33,668 research outputs found

    Survey of J=0,1 mesons in a Bethe-Salpeter approach

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    The Bethe-Salpeter equation is used to comprehensively study mesons with J=0,1 and equal-mass constituents for quark masses from the chiral limit to the b-quark mass. The survey contains masses of the ground states in all corresponding J^{PC} channels including those with "exotic" quantum numbers. The emphasis is put on each particular state's sensitivity to the low- and intermediate-momentum, i.e., long-range part of the strong interaction.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    The Distance to the Large Magellanic Cloud from the Eclipsing Binary HV2274

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    The distance to the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) is crucial for the calibration of the Cosmic Distance Scale. We derive a distance to the LMC based on an analysis of ground-based photometry and HST-based spectroscopy and spectrophotometry of the LMC eclipsing binary system HV2274. Analysis of the optical light curve and HST/GHRS radial velocity curve provides the masses and radii of the binary components. Analysis of the HST/FOS UV/optical spectrophotometry provides the temperatures of the component stars and the interstellar extinction of the system. When combined, these data yield a distance to the binary system. After correcting for the location of HV2274 with respect to the center of the LMC, we find d(LMC) = 45.7 +/- 1.6 kpc or DM(LMC) = 18.30 +/- 0.07 mag. This result, which is immune to the metallicity-induced zero point uncertainties that have plagued other techniques, lends strong support to the ``short'' LMC distance scale as derived from a number of independent methods.Comment: 6 pages, including 2 pages of figures. Newly available optical (B and V) photometry has revealed -- and allowed the elimination of -- a systematic error in the previously reported determination of E(B-V) for HV2274. The new result is E(B-V) = 0.12 mag (as compared to the value of 0.083 reported in the original submission) and produces a DECREASE in the distance modulus of HV2274 by 0.12 mag. ApJ Letters, in pres

    Angular dependent planar metamagnetism in the hexagonal compounds TbPtIn and TmAgGe

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    Detailed magnetization measurements, M(T,H,theta), were performed on single crystals of TbPtIn and TmAgGe (both members of the hexagonal Fe_2P/ZrNiAl structure type), for the magnetic field H applied perpendicular to the crystallographic c axis. These data allowed us to identify, for each compound, the easy-axes for the magnetization, which coincided with high symmetry directions ([120] for TbPtIn and [110] for TmAgGe). For fixed orientations of the field along each of the two six-fold symmetry axes, a number of magnetically ordered phases is being revealed by M(H,T) measurements below T_N. Moreover, T ~ 2 K, M(H)|_theta measurements for both compounds (with H applied parallel to the basal plane), as well as T = 20 K data for TbPtIn, reveal five metamagnetic transitions with simple angular dependencies: H_{ci,j} ~ 1/cos(theta +/- phi), where phi = 0^0 or 60^0. The high field magnetization state varies with theta like 2/3*mu_{sat}(R^{3+})*cos(theta), and corresponds to a crystal field limited saturated paramagnetic, CL-SPM, state. Analysis of these data allowed us to model the angular dependence of the locally saturated magnetizations M_{sat} and critical fields H_c with a three coplanar Ising-like model, in which the magnetic moments are assumed to be parallel to three adjacent easy axes. Furthermore, net distributions of moments were inferred based on the measured data and the proposed model

    Spectacular recovery in the Ord River catchment

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    Regeneration work on severely damaged country in what is now known as the Ord River Regeneration Reserve (ORRR) commenced in 1960. The ORRR is in the East Kimberley area of Western Australia with an associated small area in the Northern Territory. The work included strip contour cultivation and seeding (which proceeded at various levels of intensity during the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s), fencing and destocking of cattle by mustering over many years, and the eradication of donkeys

    Linking Search Space Structure, Run-Time Dynamics, and Problem Difficulty: A Step Toward Demystifying Tabu Search

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    Tabu search is one of the most effective heuristics for locating high-quality solutions to a diverse array of NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems. Despite the widespread success of tabu search, researchers have a poor understanding of many key theoretical aspects of this algorithm, including models of the high-level run-time dynamics and identification of those search space features that influence problem difficulty. We consider these questions in the context of the job-shop scheduling problem (JSP), a domain where tabu search algorithms have been shown to be remarkably effective. Previously, we demonstrated that the mean distance between random local optima and the nearest optimal solution is highly correlated with problem difficulty for a well-known tabu search algorithm for the JSP introduced by Taillard. In this paper, we discuss various shortcomings of this measure and develop a new model of problem difficulty that corrects these deficiencies. We show that Taillards algorithm can be modeled with high fidelity as a simple variant of a straightforward random walk. The random walk model accounts for nearly all of the variability in the cost required to locate both optimal and sub-optimal solutions to random JSPs, and provides an explanation for differences in the difficulty of random versus structured JSPs. Finally, we discuss and empirically substantiate two novel predictions regarding tabu search algorithm behavior. First, the method for constructing the initial solution is highly unlikely to impact the performance of tabu search. Second, tabu tenure should be selected to be as small as possible while simultaneously avoiding search stagnation; values larger than necessary lead to significant degradations in performance

    Defining the gap between research and practice in public relations programme evaluation - towards a new research agenda

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    The current situation in public relations programme evaluation is neatly summarized by McCoy who commented that 'probably the most common buzzwords in public relations in the last ten years have been evaluation and accountability' (McCoy 2005, 3). This paper examines the academic and practitioner-based literature and research on programme evaluation and it detects different priorities and approaches that may partly explain why the debate on acceptable and agreed evaluation methods continues. It analyses those differences and proposes a research agenda to bridge the gap and move the debate forward

    Contrasting Energy Scales of the Reentrant Integer Quantum Hall States

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    We report drastically different onset temperatures of the reentrant integer quantum Hall states in the second and third Landau level. This finding is in quantitative disagreement with the Hartree-Fock theory of the bubble phases which is thought to describe these reentrant states. Our results indicate that the number of electrons per bubble in either the second or the third Landau level is likely different than predicted

    Exact propagators on the lattice with applications to diffractive effects

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    The propagator of the discrete Schr\"odinger equation is computed and its properties are revealed through a Feynman path summation in discrete space. Initial data problems such as diffraction in discrete space and continuous time are studied analytically by the application of the new propagator. In the second part of this paper, the analogy between time propagation and 2D scattering by 1D obstacles is explored. New results are given in the context of diffraction by edges within a periodic medium. A connection with tight-binding arrays and photonic crystals is indicated.Comment: Final version with two appendices. Published in J. Phys. A: Math. Theo
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