283 research outputs found

    Path-Goal Theory-based Leadership Development Deployment Guidelines for the Middle Managers of an International University in China

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    This research aims to 1) determine the current and desired situation of the middle managers' leadership behavior and leadership performance based on path-goal theory, 2) identify the significant differences between current and desired middle managers' leadership behavior, 3) explore ideas of key managers on leadership behavior and effectiveness through interviews, and 4) develop the final leadership effectiveness development deployment strategies based on the quantitative and qualitative findings. Questionnaire surveys and focus group discussions were used to collect data to identify and determine the significant difference between leadership behaviors and leadership effectiveness. The participants in this study were 67 teachers from Heilongjiang International University in China. Data analysis used frequency, percentage, paired-sample T-test for quantitative data, and Content analysis for qualitative data. Through quantitative research, it is found that focus should be given to Directive Leadership as priority, then Supportive Leadership and Participative Leadership, Achievement Leadership, and Leadership Effectiveness. The results of qualitative data analysis shows that there are four strategies for the development of leadership behaviors and leadership effectiveness

    Costly interpretation of asset prices

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    We propose a model in which investors cannot costlessly process information from asset prices. At the trading stage, investors are boundedly rational, and their interpretation of prices injects noise into the price, generating a source of endogenous noise trading. Our setup predicts price momentum and yields excessive return volatility and excessive trading volume. In an overall equilibrium, investors optimally choose sophistication levels by balancing the benefit of beating the market against the cost of acquiring sophistication. There can exist strategic complementarity in sophistication acquisition, leading to multiple equilibria

    Batik Tebo di Kecamatan Tebo Tengah Kabupaten Tebo Provinsi Jambi (Studi Kasus di Sanggar Mursida)

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    Typical Batik Tebo yet well know neven Tebos ociety, because theproblem sare fearedlostits cultural value. This study aimed to describe about thecraft of Batik Tebo which includeforms ofmotive, the meaning containedin themotif, as well astools andmaterials for batik making techniquesin the studioMursida Tebo. The method usedin this researchis descriptive methodqualitatively.Collecting datain this studyis doneby usingthe techni ques of observation,interview sand documentation. Datareviewed andanalyzed byt he stepsof datareduction, data presentation. Data validation was donewith the extensionofobservation, increa sepersistene and triangulation.The results showed that BatikTeboconsists of 11. motif batik bambu runcing, motif batik sialang rajo, motifbatik buah manggis,motif batik rebung nyengum, motif batik serat kayu rengas,motif batik tapak kudo, motif batik bungo tanjung dan buah sawit, motif batiktapak kudo buah sawit, motif batik bungo tanjung,motif batik bungo paku danbuah sawit dan motif batik pawn(koin). Batik technique used is the technique ofbatik yestaining

    Hi-C 3.0: Improved Protocol for Genome-Wide Chromosome Conformation Capture

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    The intricate folding of chromatin enables living organisms to store genomic material in an extremely small volume while facilitating proper cell function. Hi-C is a chromosome conformation capture (3C)-based technology to detect pair-wise chromatin interactions genome-wide, and has become a benchmark tool to study genome organization. In Hi-C, chromatin conformation is first captured by chemical cross-linking of cells. Cells are then lysed and subjected to restriction enzyme digestion, before the ends of the resulting fragments are marked with biotin. Fragments within close 3D proximity are ligated, and the biotin label is used to selectively enrich for ligated junctions. Finally, isolated ligation products are prepared for high-throughput sequencing, which enables the mapping of pair-wise chromatin interactions genome-wide. Over the past decade, next-generation sequencing has become cheaper and easier to perform, enabling more interactions to be sampled to obtain higher resolution in chromatin interaction maps. Here, we provide an in-depth guide to performing an up-to-date Hi-C procedure on mammalian cell lines. These protocols include recent improvements that increase the resolution potential of the assay, namely by enhancing cross-linking and using a restriction enzyme cocktail. These improvements result in a versatile Hi-C procedure that enables the detection of genome folding features at a wide range of distances. Basic Protocol 1: Fixation of nuclear conformation Basic Protocol 2: Chromosome conformation capture Basic Protocol 3: Hi-C sequencing library preparation

    Strong Bulk Photovoltaic Effect in Planar Barium Titanate Thin Films

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    The bulk photovoltaic effect (BPE) leads to the generation of a photocurrent from an asymmetric material. Despite drawing much attention due to its ability to generate photovoltages above the band gap (EgE_g), it is considered a weak effect due to the low generated photocurrents. Here, we show that a remarkably high photoresponse can be achieved by exploiting the BPE in simple planar BaTiO3_3 (BTO) films, solely by tuning their fundamental ferroelectric properties via strain and growth orientation induced by epitaxial growth on different substrates. We find a non-monotonic dependence of the responsivity (RSCR_{\rm SC}) on the ferroelectric polarization (PP) and obtain a remarkably high BPE coefficient (β\beta) of ≈\approx10−2^{-2} 1/V, which to the best of our knowledge is the highest reported to date for standard planar BTO thin films. We show that the standard first-principles-based descriptions of BPE in bulk materials cannot account for the photocurrent trends observed for our films and therefore propose a novel mechanism that elucidates the fundamental relationship between PP and responsivity in ferroelectric thin films. Our results suggest that practical applications of ferroelectric photovoltaics in standard planar film geometries can be achieved through careful joint optimization of the bulk structure, light absorption, and electrode-absorber interface properties.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Low Concentrations of Silver Nanoparticles in Biosolids Cause Adverse Ecosystem Responses under Realistic Field Scenario

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    A large fraction of engineered nanomaterials in consumer and commercial products will reach natural ecosystems. To date, research on the biological impacts of environmental nanomaterial exposures has largely focused on high-concentration exposures in mechanistic lab studies with single strains of model organisms. These results are difficult to extrapolate to ecosystems, where exposures will likely be at low-concentrations and which are inhabited by a diversity of organisms. Here we show adverse responses of plants and microorganisms in a replicated long-term terrestrial mesocosm field experiment following a single low dose of silver nanoparticles (0.14 mg Ag kg−1 soil) applied via a likely route of exposure, sewage biosolid application. While total aboveground plant biomass did not differ between treatments receiving biosolids, one plant species, Microstegium vimeneum, had 32 % less biomass in the Slurry+AgNP treatment relative to the Slurry only treatment. Microorganisms were also affected by AgNP treatment, which gave a significantly different community composition of bacteria in the Slurry+AgNPs as opposed to the Slurry treatment one day after addition as analyzed by T-RFLP analysis of 16S-rRNA genes. After eight days, N2O flux was 4.5 fold higher in the Slurry+AgNPs treatment than the Slurry treatment. After fifty days, community composition and N2O flux of the Slurry+AgNPs treatment converged with the Slurry. However, the soil microbial extracellular enzymes leucine amino peptidase and phosphatase had 52 and 27% lower activities, respectively, while microbial biomass was 35% lower than the Slurry. We also show that the magnitude of these responses was in all cases as large as or larger than the positive control, AgNO3, added at 4-fold the Ag concentration of the silver nanoparticles
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