11 research outputs found

    Koncentracja biogenów w rolniczych zlewniach na przykładzie zlewni rzeki Skuterud i Zagożdżonki

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    In this paper, two rural catchment- the Zagożdżonka catchment in Poland and the Skuterud catchment in Aas, Akershus county in Norway are compared. In addition to the general description, more in particular information, runoff, NO3 load, P-PO4 load, total phosphorus and total nitrogen concentrations in streams are compared. The data compared are from 1993 to 1995 in Zagożdżonka catchment and from 1994- 1996 from Skuterud catchment. The average concentration of N-NO3 in Zagożdżonka River in the period was 0.85 mg•1-1 and the mean concentration of P-PO4 was 0.13 mg•l-1. In the stream in Skuterud catchment the average concentration of N-NO3 was 4.95 mg•1-1 and the mean concentration of P-PO4 was 0.04 mg•l-1. For both catchments the same data were also compared for the 2008. In Skuterud catchment the highest concentration of nutrients occurred in November, March and April, which was connected to the higher runoff from agricultural areas during the snowmelt period. In Zagożdżonka catchment the highest concentration of nutrients was noted in March, April and in summer time, which was connected to periods with high amounts of precipitation. Comparison of the two rural catchments showed many differences in applied measurement methods for water sampling, water measurement, discharge measurement, runoff amounts and management practices, which had an effect on results of monitoring program. The compared data can be useful to predict the development of future environmental conditions for example water quality. It can also be useful for predict how nutrient runoff will be in future. What is more the different conditions for runoff in Skuterud and Zagożdżonka then different measures are needed.W artykule zostały porównane dwie rolnicze zlewnie, jedna zlokalizowana w Polsce- Zagożdżonka, druga w Norwegii- Skuterud. Poza ogólnymi opisami zlewni, porównywane informacje dotyczyły szczegółowych danych o opadach, spływie powierzchniowym, oraz stężeniach N-NO3, P-PO4, TP i TN w płynących wodach powierzchniowych. Dane ze zlewni Zagożdżonka pochodzą z lat 1993-1995, ze zlewni Skuterud z lat 1994-1996. Średnie stężenie N-NO3 w w badanym okresie w rzece Zagożdżonka wynosiło 0,85 mg•l, zaś średnie stężenie P-PO4 było równe 0,13 mg•l. W ciekach zlewni Skuterud średnia koncentracja N-NO3 wynosiła 4,95 mg•l, zas P-PO4 oscylowała około 0,04 mg•l. W obydwu przypadkach te same analizy były przeprowadzone i porównane dla roku 2008. Wyniki pokazały, że dla cieków zlokalizowanych w Skuterud najwyższa koncentracja nutrientów wystąpiła w listopadzie, marcu i kwietniu. Zaistniała sytuacja ma związek z wysokim spływem powierzchniowym z terenów rolnych podczas upraw ziemi oraz z okresami roztopów. W zlewni Zagożdżonki najwyższe stężenie nutrientów w rzece odnotowano w marcu, kwietniu oraz w okresie letnim, co miało związek z dużymi opadami w tym okresie. Porównanie dwóch rolniczych zlewni pokazało wiele różnic, miedzy innymi w stosowanych metodach pomiarowych, systemie monitoringowym i otrzymanych wynikach. Mimo wielu różnic przeprowadzona analiza może być przydatna w prognozowaniu przyszłych zmian warunków środowiskowych

    Evalution of the WEPP - Profile Model : A Preliminary Study of the Applicability in Norway

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    AnglBibliogr.: p. 19 (6 pavad.)Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    A stress-related explanation to the increased blood pressure and its course following ischemic stroke

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    Christopher Elnan Kvistad, Halvor Oygarden, Nicola Logallo, Lars Thomassen, Ulrike Waje-Andreassen, Gunnar Moen, Halvor Naess Department of Neurology, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway Background: A hypertensive response after ischemic stroke is frequent, yet its pathophysiology is unknown. Mechanisms related to local ischemic damage, major vascular occlusion, and psychological stress due to acute illness have been proposed. We assessed the natural course of blood pressure (BP) within the first 24 h in groups of ischemic stroke patients with different characteristics. We hypothesized that a consistent BP reduction, regardless of stroke location, time window from debut to admission and presence of persistent vascular occlusion, would favor a stress-related mechanism as an important cause of the hypertensive response after ischemic stroke. Methods: Ischemic stroke patients (n=1067) were prospectively registered, and BP was measured on admission and <3 h, 3–6 h, 6–12 h and 12–24 h after admission. Patients were categorized according to the location of diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) lesions (cortical, large subcortical, mixed cortico-subcortical, lacunar, cerebellar, brain stem or multiple), time window (admitted within or after 6 h of symptom onset) and presence of persistent proximal middle cerebral artery (MCA) occlusion versus normal findings on magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) at 24 h. Results: A reduction in systolic BP and diastolic BP from baseline to 12–24 h was found across all DWI locations except for diastolic BP in cerebellar (P=0.072) lesions. Apart from diastolic BP in patients with normal MRA findings at 24 h (P=0.060), a significant fall in systolic BP and diastolic BP at 12–24 h was registered, irrespective of whether patients were admitted within 6 h or after 6 h of stroke onset or had persistent MCA occlusion versus normal MRA findings. Conclusion: We found a relatively consistent decline in BP within 24 h after admission across different stroke locations in patients admitted within or after 6 h of stroke onset and in patients with persistent MCA occlusion. Our findings suggest that a systemic factor such as psychological stress may be an important contributor to the frequently elevated BP on admission in patients with ischemic stroke. Keywords: ischemic stroke, blood pressure, hypertensive response, DWI&nbsp

    Protocol-based storylines for integrated assessments of future European agriculture

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    Integrated assessments in agriculture often necessitate storylines to define socio-economic framework assumptions. They are available at global to continental scales but their spatial resolution and scope is insufficient for sectoral studies in agriculture at national to regional scales. We therefore aim at developing protocol-based storylines for European agriculture by extending and enriching global storylines. Consistency across spatial scales and sectors related to agriculture are maintained by following a nested approach. Stakeholders contribute to the research process in order to ensure usefulness and usability of the results. We present the innovative research design to generate storylines for European agriculture and give examples of storyline elements. The shared protocol increases transparency of how storyline elements are identified, prioritized and combined, improving comparability and consistency of integrated assessments within and across scales.edition: Methods for an evidence-based agricultural policy - Experiences, demand and new developmentsstatus: publishe

    A protocol to develop Shared Socio-economic Pathways for European agriculture

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    Moving towards a more sustainable future requires concerted actions, particularly in the context of global climate change. Integrated assessments of agricultural systems (IAAS) are considered valuable tools to provide sound information for policy and decision-making. IAAS use storylines to define socio-economic and environmental framework assumptions. While a set of qualitative global storylines, known as the Shared Socio-economic Pathways (SSPs), is available to inform integrated assessments at large scales, their spatial resolution and scope is insufficient for regional studies in agriculture. We present a protocol to operationalize the development of Shared Socio-economic Pathways for European agriculture - Eur-Agri-SSPs - to support IAAS. The proposed design of the storyline development process is based on six quality criteria: plausibility, vertical and horizontal consistency, salience, legitimacy, richness and creativity. Trade-offs between these criteria may occur. The process is science-driven and iterative to enhance plausibility and horizontal consistency. A nested approach is suggested to link storylines across scales while maintaining vertical consistency. Plausibility, legitimacy, salience, richness and creativity shall be stimulated in a participatory and interdisciplinary storyline development process. The quality criteria and process design requirements are combined in the protocol to increase conceptual and methodological transparency. The protocol specifies nine working steps. For each step, suitable methods are proposed and the intended level and format of stakeholder engagement are discussed. A key methodological challenge is to link global SSPs with regional perspectives provided by the stakeholders, while maintaining vertical consistency and stakeholder buy-in. We conclude that the protocol facilitates systematic development and evaluation of storylines, which can be transferred to other regions, sectors and scales and supports inter-comparisons of IAAS.status: publishe