53,057 research outputs found

    Quarkonia and Quark Drip Lines in Quark-Gluon Plasma

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    We extract the QQ-Qˉ\bar Q potential by using the thermodynamic quantities obtained in lattice gauge calculations. The potential is tested and found to give dissociation temperatures that agree well with those from lattice gauge spectral function analysis. Using such a QQ-Qˉ\bar Q potential, we examine the quarkonium states in a quark-gluon plasma and determine the `quark drip lines' which separate the region of bound color-singlet QQˉQ\bar Q states from the unbound region. The characteristics of the quark drip lines severely limit the region of possible bound QQˉQ\bar Q states with light quarks to temperatures close to the phase transition temperature. Bound quarkonia with light quarks may exist very near the phase transition temperature if their effective quark mass is of the order of 300-400 MeV and higher.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figures, in LaTe

    Klein-Gordon Equation in Hydrodynamical Form

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    We follow and modify the Feshbach-Villars formalism by separating the Klein-Gordon equation into two coupled time-dependent Schroedinger equations for particle and antiparticle wave function components with positive probability densities. We find that the equation of motion for the probability densities is in the form of relativistic hydrodynamics where various forces have their classical counterparts, with the additional element of the quantum stress tensor that depends on the derivatives of the amplitude of the wave function. We derive the equation of motion for the Wigner function and we find that its approximate classical weak-field limit coincides with the equation of motion for the distribution function in the collisionless kinetic theory.Comment: 13 page

    Coherent transport in Nb/delta-doped-GaAs hybrid microstructures

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    Coherent transport in Nb/GaAs superconductor-semiconductor microstructures is presented. The structures fabrication procedure is based on delta-doped layers grown by molecular-beam-epitaxy near the GaAs surface, followed by an As cap layer to protect the active semiconductor layers during ex situ transfer. The superconductor is then sputter deposited in situ after thermal desorption of the protective layer. Two types of structures in particular will be discussed, i.e., a reference junction and the engineered one that contains an additional insulating AlGaAs barrier inserted during the growth in the semiconductor. This latter configuration may give rise to controlled interference effects and realizes the model introduced by de Gennes and Saint-James in 1963. While both structures show reflectionless tunneling-dominated transport, only the engineered junction shows additionally a low-temperature single marked resonance peaks superimposed to the characteristic Andreev-dominated subgap conductance. The analysis of coherent magnetotransport in both microstructures is successfully performed within the random matrix theory of Andreev transport and ballistic effects are included by directly solving the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations. The impact of junction morphology on reflectionless tunneling and the application of the employed fabrication technique to the realization of complex semiconductor-superconductor systems are furthermore discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, invited review paper, to be published in Mod. Phys. Lett.

    Intermodal Energy Transfer in a Tapered Optical Fiber: Optimizing Transmission

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    We present an experimental and theoretical study of the energy transfer between modes during the tapering process of an optical nanofiber through spectrogram analysis. The results allow optimization of the tapering process, and we measure transmission in excess of 99.95% for the fundamental mode. We quantify the adiabaticity condition through calculations and place an upper bound on the amount of energy transferred to other modes at each step of the tapering, giving practical limits to the tapering angle.Comment: 29 pages, 17 figure

    Ultrahigh Transmission Optical Nanofibers

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    We present a procedure for reproducibly fabricating ultrahigh transmission optical nanofibers (530 nm diameter and 84 mm stretch) with single-mode transmissions of 99.95 ± \pm 0.02%, which represents a loss from tapering of 2.6  × \,\times \, 10−5^{-5} dB/mm when normalized to the entire stretch. When controllably launching the next family of higher-order modes on a fiber with 195 mm stretch, we achieve a transmission of 97.8 ±\pm 2.8%, which has a loss from tapering of 5.0  × \,\times \, 10−4^{-4} dB/mm when normalized to the entire stretch. Our pulling and transfer procedures allow us to fabricate optical nanofibers that transmit more than 400 mW in high vacuum conditions. These results, published as parameters in our previous work, present an improvement of two orders of magnitude less loss for the fundamental mode and an increase in transmission of more than 300% for higher-order modes, when following the protocols detailed in this paper. We extract from the transmission during the pull, the only reported spectrogram of a fundamental mode launch that does not include excitation to asymmetric modes; in stark contrast to a pull in which our cleaning protocol is not followed. These results depend critically on the pre-pull cleanliness and when properly following our pulling protocols are in excellent agreement with simulations.Comment: 32 pages, 10 figures, accepted to AIP Advance

    JPL Energy Consumption Program (ECP) documentation: A computer model simulating heating, cooling and energy loads in buildings

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    The engineering manual provides a complete companion documentation about the structure of the main program and subroutines, the preparation of input data, the interpretation of output results, access and use of the program, and the detailed description of all the analytic, logical expressions and flow charts used in computations and program structure. A numerical example is provided and solved completely to show the sequence of computations followed. The program is carefully structured to reduce both user's time and costs without sacrificing accuracy. The user would expect a cost of CPU time of approximately $5.00 per building zone excluding printing costs. The accuracy, on the other hand, measured by deviation of simulated consumption from watt-hour meter readings, was found by many simulation tests not to exceed + or - 10 percent margin

    Effects of canyon topography on strong ground motion

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    The two-dimensional scattering and diffraction of SH waves of arbitrary angle of incidence from irregular, canyon-shaped topography is formulated in terms of an integral equation. Taking advantage of the simple boundary conditions of SH-wave problems, the method of images is applied to reduce the integral equation to one with a finite integral, which can readily be solved numerically by available methods. The method is first applied to the analytically solved case of a cylindrical canyon to verify its accuracy, and then to two idealized cross sections based upon Pacoima Canyon to investigate the effects of topography in a more realistic case. The results of the harmonic analysis include wave amplification patterns and transfer functions for different wavelengths and for different angles of incidence. The study also includes analysis of transient motions. With the N76°W component of the Pacoima Dam accelerogram specified to occur at one point in the cross section, the effects of different angles of incidence upon the required input motion and upon the motion at several other points in the cross section were examined by calculating accelerograms and response spectra. The effects of canyon-shaped topography are seen most prominently in the amplification patterns and transfer functions for harmonic response, wherein shielding and focusing can cause variations up to a factor of six for wavelengths comparable to, or shorter than, the canyon width. In the case of transient motions, the accelerograms at different points show significant differences, but not as large as seen in the harmonic analysis. The response spectra show the smallest differences; significant effects are confined to the higher frequencies

    Klein Levin syndrome is a steroid-responsive, non-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor-mediated encephalitis

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    Poster SessionBACKGROUND: Klein Levin syndrome is a rare neuropsychiatric disorder with periodic hypersomnia, cognitive and behavioural disturbance. It is postulated to be triggered by a viral illness or is a postinfectious immune-mediated encephalitis. With an increasing awareness of immune-med...published_or_final_versio

    Perturbative Wilson loops from unquenched Monte Carlo simulations at weak couplings

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    Perturbative expansions of several small Wilson loops are computed through next-to-next-to-leading order in unquenched lattice QCD, from Monte Carlo simulations at weak couplings. This approach provides a much simpler alternative to conventional diagrammatic perturbation theory, and is applied here for the first time to full QCD. Two different sets of lattice actions are considered: one set uses the unimproved plaquette gluon action together with the unimproved staggered-quark action; the other set uses the one-loop-improved Symanzik gauge-field action together with the so-called ``asqtad'' improved-staggered quark action. Simulations are also done with different numbers of dynamical fermions. An extensive study of the systematic uncertainties is presented, which demonstrates that the small third-order perturbative component of the observables can be reliably extracted from simulation data. We also investigate the use of the rational hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm for unquenched simulations with unimproved-staggered fermions. Our results are in excellent agreement with diagrammatic perturbation theory, and provide an important cross-check of the perturbation theory input to a recent determination of the strong coupling αMSˉ(MZ)\alpha_{\bar{\rm MS}}(M_Z) by the HPQCD collaboration.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    Heavy flavor kinetics at the hadronization transition

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    We investigate the in-medium modification of the charmonium breakup processes due to the Mott effect for light (pi, rho) and open-charm (D, D*) quark-antiquark bound states at the chiral/deconfinement phase transition. The Mott effect for the D-mesons effectively reduces the threshold for charmonium breakup cross sections, which is suggested as an explanation of the anomalous J/psi suppression phenomenon in the NA50 experiment. Further implications of finite-temperature mesonic correlations for the hadronization of heavy flavors in heavy-ion collisions are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Contribution to SQM2001 Conference, submitted to J. Phys.
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