781 research outputs found

    Cohomological characterization of vector bundles on multiprojective spaces

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    We show that Horrock's criterion for the splitting of vector bundles on \PP^n can be extended to vector bundles on multiprojective spaces and to smooth projective varieties with the weak CM property (see Definition 3.11). As a main tool we use the theory of nn-blocks and Beilinson's type spectral sequences. Cohomological characterizations of vector bundles are also showed

    Ulrich bundles on ruled surfaces

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    Geometric collections and Castelnuovo-Mumford Regularity

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    The paper begins by overviewing the basic facts on geometric exceptional collections. Then, we derive, for any coherent sheaf \cF on a smooth projective variety with a geometric collection, two spectral sequences: the first one abuts to \cF and the second one to its cohomology. The main goal of the paper is to generalize Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity for coherent sheaves on projective spaces to coherent sheaves on smooth projective varieties XX with a geometric collection σ\sigma . We define the notion of regularity of a coherent sheaf \cF on XX with respect to σ\sigma. We show that the basic formal properties of the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of coherent sheaves over projective spaces continue to hold in this new setting and we show that in case of coherent sheaves on \PP^n and for a suitable geometric collection of coherent sheaves on \PP^n both notions of regularity coincide. Finally, we carefully study the regularity of coherent sheaves on a smooth quadric hypersurface Q_n \subset \PP^{n+1} (nn odd) with respect to a suitable geometric collection and we compare it with the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of their extension by zero in \PP^{n+1}.Comment: To appear in Math. Proc. Cambridg

    An efficient path planner for large mobile platforms in cluttered environments

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    This paper presents a one step smooth and efficient path planning algorithm for navigating a large robotic platform in known cluttered environments. The proposed strategy, based on the generation of a novel search space, relies on non-uniform density sampling of the free areas to direct the computational resources to troubled and difficult regions, such as narrow passages, leaving the larger open spaces sparsely populated. A smoothing penalty is also associated to the nodes to encourage the generation of gentle paths along the middle of the empty spaces. Collision detection is carried out off-line during the creation of the configuration space to speed up the actual search for the path, which is done on-line. Results prove that the proposed approach considerably reduces the search space in a meaningful and practical manner, improving the computational cost of generating a path optimised for fine and smooth motion. © 2006 IEEE

    Brill-Noether theory for moduli spaces of sheaves on algebraic varieties

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    Let XX be a smooth projective variety of dimension nn and let HH be an ample line bundle on XX. Let MX,H(r;c1,...,cs)M_{X,H}(r;c_1, ..., c_{s}) be the moduli space of HH-stable vector bundles EE on XX of rank rr and Chern classes ci(E)=cic_i(E)=c_i for i=1,...,s:=min{r,n}i=1, ..., s:=min\{r,n\}. We define the Brill-Noether filtration on MX,H(r;c1,...,cs)M_{X,H}(r;c_1, ..., c_{s}) as WHk(r;c1,...,cs)={EMX,H(r;c1,...,cs)h0(X,E)k}W_{H}^{k}(r;c_1,..., c_{s})= \{E \in M_{X,H}(r;c_1, ..., c_{s}) | h^0(X,E) \geq k \} and we realize WHk(r;c1,...,cs)W_{H}^{k}(r;c_1,..., c_{s}) as the kkth determinantal variety of a morphism of vector bundles on MX,H(r;c1,...,cs)M_{X,H}(r;c_1, ..., c_{s}), provided Hi(E)=0H^i(E)=0 for i2i \geq 2 and EMX,H(r;c1,...,cs)E \in M_{X,H}(r;c_1, ..., c_{s}). We also compute the expected dimension of WHk(r;c1,...,cs)W_{H}^{k}(r;c_1,..., c_{s}). Very surprisingly we will see that the Brill-Noether stratification allow us to compare moduli spaces of vector bundles on Hirzebruch surfaces stables with respect to different polarizations. We will also study the Brill-Noether loci of the moduli space of instanton bundles and we will see that they have the expected dimension.Comment: 19 pages. To appear Forum Mat