the Pre-Main Sequence evolution. In the X-ray regime, an evident fading is present, detected in the post-outburst phase, that cannot be reconciled with the presence of any absorbing material. This circumstance, combined with the persistence (in the pre- and post-outburst phases) of a temperature component at about 10 MK, suggests that accretion has some influence in regulating the coronal activity

    Nod2 Deficiency in mice is Associated with Microbiota Variation Favouring the Expansion of mucosal CD4+ LAP+ Regulatory Cells

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    Nucleotide-binding Oligomerization Domain-2 (NOD2) mutations are associated with an increased risk to develop Crohn's Disease. In previous studies, we have shown that Nod2-/- mice manifest increased proportion of Lamina Propria (LP) CD4+ LAP+ Foxp3- regulatory cells, when compared with Nod2+/+ mice, while CD4+ Foxp3 + regulatory cells were not affected. Here, we investigated the Nod2 gut microbiota, by 16S rRNA pyrosequencing, at steady state and after TNBS-colitis induction in mice reared separately or in cohousing, correlating the microbial profiles with LP regulatory T cells proportion and tissue cytokines content. We found that enrichment of Rikenella and Alistipes (Rikenellaceae) in Nod2-/- mice at 8 weeks of age reared separately was associated with increased proportion of CD4+ LAP+ Foxp3- cells and less severe TNBS-colitis. In co-housed mice the acquisition of Rickenellaceae by Nod2+/+ mice was associated with increased CD4+ LAP+ Foxp3- proportion and less severe colitis. Severe colitis was associated with enrichment of gram-negative pathobionts (Escherichia and Enterococcus), while less severe colitis with protective bacteria (Barnesiella, Odoribacter and Clostridium IV). Environmental factors acting on genetic background with different outcomes according to their impact on microbiota, predispose in different ways to inflammation. These results open a new scenario for therapeutic attempt to re-establish eubiosis in Inflammatory Bowel Disease patients with NOD2 polymorphisms
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