311 research outputs found

    Multiplicity of Closed Reeb Orbits on Prequantization Bundles

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    We establish multiplicity results for geometrically distinct contractible closed Reeb orbits of non-degenerate contact forms on a broad class of prequantization bundles. The results hold under certain index requirements on the contact form and are sharp for unit cotangent bundles of CROSS's. In particular, we generalize and put in the symplectic-topological context a theorem of Duan, Liu, Long, and Wang for the standard contact sphere. We also prove similar results for non-hyperbolic contractible closed orbits and briefly touch upon the multiplicity problem for degenerate forms. On the combinatorial side of the question, we revisit and reprove the enhanced common jump theorem of Duan, Long and Wang, and interpret it as an index recurrence result.Comment: 31 page

    Schoolchildren's play behavior in the toy library

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    A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo caracterizar o ato de brincar de crianças escolares em uma brinquedoteca; identificando os diferentes brinquedos mais utilizados entre meninos e meninas na brincadeira. Foram realizadas 517 observações diretas de eventos de brincadeira livre, utilizando-se um protocolo de observação. Os resultados confirmaram a existência de segregação e estereotipia no brincar infantil, mostrando que meninos tendem a brincar entre si e meninas também. Foi evidenciado que a composição do grupo, de acordo com o sexo das crianças, determina o tipo de brinquedo utilizado na atividade lúdica. Com relação aos grupos de meninos, foi verificada preferência pelos jogos sociais, brinquedos que reproduzem o mundo técnico - miniaturas, carrinhos, helicópteros - e fantasias. Nos grupos de meninas, constatou-se predominância por brinquedos responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento afetivo - bonecas, bebês, roupinhas - jogos sociais e fantasias. Nos grupos mistos verificou-se uma predominância da utilização dos jogos sociais, das fantasias e dos brinquedos que reproduzem o mundo técnico. A variedade de brincadeiras verificada pode ser remetida ao grande acervo de brinquedos e possibilidades de criações propiciadas pelos diferentes espaços lúdicos da brinquedoteca.The present research aimed to characterize schoolchildren's play behavior in a toy library, identifying the different toys used by boys and girls during their play. 517 direct observations of free play events were performed, using an observational protocol. The results confirmed the existence of segregation and stereotypes in children's play, showing that boys tend to play with boys and girls, with girls. Furthermore, the composition of the group, based on the sex of the children, determines the type of toy used in the playing activity. The groups of boys showed preference for social games, toys that reproduce the technical world - miniatures, little cars, helicopters - and fantasies. In the groups of girls, toys which are related to affective development - dolls, babies, dolls' clothes -, social games and fantasies prevailed. In the mixed groups, a predominance of the use of social games, fantasies and toys that reproduce the technical world was verified. The variety of playing activities verified in this research can be explained by the great collection of toys and possibilities of creations offered by the toy library and its playing spaces

    Bioptic prostatic inflammation correlates with false positive rates of multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging in detecting clinically significant prostate cancer

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    ntroduction: The aim of this article was to determine the impact of bioptic prostatic inflammation (PI) on the false positive rate of multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (mp-MRI) in detecting clinically significant prostate ancer (csPCa). Material and methods: Our prostate biopsy database was queried to identify patients who underwent mp-MRI before PB at our institution. A dedicated uropathologist prospectively assessed bioptic PI using the Irani scores. We evaluated the association between mp-MRI findings, bioptic Gleason grade (GG) and aggressiveness of PI, and PCa detection. Results: In total, 366 men were included. In patients with Prostate Imaging Reporting and Data System (PIRADS) 4-5 lesions, the csPCa (GG ≥2) rate was significantly higher in those with low-grade than in those with high-grade PI (36% vs 29.7%; p = 0.002), and in those with low-aggressive than in those with high-aggressive PI (37.7% vs 30.1%; p = 0.0003). The false positive rates of PIRADS 4-5 lesions for any PCa were 34.2% and 57.8% for low- and high-grade PI, respectively (p = 0.002); similarly, they were 29.5% and 59.4% for mildly and highly-aggressive PI (p = 0.0003). Potential study limitations include its retrospective analysis and single-center study and lack of assessment of the type of PI. Conclusions: Bioptic PI directly correlates with false positive rates of mp-MRI in detecting csPCa. Clinicians should be aware that PI remains the most common pitfall of mp-MRI

    The play behavior and its implications for child development according to Evolutionary Psychology

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    A brincadeira é uma atividade presente na vida de crianças em diversas culturas, possuindo papel importante no desenvolvimento das mesmas. Apesar disso, tal importância nem sempre é reconhecida pelos adultos, os quais priorizam na educação das crianças aspectos cognitivos formais e apresentam uma dificuldade em visualizar a relação existente entre brincadeira e desenvolvimento. A psicologia evolucionista tem voltado seu olhar para o brincar por este caracterizar-se como adaptado e adaptativo da espécie, contendo aspectos filogenéticos e ontogenéticos. Tal abordagem busca estudar as possíveis relações entre cultura e filogênese no desenvolvimento deste comportamento. Dessa forma o objetivo deste trabalho foi apresentar o brincar a partir do referencial teórico da psicologia evolucionista, bem como seu conceito e suas características. Além disso, são apresentadas as relações entre o brincar, os tipos de brincadeira e as diferenças de gênero. A brinquedoteca é apresentada como um possível espaço no qual esse comportamento pode ser estimulado e valorizado.The play behavior is an activity that is present in children's life in many cultures, having an important role in child development. However, such importance sometimes is not recognized by adults, who prioritize in children education formal cognitive aspects, and have difficulties in visualizing the relation between play and development. Evolutionary Psychology views play as a behavior that has evolutionary and ontogenetic aspects. Such approach intends to study the possible relations between culture and evolution in the development of this behavior. The objective of this paper is to present the play behavior based on the theoretical framework of Evolutionary Psychology, as well as its concept and characteristics. Moreover, the relations between playing, types of play and gender differences are discussed. The toy library is presented as a possible space in which this behavior can be stimulated and valued

    Torsional stability of interference screws derived from bovine bone - a biomechanical study

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    Introduction: It has been proposed that individual genetic variation contributes to the course of severe infections and sepsis. Recent studies of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within the endotoxin receptor and its signaling system showed an association with the risk of disease development. This study aims to examine the response associated with genetic variations of TLR4, the receptor for bacterial LPS, and a central intracellular signal transducer (TIRAP/Mal) on cytokine release and for susceptibility and course of severe hospital acquired infections in distinct patient populations. Methods: Three intensive care units in tertiary care university hospitals in Greece and Germany participated. 375 and 415 postoperative patients and 159 patients with ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP) were included. TLR4 and TIRAP/Mal polymorphisms in 375 general surgical patients were associated with risk of infection, clinical course and outcome. In two prospective studies, 415 patients following cardiac surgery and 159 patients with newly diagnosed VAP predominantly caused by Gram-negative bacteria were studied for cytokine levels in-vivo and after ex-vivo monocyte stimulation and clinical course. Results: Patients simultaneously carrying polymorphisms in TIRAP/Mal and TLR4 and patients homozygous for the TIRAP/Mal SNP had a significantly higher risk of severe infections after surgery (odds ratio (OR) 5.5; confidence interval (CI): 1.34 - 22.64; P = 0.02 and OR: 7.3; CI: 1.89 - 28.50; P < 0.01 respectively). Additionally we found significantly lower circulating cytokine levels in double-mutant individuals with ventilator associated pneumonia and reduced cytokine production in an ex-vivo monocyte stimulation assay, but this difference was not apparent in TIRAP/Mal-homozygous patients. In cardiac surgery patients without infection, the cytokine release profiles were not changed when comparing different genotypes. Conclusions: Carriers of mutations in sequential components of the TLR signaling system may have an increased risk for severe infections. Patients with this genotype showed a decrease in cytokine release when infected which was not apparent in patients with sterile inflammation following cardiac surgery