12,535 research outputs found

    Avaliação do crescimento de clones de guaraná em área de mata do Amapá.

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    A exploração de culturas perenes e uma das principais alternativas de utilização economica das áreas de terra firme no Amapá. Entre as espécies com potencial, o guarana (Paullinia cupana var. sorbilis), pelos resultados obtidos em outros pontos do trópico úmido, motivou a Unidade de Execução de Pesquisa de Ambito Territorial de Macapá (UEPAT de Macapá), a estudar seu comportamento nas condições locais.bitstream/item/65097/1/AP-1988-avaliacao-crescimentos-clones-guarana.pd

    Barriers to cardiac rehabilitation delivery in a low-resource setting from the perspective of healthcare administrators, rehabilitation providers, and cardiac patients

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    Background: Despite clinical practice guideline recommendations that cardiovascular disease patients participate, cardiac rehabilitation (CR) programs are highly unavailable and underutilized. This is particularly true in low-resource settings, where the epidemic is at its’ worst. The reasons are complex, and include health system, program and patient-level barriers. This is the first study to assess barriers at all these levels concurrently, and to do so in a lowresource setting. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, data from three cohorts (healthcare administrators, CR coordinators and patients) were triangulated. Healthcare administrators from all institutions offering cardiac services, and providers from all CR programs in public and private institutions of Minas Gerais state, Brazil were invited to complete a questionnaire. Patients from a random subsample of 12 outpatient cardiac clinics and 11 CR programs in these institutions completed the CR Barriers Scale. Results: Thirty-two (35.2%) healthcare administrators, 16 (28.6%) CR providers and 805 cardiac patients (305 [37.9%] attending CR) consented to participate. Administrators recognized the importance of CR, but also the lack of resources to deliver it; CR providers noted referral is lacking. Patients who were not enrolled in CR reported significantly greater barriers related to comorbidities/functional status, perceived need, personal/family issues and access than enrollees, and enrollees reported travel/work conflicts as greater barriers than non-enrollees (all p < 0.01). Conclusions: The inter-relationship among barriers at each level is evident; without resources to offer more programs, there are no programs to which physicians can refer (and hence inform and encourage patients to attend), and patients will continue to have barriers related to distance, cost and transport. Advocacy for services is needed. Keywords: Health care services, Cardiac rehabilitation, Cardiac care facilities, Attitude of health personnelYork University Librarie

    Population structure and relative growth of freshwater prawn Macrobrachium amazonicum (HELLER, 1862) (Crustacea, Palaemonidae) in two regions of the State of Amapá, Amazon River mouth, Brazil.

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    Macrobrachium amazonicum is an indigenous prawn vastly distributed in basins of South America, widely exploited by artisanal fisheries in northern and northeastern Brazil and, with great potential for aquaculture. This study aimed at examining the population biology with emphasis on the sex ratio and size frequency distribution. The specimens were analyzed in terms of population structure , sexual ratio, size frequency distribution, recruitment and the relative gr owth was compared by sex and seasons. A number of 5,179 (2,977 females and 2,192 males) were collected monthly using 20 matapis. The sex ratio in both areas was favorable to females with 1:1.36 in Santana Island and 1:1.41 in Mazagão Velho. The monthly distribution of absolute frequency of juveniles , adult males and females varied according to the season in the two areas studied. Adult females were more abundant in the rainier period; while the adult males and females were similarly abundant in the less rain y period. In Santana Island, females were significantly larger than males, while the sizes were similar between sexes in Mazagão Velho. The regression equations applied to the data shown positive allometry in all relations , with r² more than 0.94 in both sex and sites

    Perfil das comunidades quilombolas paraibanas: índice de vulnerabilidade socioeconômica e ecológica para o desenvolvimento sustentável local - ISE.

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    O estudo possibilitou definir as dimensões: social, econômica e ecológica das comunidades quilombolas paraibanas. A situação de vulnerabilidade de cada Grupo (cluster means) foi codificada e geoespacializada em um Sistema Geográfico de Informação (SGI) por setor censitário do Estado da Paraíba, após a construção de um índice classificatório correspondente as 38 comunidades quilombolas pesquisadas in loco. Os perfis das Comunidades apresentados para o conjunto do Índice de vulnerabilidade socioeconômica e ecológica (ISE) foram altamente significativos, identificando a necessidade de políticas públicas mais efetivas, por localidades, simplificando significativamente, o investimento dos Programas socioambientais já previstos pelos governos: federal, estadual e municipais em benefício da região

    Parâmetros genéticos para produções parciais acumuladas e total de leite, em cabras meio sangue Pardo Alpina x Moxotó.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar 696 lactações de 246 cabras meio sangue Pardo Alpina x Moxotó, filhas de 20 reprodutores, oriundas da Embrapa Caprinos, paridas no período de 1989 a 1994. No modelo, incluiu-se os efeitos fixos estação-ano de parição, ordem de lactação e tipo de parto e os efeitos aleatários reprodutor, cabra dentro de reprodutor e erro. As cabras foram mantidas em pastagem nativa e suplementadas no período seco. As estimativas de herdabilidades foram 0,20+/-0,13; 0,34+/-0,17; 0,35+/-0,18 e 0,34+/-0,17 e 0,33+/-0,16 para as produções mensais aos 30, 60, 90 e 120 dias de lactação e para a produção total, respectivamente. As estimativas de herdabilidade sugerem que a seleção de reprodutores poderá ser feita por meio da produção de leite de suas filhas. Foram verificadas altas e positivas correlações genéticas e fenotípicas entre as produções parciais acumulada de leite, indicando que a seleção poderá ser realizada com base nasproduções parcias de leite. GENETIC PARAMETERS FOR PARTIAL AND TOTAL MILK PRODUCTION IN ALPINE X MOXOTO GOATS. ABSTRACT: The objective of this work was to study 696 lactations of 246 Alpine x Moxotó goats, daughters of 20 sires, originating from Embrapa Caprinos, in the period from 1989 to 1994. In the model, it was included the fixed effects of station-year of calving, parturition order and lambing type and the random effects of sire, dam within sire and error. The goats were maintained in native pasture and supplemented in the dry period. The heritabilities were 0.20+/-0.13; 0.34+/-0.17; 0.35+/-0.18 and 0.34+/-0.17 and 0.33+/-0.16 for the monthly productions at 30, 60, 90 and 120 days of lactation and for the total milk yield, respectively. These heritabilities suggest that the selection of sires could be made through the milk yield of their daughters. High and positive genetic and phenotypic correlations were verified among the partial milk yield, indicating that the selection can be accomplished with base in the partial milk yield

    Interceptação da radiação solar por genótipos de feijão sob deficiência hídrica.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de avaliar a interceptação da radiação solar pelas linhagens elite de feijoeiro do programa de melhoramento dessa cultura na Embrapa, sob deficiência hídrica, na Estação Experimental da Emater, em Porangatu, GO.CONAFE