13 research outputs found

    Über die Registrierung der bedingten motorischen Nahrungsreaktion bei Affen

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    Management of an Organization’s Development PotentialBased on a Balanced Scorecard

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    The article considers the issues of managing an Organization’s Development Potential based using a Balanced Scorecard. When innovative technological processes are implemented one of the most effective mechanisms of strategic management is a balanced scorecard. The use of this tool leads to successful development of the organization and increases its value. The core feature of the balanced scorecard is development potential. The authors define what “development potential” is and propose the methods for its analysis. To assess the development potential the following indicators can be used: work satisfaction, staff stability, labor capacity, etc. The authors propose a methodology for analysis of development potential by polling to find differences in the quality of WORKING LIFE in different categories of employees. The polling was carried out among the employees of Oil and Gas Company. The sample covered 342 people: 31% of which belong to whitecollars (managerial staff) and 69% were blue-collars. The questions in the questionnaire were divided into 9 sections, which evaluate various aspects of quality of WORKING LIFE: assessment of working results, workers’ participation in management, assessment of professional knowledge and skills, skill level, the impact of work on personal lives of employees and others. For each question average weighted arithmetical mean is calculated in order to obtain numerical data. To find deviations the authors correlate the obtained numerical values with the normal level of average weighted arithmetic. The result of this research is the proposal about transition to the balanced scorecard, which, in its conceptual framework, in the authors’ view, focuses on the development potential of the whole team. Management of development potential is based on the interaction between the organization and the employee, the use of the balanced scorecard can make this interaction more effective

    The Environmental State of Soils in the Epicentre of the Underground Nuclear Explosion «Tavda»

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    Одними из источников радиоактивного загрязнения компонентов окружающей среды являются подземные ядерные взрывы, которые проводились в «мирных» целях во второй половине XX века. Основным источником поступления радионуклидов в наземные пищевые цепи является почва. В результате подземных взрывов радионуклиды попадают в почву, включаются в биогеохимические циклы миграции и становятся новыми компонентами почвы. Авторами проведены исследования по содержанию техногенных радионуклидов в почве в районе подземного ядерного взрыва «Тавда». Представлен анализ загрязнения техногенных радионуклидов по сторонам света на расстоянии 100, 200, 300, 400 и 500 метров от эпицентра взрыва, также рассмотрены закономерности вертикального распространения техногенных радионуклидов стронция-90 и цезия-137. Полученные данные говорят о том, что радиационная обстановка в эпицентре взрыва, учитывая период полураспада радионуклидов, остается повышенной.One of the sources of environment components radioactive contamination is underground nuclear explosions that were conducted for «peaceful» purposes in the second half of the XX century. The main source of radionuclides intake into surface food chains is soil. As a result of underground explosions, radionuclides infilter soil, enter biogeochemical migration cycles, and become new soil components. The authors of the article have carried out a research of the content of the technogenic radionuclides in the soil of the underground nuclear explosion called area «Tavda». The authors have presented the analysis of the technogenic radionuclides contamination according to compass points within the distance of 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 meters from the epicentre of the explosion, patterns of vertical distribution of strontium-90 and cesium-137 are also considered. The obtained data, taking into account radionuclides half-life, show that the radiation situation in the epicentre of the explosion remains high

    Development of state-private partnership mechanism in construction industry

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    В настоящее время в России наблюдается практически полное отсутствие законодательной и нормативно-правовой базы формирования и управления государственно-частными партнерствами и, как следствие, наличие центробежных сил в отрасли. Кроме того, выявлены такие тенденции, как усиление процессов саморегулирования в строительной отрасли и формирование саморегулируемых организаций (СРО), усиление государственного регулирования деятельности строительных компаний через законодательное совершенствование системы строительных норм и правил, лицензирование, сертификацию, стандартизацию и т.д. В настоящей работе предложен и обоснован новый теоретический подход к формированию государственно-частных партнерств.At present in Russia there is a complete lack of the regulatory and legal framework within which to form and manage state-private partnerships. Moreover, the authors note such trends as reinforcement of self-government processes in construction industry and creation of self-regulating organizations, strengthening of state regulation of the construction companies activity by means of perfecting the norms and rules and by means of licensing, certification, standardization, etc. a new theoretical approach to formation of state-private partnerships is suggested in the article